working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I felt so much anger and anxiety reading everything with your bike saga. The screws falling out is really scary. That's the kind of stuff that was flooding my mind yesterday when the service rep said they were having trouble getting it back together. It was good that I read this before car dealings for the day because it served as a reminder that this chapter isn't over until I'm driving off in my vehicle. In fact, the going over there and being told it would be late from your bike madness helped me with some decisions I had to make with today...because even picking up a repaired vehicle confirmed to be ready can be drama!

The vehicle was purchased new back in mid-March and is currently under manufacturer's warranty as well as dealer warranty. So, I took it to the service dept of the dealer where I bought it. This dealer and service center gets pretty decent reviews, so I wasn't overly concerned at first. It was an a/c repair and while it's been nearly 20 years, my last vehicle with a/c issues was also a 3 week job with a lot of frustration. Totally different issue, but I guess all of this stuff is deep in the car and requires a lot of disassembly to just get to it. It's like a big car puzzle.
Well, I hope I didn't give you any extra anxiety about the car repairs...that's the last thing you need! The place we got the bikes was a reputable place, too. And we figured our first experience was a fluke. The guy was really helpful in picking out the right bike for E. She needed something that will last for a few years while she's in school, but not be too expensive, and she needed a way to get her books back and forth, and her gym bag, etc...he was very knowledgeable about the bikes they sold and what she would need. They just weren't reliable with the communication and delivery once you picked the one you needed. And rather than admitting that they were going to be late with it, they would just avoid talking to us or make an excuse. "Oh.....sorry. I'm just on my way out the door. Can't talk right now." or "Oh, it was late coming in." "There was an emergency repair" (translation, someone whose repair is going to make them more money.) I'm a pretty patient and understanding person, so I understand things happen. But when 10 things happen in succession, AND they don't communicate that something happened until I call to find out what's going on, I lose faith in their honesty and feel like they really aren't that worried about helping me because I'm not forking over as much as someone else. If it was late coming in, me. Tell me it was late. Too many people call in sick and there's too much for the few people to do? Fine....let me know that it will be late. This was just like the boy who called wolf too many times. After a while, you lose credibility.

I have to say, it would worry me that the car dealership says they are having problems getting it back together...isn't that kind of their job? I mean....they have been trained for this, right? Shouldn't they know how things go together? If just anyone could do it, we wouldn't need mechanics. We pay them the big bucks because they are supposed to know what they are doing. But that would not inspire much confidence in their work. I'm so sorry you are getting the run around. I hope you have it back, fully functional, and put back together correctly, really soon!!


Well-Known Member
Day 3 in the gym. I had 0 desire to get out of bed, but I did it. 15.35 miles on the bike, a little over 8 minutes on the climber and some more arms. I was running a little late and didn't have time to play games with flipping over bluetooth, so I skipped music on the climber and just kept watching some cooking show on Netflix called Crazy Delicious. I don't love the show, but I do enjoy the creativity. I thought I'd be more into it because I like Carla Hall, but a college friend ate at Heston Blumenthal's 'The Fat Duck' several years ago and it's been interesting to hear little snippets of his creativity in this show.

I need to decide what to do tomorrow. The older one is finally having her braces removed. We have a 7:10am appointment and will be leaving the house right around 7. I won't be allowed inside, so it's unlikely they'll have to smell me if I don't have time to shower or even change, but I don't know if I'm in the mood to get up early. I guess if my cooling gaiter arrives tomorrow I could skip the gym and walk/run early evening.

I did also get my vehicle back today, but just like the last 3+ weeks, it didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. At several points in this, I escalated things to the manager...including yesterday. I got a call just before lunch that it was ready, but that the guy handling things just needed to finish up my paperwork. Said it would only be 20-30 minutes and I should be getting a call or text. Well, an hour went by and nothing, so I texted that I was on my way and it would take me 30 min to get there. When I got there, they wanted to charge me for new wiper blades that I supposedly requested. It's a new's barely been driven...why would I need new wiper blades? It took about 10 minutes, but we got it worked out. I wasn't paying either way. Then I had to wait longer because they didn't wash the car...that's one of their musts when you go in for service. BUT...I was able to drive it home and the a/c is blowing cold. Hopefully, it stays that way and I have no other issues. Fingers crossed!
Well, I'm glad you got it back anyway. Let's hope it remains in working condition! How frustrating!!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Day 3 in the gym. I had 0 desire to get out of bed, but I did it. 15.35 miles on the bike, a little over 8 minutes on the climber and some more arms. I was running a little late and didn't have time to play games with flipping over bluetooth, so I skipped music on the climber and just kept watching some cooking show on Netflix called Crazy Delicious. I don't love the show, but I do enjoy the creativity. I thought I'd be more into it because I like Carla Hall, but a college friend ate at Heston Blumenthal's 'The Fat Duck' several years ago and it's been interesting to hear little snippets of his creativity in this show.

