working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
You've had a lot on your plate lately, and it's understandable that you're a little down. Just take everything a day at a time, especially with all the various restrictions and keeping up with the continual updates. Kinda sounds like what we went through up here in the Northeast for months, when our area surged in cases.

Things will improve in time, and just keep that thought in mind to help you get through everything. Anyway, glad your car is back now, as that will help you get around and see things outside of the house. Even if you're just going to the grocery store, it's a brief change of scenery and can give you a little lift. Hang in there.

P.S.: Love the jellybean 4th of July cake, and the icebox truffles and cookie!! :hungry:

It's strange because it's not really all that heavily locked down. March and April felt so much worse than this. Back then, there was more fear. Now it's more of a how can we safely get back to some normalcy vibe and of course, some people disregarded the "safely" and others are getting nasty about things. We still go out, but I hate walking up on mask fights now that they're mandatory. Hopefully, we'll be able to go on our reimagined vacation next week to really get away.

Sadly...I did not get my vehicle back yet. :mad: When I called yesterday, they said maybe late evening but probably this morning. When I called this morning, they said not yet, but probably by the end of the day today. I can't share all of the words and things I want to say about that right now.

Thanks! I was hoping for red, white and blue sprinkles but I could only find a hard candy kind that previously broke my daughter's braces brackets. She's getting them removed on Thursday and I didn't want to do anything to impact that, so we went with jelly beans. Much safer.


Well-Known Member
Just to reiterate what others are saying, this is a stressful time right now. There is so much uncertainty, they keep coming out with new and conflicting info on this virus. All of the little mundane activities we used to do are restricted and it starts to feel like we have no agency. Then add in the other irritations life throws at us and every combined just feels awful together. It's like they are saying right now, "It's ok not to feel ok."

Your 4th of July feast looks amazing! I love the jelly beans on the cake as fireworks, that's really clever. The feta shrimp pasta salad is right up my alley. :)

It's so much of that. I'll spare everyone my laundry list of grievances and frustrations, because I'm sure we all have them and the hurdles and unknowns we need to get by to make it all work. I should be thankful, because it really could be so much worse. I keep thinking that if they could get me my vehicle back, I could mentally allow myself to do the last minute trip planning stuff and start actually looking forward to this upcoming travel.

Thanks! At first, I was just going to do the border of jellybeans, but I had so many left over and I didn't want to just eat them all (because I was in that sort of place), so they became fireworks. I'm hoping I can figure out what went wrong with the salad, because it used to be one of my signature dishes. I worked in a seafood place when I lived in FL and they did a very similar salad with crab meat. The original version involves a homemade dressing made of mayo, tomato basil feta, and chopped black olives. Then it had tricolor rotini, cut up shrimp, and diced plum tomatoes. Salt, pepper and garlic to taste. So, I need to figure out why it was so watery.


Well-Known Member
Two days in a row hitting the gym. I biked again ... not totally feeling it again, but went a smidge farther and put in 15.45 miles. I also got on the mountain climber again. My body isn't ready to get back to the 30 minute sessions I worked up to in spring of 2019, but I was able to last for 2, about 8 minutes. I'm planning on baby steps with it and try and keep it more fun vs. about time. So, I guess maybe by the end of the week, I'll add on another song. I thought about doing legs afterwards, but they're a bit sore from the climber, so I did more arms.

I went to the market yesterday and saw a bunch of people walking, biking and running at various points. No visible masks on any of them. I'm not shaming them or anything like that, I just worry with the order that you technically need one when passing people and I don't want to get yelled at or shamed on our town site for not having one. I bought a cooling gaiter that should arrive Thursday, We'll see if it's tolerable. At the very least, it might be good for softball since I think it's going to be around 100 all weekend and it's likely going to be required of people watching the games.


Well-Known Member
It's strange because it's not really all that heavily locked down. March and April felt so much worse than this. Back then, there was more fear. Now it's more of a how can we safely get back to some normalcy vibe and of course, some people disregarded the "safely" and others are getting nasty about things. We still go out, but I hate walking up on mask fights now that they're mandatory. Hopefully, we'll be able to go on our reimagined vacation next week to really get away.

