It's been a really up and down 24 hours.
I got a shipment notification on all of my 5k goodies yesterday, and when I went to check the anticipated delivery date, it said delivered. So, I had all of my stuff for my 5k for today.
Unfortunately, my 5k plans with my friend were upended by COVID. I got a text from her yesterday afternoon that her husband wasn't feeling well and was going to get tested. She asked if I wanted to postpone or go ahead with things. I opted to postpone, which turned out to be a really good thing...because he tested positive. He's feeling really cruddy today and she's now losing her sense of taste. I am just thankful that she was up front about this, because if she chanced it, I would have been exposed this morning. It came right on the heels of another good friend telling me they all also tested positive yesterday. Not that I want anyone to be sick, but they worry me so much with this. The husband has heart issues and she has Lupus. So, I'm praying they get through this without any real issues. In other COVID news, we were supposed to be down three kids at softball last night due to exposure quarantine, but two out of three were there. So, now we're trying to find out if they miscalculated their quarantine dates or if they (and the coach) knowingly put us all at risk. And of course, only about 1/4 of the people out there masked up. The kids are now supposed to be wearing masks in the dugout, and my daughter kept hers on, but she said some of the kids are pulling anti-masking crud. We've been getting all kinds of spiels from the coach about staying home if we're sick or been exposed as well as taking precautions when we are together, so I'm not happy. So now we have to wait to hear more from him. I don't want to get sick, I don't want to be in quarantine when we're getting ready to travel to see my parents, and I don't want any of the other people around us out there who are taking more precautions to be at risk because of other people's ignorance, hypocrisy and selfishness. we are taking precautions.
I still went out this morning to put in my miles. I was the only person I saw out there with a mask. I wasn't feeling it, so I just put in 3.5 miles and went home. I only even snapped one pic!
I biked for about 3 miles after that and did some arms, but I'm just sort of over it for today.
And if I sound extra grumpy, it doesn't help that my next door neighbors filed an HOA complaint about our construction debris. Everyone else has had the decency to strike up a conversation if we didn't have the chance to talk to them first, but them...they haven't acknowledged us for at least a good 6 months...maybe longer...when we've tried to say hi. It was already supposed to be hauled off this week. On top of that, the camera lens I treated myself to hasn't gone out and the Amazon store the sale went through is MIA. Thankfully, I haven't been charged yet, but I wanted my new toy! Oh, and one of the pugs got out again...followed me home, but ran off before I could get him in. So, now I have all of these people on NextDoor reaching out to me because I'm the last person to publicly share that I've had interaction with the owners. I'm not in the mood to be playing go between with lost dogs. least my older one's glove was found. That's a plus. Hopefully the day will get better.