I need to decide what to do tomorrow. The older one is finally having her braces removed. We have a 7:10am appointment and will be leaving the house right around 7. I won't be allowed inside, so it's unlikely they'll have to smell me if I don't have time to shower or even change, but I don't know if I'm in the mood to get up early. I guess if my cooling gaiter arrives tomorrow I could skip the gym and walk/run early evening.

I did also get my vehicle back today, but just like the last 3+ weeks, it didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. At several points in this, I escalated things to the manager...including yesterday. I got a call just before lunch that it was ready, but that the guy handling things just needed to finish up my paperwork. Said it would only be 20-30 minutes and I should be getting a call or text. Well, an hour went by and nothing, so I texted that I was on my way and it would take me 30 min to get there. When I got there, they wanted to charge me for new wiper blades that I supposedly requested. It's a new's barely been driven...why would I need new wiper blades? It took about 10 minutes, but we got it worked out. I wasn't paying either way. Then I had to wait longer because they didn't wash the car...that's one of their musts when you go in for service. BUT...I was able to drive it home and the a/c is blowing cold. Hopefully, it stays that way and I have no other issues. Fingers crossed!

Yay for a car with functioning a/c in a Houston summer! 🎉 At least you have somewhere climate controlled to wait for your daughter.

I remember getting my braces off. It felt weird, I felt like I had no teeth. LOL

I swear, these dealerships try stuff on. It's like they put on things that aren't crazy expensive and see if the customer challenges them or not. Windshield wipers at the dealership are a rip off. You can get them at an auto parts store for much less money.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I felt so much anger and anxiety reading everything with your bike saga. The screws falling out is really scary. That's the kind of stuff that was flooding my mind yesterday when the service rep said they were having trouble getting it back together. It was good that I read this before car dealings for the day because it served as a reminder that this chapter isn't over until I'm driving off in my vehicle. In fact, the going over there and being told it would be late from your bike madness helped me with some decisions I had to make with today...because even picking up a repaired vehicle confirmed to be ready can be drama!

The vehicle was purchased new back in mid-March and is currently under manufacturer's warranty as well as dealer warranty. So, I took it to the service dept of the dealer where I bought it. This dealer and service center gets pretty decent reviews, so I wasn't overly concerned at first. It was an a/c repair and while it's been nearly 20 years, my last vehicle with a/c issues was also a 3 week job with a lot of frustration. Totally different issue, but I guess all of this stuff is deep in the car and requires a lot of disassembly to just get to it. It's like a big car puzzle.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ✨

I woke at 4 AM from some crazy pants dream about my husband enlisting in the military. I was so incredibly livid with him, it woke me up and my heart was racing. :hilarious: I knew I couldn't go back to sleep, so I just got up for the day. I am usually up around ~5 nowadays anyway. So, I enjoyed a cup of coffee and went downstairs to do my barre workout. Sometimes, I really like these workouts. Sometimes they fall flat for me. I liked today's workout, but some of them don't get my heart rate up.

I'd like to go out for a walk, but I just don't enjoy them anymore. I used to love walking outside with my music, now it just feels like another item to tick off my daily list. I don't know if it's because I am constantly scanning the environment to see if I need to move? Something new I have noticed is a lot of smokers walking. Last week, this dude was puffing on cigar. :grumpy: I could smell it long before I saw him.

I was thinking of going to Longwood Gardens, because they have one of those plants that smell like rotting flesh that's about to bloom, but I am guessing that might be crowded. It's indoors and I am thinking a lot of people while have their masks down when they are around it. Plus, I am not sure I want to smell rotting flesh. Last Fall, someone struck a deer on my street and kindly deposited its corpse in the woods next to my house riiiiiiight next to my property line. It was a disgusting two weeks and I'd love to find the jerk who did that. So, no, I don't need to smell a flower with a death pong. :p


Well-Known Member
Wow. First of all, glad the a/c got fixed after all that. It must have been so frustrating dealing with these people though -- it's like they have no concern for anyone else's time. And the windshield wiper blades when you never asked for those? Good grief. Glad you got that removed from the bill.