Sadly...I did not get my vehicle back yet. :mad: When I called yesterday, they said maybe late evening but probably this morning. When I called this morning, they said not yet, but probably by the end of the day today. I can't share all of the words and things I want to say about that right now.

Thanks! I was hoping for red, white and blue sprinkles but I could only find a hard candy kind that previously broke my daughter's braces brackets. She's getting them removed on Thursday and I didn't want to do anything to impact that, so we went with jelly beans. Much safer.
I hate it when they do that, keep pushing back the time/date you'll get something (back). We ordered a bike for E a couple of years ago, and they said it would be in by Saturday at the latest, but they'd call when it was ready, but Saturday they didn't have it. By the next week, we still hadn't heard anything, so we called and they told us it had been sitting there for days. They said it must have been an error in their system, because they called, but neither of us had a missed call, so I think it was just a line. We thought it was a fluke until we ordered A's bike from the same place. We ordered it and paid, then 10 minutes later they called to say that particular bike in that particular color only came with a leather bike seat, which cost more. They told us it would be ready by the next Saturday, but maybe earlier. I happened to be going past earlier and I went to check...they told me that it wasn't going to be in by that time. Why didn't anyone call us to tell us that? They said it would be ready by the Tuesday. So I went in on the Tuesday and they told me it had just come in and still needed to be assembled so I could pick it up the next day. Then it wasn't ready the next day, they would call when it was ready. We had called somewhere in there and the guy said he didn't know anything about it and the guy who did wasn't there. Then when we got ahold of the guy who knew what was going on, he blamed it on the guy who said he didn't know about it, saying he was supposed to call us, but when we called them, he knew nothing? So....he was supposed to call us to tell us nothing? The whole thing reeked of a coverup for incompetence. After taking 3 weeks instead of one, they finally said they'd deliver it when it was done. But then when they brought it, they hadn't put the lock on that we'd paid for, nor had they put on the bike bags we ordered, so then they had to take it back to install the lock and bags. But, that lock wasn't compatible with the kind of tires he had, so it wouldn't unlock. So then they had to remove that lock and replace it with a different one. There's also a sort of basket holder on the front because most kids use their bikes as transporation to school because you don't just go to the school closest to your house. You go to whichever one matches your level and what you want in a school. Some kids bike for over an hour to get to school, so they need a place to put their bag. Or adults use them to get groceries, etc. So anyway, the first time he rode the bike, the screws that held that in place fell out because they weren't screwed in tightly. I was supposed to go back and pay the extra cost for the seat and for the bike bags we added, and apply the cost difference for the different lock. I just never went back and they never sent a bill. We decided just to leave it....we'll call it interest and damages for the extremely crappy service. I gave them a bad review online and we won't go back there. We don't trust them. If it's going to take longer, fine, call me to let me know. But don't wait until I'm there at the agreed upon time and then tell me it will be late, and then keep pushing it back, making flimsy excuses that are obviously bogus only after I call.

Is this a garage you have used before? I'd think twice before using them again if this is standard operating procedure. You shouldn't have to keep calling because they are running late. They should be the ones reaching out to you if they can't make the deadline, and they should give you a rock solid reason why the deadline can't be met.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Two days in a row hitting the gym. I biked again ... not totally feeling it again, but went a smidge farther and put in 15.45 miles. I also got on the mountain climber again. My body isn't ready to get back to the 30 minute sessions I worked up to in spring of 2019, but I was able to last for 2, about 8 minutes. I'm planning on baby steps with it and try and keep it more fun vs. about time. So, I guess maybe by the end of the week, I'll add on another song. I thought about doing legs afterwards, but they're a bit sore from the climber, so I did more arms.