On a positive note, they put me in a loaner for the bulk of this ordeal. It was over a week before they had a loaner on par with my vehicle (I declined...didn't want to make the drive to swap out), but thankful to have something during this time. The advisor who has worked with me was out on vacation for a week, and I strongly suspect he was experiencing vacation brain. So, while it was frustrating and I would have put up a fight if they tried to make me pay for those blades, I've been there too and am trying to be sympathetic. At least I've got it back and hopefully it fixes the issue for good.


Well-Known Member
Well, I hope I didn't give you any extra anxiety about the car repairs...that's the last thing you need! The place we got the bikes was a reputable place, too. And we figured our first experience was a fluke. The guy was really helpful in picking out the right bike for E. She needed something that will last for a few years while she's in school, but not be too expensive, and she needed a way to get her books back and forth, and her gym bag, etc...he was very knowledgeable about the bikes they sold and what she would need. They just weren't reliable with the communication and delivery once you picked the one you needed. And rather than admitting that they were going to be late with it, they would just avoid talking to us or make an excuse. "Oh.....sorry. I'm just on my way out the door. Can't talk right now." or "Oh, it was late coming in." "There was an emergency repair" (translation, someone whose repair is going to make them more money.) I'm a pretty patient and understanding person, so I understand things happen. But when 10 things happen in succession, AND they don't communicate that something happened until I call to find out what's going on, I lose faith in their honesty and feel like they really aren't that worried about helping me because I'm not forking over as much as someone else. If it was late coming in, me. Tell me it was late. Too many people call in sick and there's too much for the few people to do? Fine....let me know that it will be late. This was just like the boy who called wolf too many times. After a while, you lose credibility.

I have to say, it would worry me that the car dealership says they are having problems getting it back together...isn't that kind of their job? I mean....they have been trained for this, right? Shouldn't they know how things go together? If just anyone could do it, we wouldn't need mechanics. We pay them the big bucks because they are supposed to know what they are doing. But that would not inspire much confidence in their work. I'm so sorry you are getting the run around. I hope you have it back, fully functional, and put back together correctly, really soon!!

It's OK. Like I said, it proved to be beneficial when it came to yesterday's headaches. I think you hit the nail on the head...when it's not just one or two issues and they pile on, it makes even the most understanding customers pretty upset. Transparency about issues/delays goes pretty far with me...and with a lot of people. It's just nice to know what's going on.

And I hopefully will never know if it was just a poor choice of words for the advisor or if the technician was truly having problems. The other techs and the manager expressed that it wasn't an easy job just because of everything it takes to get to this part of the vehicle and the amount of disassembly required. So, I'd really like to think that the one guy was trying to communicate the same. I hope. Either way, I have her back and so far, so good.


Well-Known Member
Yay for a car with functioning a/c in a Houston summer! 🎉 At least you have somewhere climate controlled to wait for your daughter.

I remember getting my braces off. It felt weird, I felt like I had no teeth. LOL

I swear, these dealerships try stuff on. It's like they put on things that aren't crazy expensive and see if the customer challenges them or not. Windshield wipers at the dealership are a rip off. You can get them at an auto parts store for much less money.

Yes! I'm happy to have "her" back. Yeah...I name my vehicles. I had the loaner long enough that I even named her too. It's just too hot here to go without functioning a/c. Thankfully, our orthodontist offers early morning appointments on Thursdays, so sitting in the car at 7am isn't too bad.

She says it feels weird and she's relearning her smile 🤣 , but she got her favorite tech this morning, so the removal went really well. She was being 13 and refused to take her phone inside and take a picture of the message board congratulating her, but I at least got all of the pictures afterwards. They also sent her home with a decorated bag of popcorn and a goodie bag of candies that she hasn't been able to eat for 3 years. She's spent her morning eating Tootsie Rolls and taffy and will be having an afternoon snack of popcorn. Her second retainer fitting is next week....sparkly green glow in the dark was her choice. LOL I figure I have a much better chance of finding that vs. the all clear ones.

He swears he had a request from another client and confused it with me. I haven't had to do it on this vehicle, but I usually replace my own blades. It's a lot cheaper and it's usually not too challenging.


Well-Known Member
I decided to stick to an indoor workout with my lunch break and some meeting time. With the songs I selected, I was up to almost 15 minutes on the climber today and again, did arms right after. During the meeting, I biked 15.77 miles. I started out doing some light arms while I biked, but couldn't reach my weights after I moved my bike up to my computer. Hey, at least I could see everything in our meeting while getting in my workout. I just wasn't up for an ultra early workout wake-up call before going to the orthodontist. I debated about walking this evening, but it's currently 98 with a heat index of 111. The older one also gave me a list of things she wants me to get at the store that she hasn't been able to eat in 3 years...hard to turn that down. :) So, that will take the place of that evening walk I was thinking about.


Well-Known Member
Yes! I'm happy to have "her" back. Yeah...I name my vehicles. I had the loaner long enough that I even named her too. It's just too hot here to go without functioning a/c. Thankfully, our orthodontist offers early morning appointments on Thursdays, so sitting in the car at 7am isn't too bad.

She says it feels weird and she's relearning her smile 🤣 , but she got her favorite tech this morning, so the removal went really well. She was being 13 and refused to take her phone inside and take a picture of the message board congratulating her, but I at least got all of the pictures afterwards. They also sent her home with a decorated bag of popcorn and a goodie bag of candies that she hasn't been able to eat for 3 years. She's spent her morning eating Tootsie Rolls and taffy and will be having an afternoon snack of popcorn. Her second retainer fitting is next week....sparkly green glow in the dark was her choice. LOL I figure I have a much better chance of finding that vs. the all clear ones.

He swears he had a request from another client and confused it with me. I haven't had to do it on this vehicle, but I usually replace my own blades. It's a lot cheaper and it's usually not too challenging.
MMMMM...tootsie rolls. That's something I miss from the States! How sweet that they send the kids home with all the things they haven't been able to eat with their braces. That's so cool that they do that. My brother had braces for 4 years and I just stopped chewing gum and such because he couldn't have it and I thought it was mean to chew gum in front of him when he couldn't have it. But I could have it when my brother wasn't around...I know it's hard not to be able to eat all those things!


Well-Known Member
MMMMM...tootsie rolls. That's something I miss from the States! How sweet that they send the kids home with all the things they haven't been able to eat with their braces. That's so cool that they do that. My brother had braces for 4 years and I just stopped chewing gum and such because he couldn't have it and I thought it was mean to chew gum in front of him when he couldn't have it. But I could have it when my brother wasn't around...I know it's hard not to be able to eat all those things!

I bought her a bag of Tootsie Rolls and saltwater taffy at the market. I love Tootsie Rolls, but she went straight for the taffy. She's been craving taffy ever since our time in Estes Park last summer. She really wanted candy corn. There was plenty a week ago and now it's gone. Her orthodontist actually allowed her to chew gum and we never had any problems with it. She always broke brackets on silly shrimp and at the dentist! The ortho even gave gum as a treat if his techs gave them an A for the month for routine cleaning/brushing. I'm a huge fan of our orthodontist. He could have retired years ago (he's in his late 70s), but he loves what he does. The treats are in line with all of the little stuff (and big stuff) he has for the kids. From stickers and pens every visit (big kids like this too), shirt and other goodies when you start, to full size arcade games in a side room off from the general waiting area... he really tries to make it fun. And for the parents, he keeps HGTV type of stuff on in the lobby and offers ultra early appointments on Thursday when the kids have late school arrival, so they don't miss school and we don't miss much work. Had I grown up in this town, he probably would have been my orthodontist had I needed braces! 😯 We have some family friends who have lived in this town since the 1970s, their kids aren't too much younger than us, and they actually went to the same ortho! I never had my younger one give up foods that her sister couldn't have with the braces. I guess we were already used to some food inequality due to the older one's food allergies.