I went to the market yesterday and saw a bunch of people walking, biking and running at various points. No visible masks on any of them. I'm not shaming them or anything like that, I just worry with the order that you technically need one when passing people and I don't want to get yelled at or shamed on our town site for not having one. I bought a cooling gaiter that should arrive Thursday, We'll see if it's tolerable. At the very least, it might be good for softball since I think it's going to be around 100 all weekend and it's likely going to be required of people watching the games.

I don't wear a mask when I walk. I walk at a pretty fast clip and it's mid 90s swamp. I struggle to breathe. But I am going to start bringing one along for when I see someone coming who is not going to move over a bit. I know you still have to social distance with a mask, but wearing a mask for a few seconds when a selfish git won't move over a bit is better than nothing.

I tip my hat off for staying on anything stationary for 8 minutes, let alone 30! I think baby steps are the way to go when you've been away from something for awhile.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
It's so much of that. I'll spare everyone my laundry list of grievances and frustrations, because I'm sure we all have them and the hurdles and unknowns we need to get by to make it all work. I should be thankful, because it really could be so much worse. I keep thinking that if they could get me my vehicle back, I could mentally allow myself to do the last minute trip planning stuff and start actually looking forward to this upcoming travel.

Thanks! At first, I was just going to do the border of jellybeans, but I had so many left over and I didn't want to just eat them all (because I was in that sort of place), so they became fireworks. I'm hoping I can figure out what went wrong with the salad, because it used to be one of my signature dishes. I worked in a seafood place when I lived in FL and they did a very similar salad with crab meat. The original version involves a homemade dressing made of mayo, tomato basil feta, and chopped black olives. Then it had tricolor rotini, cut up shrimp, and diced plum tomatoes. Salt, pepper and garlic to taste. So, I need to figure out why it was so watery.

I made a dessert that didn't quite come out well. I made a yogurt "cheesecake." The cheesecake was a one liter of full fat Greek yogurt and a can of sweetened condensed milk. When I was heating them together in the microwave, I saw the whey from the yogurt separate out. I mixed it back in, but the mixture was grainy, like ricotta. I thought, OK, it's a ricotta cheesecake now, which I enjoy. I put in the fridge to set up. I took it out and with in 10 minutes, it started weeping clear liquid--lots of it. The crust got soggy and I had to toss it all out. I did have a taste and it tasted just ok. I think when I want cheesecake for a BBQ, I'll just make cheesecake in 1/2 pint jars that I cook in the crock pot. It's a bit more work, but I have yet to have it fail on me.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I did a cardio barre workout. I miss my yoga, but until my whatever this injury is heals, I am doing barre. Plus, yoga in the summer shreds off the skin on my big toes and they bleed. I am also going out for a walk later.

I'm getting carry outs for dinner tonight. I don't know what it is, but ever since this virus nonsense started, the enjoyment I got from cooking has just evaporated. I find myself looking for recipes that are for lazy people. I've even ordered pre-cut and pre-chopped veggies from the supermarket. :rolleyes: It's not just that, I also feel like I am having difficulty finding things that I actually want to eat.


Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I did a cardio barre workout. I miss my yoga, but until my whatever this injury is heals, I am doing barre. Plus, yoga in the summer shreds off the skin on my big toes and they bleed. I am also going out for a walk later.

I'm getting carry outs for dinner tonight. I don't know what it is, but ever since this virus nonsense started, the enjoyment I got from cooking has just evaporated. I find myself looking for recipes that are for lazy people. I've even ordered pre-cut and pre-chopped veggies from the supermarket. :rolleyes: It's not just that, I also feel like I am having difficulty finding things that I actually want to eat.
I have that issue of not wanting to eat. Nothing sounds good. I've been trying to do lots of fresh fruit and veggies, but I hate having to cut it all up, etc. Tomorrow night I'm off the hook. I'm declaring it a take out night because we have parent teacher conferences late in the afternoon and I have to work in the evening, so I don't know how much time I'll have after the school meeting to do dinner. We can just order online and have it delivered at a specific time. But I totally understand that not being excited about food right now.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Hope your ankle heals quickly and you got your pick of produce at the farmer's market.
Thank you I cleaned out the place. I almost feel a little guilty about getting all the first of the season tomatoes. I also got the guys eggs from the farmer they like. They're free range organic and almost worth the ride out to their place once the market closes for the season. All 2 of us there at opening had no problem staying 6 feet apart and even the vendors are wearing masks.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I don't wear a mask when I walk. I walk at a pretty fast clip and it's mid 90s swamp. I struggle to breathe. But I am going to start bringing one along for when I see someone coming who is not going to move over a bit. I know you still have to social distance with a mask, but wearing a mask for a few seconds when a selfish git won't move over a bit is better than nothing.