It took several hours and some hair straightening, but by the end of the day, she remembered how to smile like a normal person. 🤣




Well-Known Member
I bought her a bag of Tootsie Rolls and saltwater taffy at the market. I love Tootsie Rolls, but she went straight for the taffy. She's been craving taffy ever since our time in Estes Park last summer. She really wanted candy corn. There was plenty a week ago and now it's gone. Her orthodontist actually allowed her to chew gum and we never had any problems with it. She always broke brackets on silly shrimp and at the dentist! The ortho even gave gum as a treat if his techs gave them an A for the month for routine cleaning/brushing. I'm a huge fan of our orthodontist. He could have retired years ago (he's in his late 70s), but he loves what he does. The treats are in line with all of the little stuff (and big stuff) he has for the kids. From stickers and pens every visit (big kids like this too), shirt and other goodies when you start, to full size arcade games in a side room off from the general waiting area... he really tries to make it fun. And for the parents, he keeps HGTV type of stuff on in the lobby and offers ultra early appointments on Thursday when the kids have late school arrival, so they don't miss school and we don't miss much work. Had I grown up in this town, he probably would have been my orthodontist had I needed braces! 😯 We have some family friends who have lived in this town since the 1970s, their kids aren't too much younger than us, and they actually went to the same ortho! I never had my younger one give up foods that her sister couldn't have with the braces. I guess we were already used to some food inequality due to the older one's food allergies.

It took several hours and some hair straightening, but by the end of the day, she remembered how to smile like a normal person. 🤣


That's still really cool...not every ortho does those things. I remember my brother hating to have to go to the ortho. And he was only supposed to have braces for 2 years. He had them on for 4 and a family friend of ours worked for an Ortho and she couldn't understand why they hadn't taken them off yet. We think they may have just been milking patients, making them keep them on way longer than they needed to, to make more money on the adjustments and such. But we were on vacation visiting the friend who worked for an ortho and she was like "There's no reason they should still be on. Your teeth look fine....want me to take them off?" And he said yes please and she removed them. The fact that the ortho didn't throw a fit tells me that he knew they were ready to come off and he really couldn't fight it.

My mom didn't make me avoid those foods.....I just did it myself because I didn't want to be mean. I'm a bit of an overly-empathetic person. It drives my husband nuts sometimes because I don't ever want to make someone feel bad, or let them down. My daughter is the same way.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Yes! I'm happy to have "her" back. Yeah...I name my vehicles. I had the loaner long enough that I even named her too. It's just too hot here to go without functioning a/c. Thankfully, our orthodontist offers early morning appointments on Thursdays, so sitting in the car at 7am isn't too bad.

She says it feels weird and she's relearning her smile 🤣 , but she got her favorite tech this morning, so the removal went really well. She was being 13 and refused to take her phone inside and take a picture of the message board congratulating her, but I at least got all of the pictures afterwards. They also sent her home with a decorated bag of popcorn and a goodie bag of candies that she hasn't been able to eat for 3 years. She's spent her morning eating Tootsie Rolls and taffy and will be having an afternoon snack of popcorn. Her second retainer fitting is next week....sparkly green glow in the dark was her choice. LOL I figure I have a much better chance of finding that vs. the all clear ones.

He swears he had a request from another client and confused it with me. I haven't had to do it on this vehicle, but I usually replace my own blades. It's a lot cheaper and it's usually not too challenging.

Aw, what did you name your car? I have spoken to mine when I have driven though snowstorms and sheets of driving rain. I even patted the steering wheel in a gesture of thanks. :hilarious:

That's so sweet of the orthodontist to give her all the treats she couldn't enjoy for the past three years. I love Tootsie Rolls, especially the fruity ones and the vanilla ones--which I only ever see at Halloween and Christmas. That's so cool they have glow in the dark retainers now, when I had my retainer it was just the clear one.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

Another 4 AM wake up. :P I just went with it and did what I did yesterday. Today was a core workout. 👎 Not my favorite body focus. I'm probably not going out for a walk today, since we're getting rain from that storm out in the Atlantic. I guess that's a sign I should do some chores I have been putting off. It might be good napping weather--darkened room with a steady rain on the roof.:p

I might bake something today. I have had Reese's Peanut Butter Chips in my pantry for a while, it might be the perfect time to bake some chocolate peanut butter cookies. 🍪

Tonight is Chinese carry out, because it's Friday and I am Miss Lazy Pants.


Premium Member
@Sans Souci , I thought of you while watching the news yesterday. The report was about the number of airline personnel losing their jobs during the pandemic. In an odd way, perhaps it may have been for the best that those large group interviews did not work out for you, after all. Just a thought only. (I do feel bad for all those people who lost their jobs.) :(


Well-Known Member
That's still really cool...not every ortho does those things. I remember my brother hating to have to go to the ortho. And he was only supposed to have braces for 2 years. He had them on for 4 and a family friend of ours worked for an Ortho and she couldn't understand why they hadn't taken them off yet. We think they may have just been milking patients, making them keep them on way longer than they needed to, to make more money on the adjustments and such. But we were on vacation visiting the friend who worked for an ortho and she was like "There's no reason they should still be on. Your teeth look fine....want me to take them off?" And he said yes please and she removed them. The fact that the ortho didn't throw a fit tells me that he knew they were ready to come off and he really couldn't fight it.

My mom didn't make me avoid those foods.....I just did it myself because I didn't want to be mean. I'm a bit of an overly-empathetic person. It drives my husband nuts sometimes because I don't ever want to make someone feel bad, or let them down. My daughter is the same way.

I'm not sure if K really enjoyed going, but I'm glad we went with him for the kids' ortho care. We moved to this town in the summer of 2017 and had a relatively small window if we wanted K in braces before the start of middle school. Normally, you find a dentist first and the dentist will recommend some orthos, but our dentist on the other side of town didn't know anyone up here, so we did it backwards and it worked out well. K has a tiny mouth and it's never comfortable when anyone has to work on her teeth. It's also that tiny mouth that led to unsightly overcrowding that landed her in braces in the first place. Both kids have experienced slow growth with some of their adult teeth, so this was the reason for the delay in getting her braces off. Still, we probably would have gotten a second opinion from a softball dad we met last year who is also an orthodontist. That's absolutely crazy with your brother. I couldn't imagine an ortho just leaving them on for no good reason.

That's sweet of you! I was going to sounds so much like how you've described your daughter! My girls do things like that now and then, but they also have lots of times where they are miserable to each other and make us crazy! 🤪


Well-Known Member
Aw, what did you name your car? I have spoken to mine when I have driven though snowstorms and sheets of driving rain. I even patted the steering wheel in a gesture of thanks. :hilarious:

That's so sweet of the orthodontist to give her all the treats she couldn't enjoy for the past three years. I love Tootsie Rolls, especially the fruity ones and the vanilla ones--which I only ever see at Halloween and Christmas. That's so cool they have glow in the dark retainers now, when I had my retainer it was just the clear one.

The loaner was a Jetta, so I called her Judy (Judy Jetta-son). I tend to give my vehicles long names, sort of like a show dog, but derive a nickname from that long name. The Atlas is nicknamed Helga-Brigitta, or just Helga for short. Her long name is in German and includes a little profanity, so I won't write it out. It's funny though because it questions her background. VW is obviously a German automaker, but she was made in Tennessee. So, her full name questions if she can even speak her native language. I haven't decided if it's funnier to say the full German name in a German accent or in a southern drawl. 🤣

We've been really happy with the ortho and the treats were the icing on the cake. As a kid, these are the things she'll remember, but as the parent, I'm going to remember all of the little things they did on their off days or skeleton crew days to keep her comfortable. I also LOVE the other flavors of Tootsie Rolls! I have a friend who shuns them and makes a big deal out of them being "unnatural." 😂 I like to eat a vanilla and orange at the same time so I get a Tootsie Roll creamsicle.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
@Sans Souci , I thought of you while watching the news yesterday. The report was about the number of airline personnel losing their jobs during the pandemic. In an odd way, perhaps it may have been for the best that those large group interviews did not work out for you, after all. Just a thought only. (I do feel bad for all those people who lost their jobs.) :(

It's crazy. There was a leaked memo that American was going to lay off 8,000 FA last week. I don't know if that turned to be true or not. I probably would have had to work a *lot* if I'd been hired. The older FAs want to stay home, because their age is a risk factor. Also for the longest time, the airlines weren't letting FAs wear masks on the flights until the union breathed down the industry's back.

I read an article that passengers tried to socially distance on an AA flight recently by speeding out into empty seats. The empty seats were uncharge seats, so the FAs made them go back to their original seats or pay the upcharge. I don't think I could do that and I don't think I want to work with people who think that's acceptable. I wouldn't feel comfortable telling people to go sit next to someone who potentially asymptomatic.

It's all so ridiculous because they just received a grant from Uncle Sam to keep people on the job. Use the money for its intent--don't pocket it for c-suite bonuses.

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