I tip my hat off for staying on anything stationary for 8 minutes, let alone 30! I think baby steps are the way to go when you've been away from something for awhile.
Just a little FYI as of today we have to have a mask outside when we aren't socially distanced. Hopefully those that won't move over will at least be following the new requirement

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I have that issue of not wanting to eat. Nothing sounds good. I've been trying to do lots of fresh fruit and veggies, but I hate having to cut it all up, etc. Tomorrow night I'm off the hook. I'm declaring it a take out night because we have parent teacher conferences late in the afternoon and I have to work in the evening, so I don't know how much time I'll have after the school meeting to do dinner. We can just order online and have it delivered at a specific time. But I totally understand that not being excited about food right now.

It's so unlike me, really. It's like yesterday I made a chicken chili and except for chopping onions, I just had to dump everything into the Crock Pot. When it was time to put it all together, I was thinking, "Man, I really don't want to chop an onion." :hilarious: Maybe it is the heat combined with this pandemic? I don't know. I am trying to tell myself I am doing enough. My son cooks his own meals, so I'm just cooking for my husband and myself nowadays.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Just a little FYI as of today we have to have a mask outside when we aren't socially distanced. Hopefully those that won't move over will at least be following the new requirement

Most of the time, I am able to cross the street/socially distance. Every now and again, there is someone stubborn or oblivious and there's nowhere for me to go.

I did bring my mask today and I wanted to go around a corner. The homeowner was raking his lawn on his corner--we couldn't socially distance. I saw there was no avoiding him and he made it clear he wasn't moving. OK, fine. He saw me put my mask on. I was listening to my music, but I could see him talking to me and he looked animated. Sorry, if you look angry, I am not stopping so you can yell at me. I just kept on walking. While he's busy yelling at me, he doesn't realize I might be carrying this junk and putting on my mask is an act of respect towards him.


Well-Known Member
It's so unlike me, really. It's like yesterday I made a chicken chili and except for chopping onions, I just had to dump everything into the Crock Pot. When it was time to put it all together, I was thinking, "Man, I really don't want to chop an onion." :hilarious: Maybe it is the heat combined with this pandemic? I don't know. I am trying to tell myself I am doing enough. My son cooks his own meals, so I'm just cooking for my husband and myself nowadays.
I had the same issue when I was pregnant with E (my oldest). Nothing sounded good and I had zero appetite. I'm not as bad now as I was then, but the idea of having to come up with a meal, go to the grocery store, and then cook is really unappealing.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when they do that, keep pushing back the time/date you'll get something (back). We ordered a bike for E a couple of years ago, and they said it would be in by Saturday at the latest, but they'd call when it was ready, but Saturday they didn't have it. By the next week, we still hadn't heard anything, so we called and they told us it had been sitting there for days. They said it must have been an error in their system, because they called, but neither of us had a missed call, so I think it was just a line. We thought it was a fluke until we ordered A's bike from the same place. We ordered it and paid, then 10 minutes later they called to say that particular bike in that particular color only came with a leather bike seat, which cost more. They told us it would be ready by the next Saturday, but maybe earlier. I happened to be going past earlier and I went to check...they told me that it wasn't going to be in by that time. Why didn't anyone call us to tell us that? They said it would be ready by the Tuesday. So I went in on the Tuesday and they told me it had just come in and still needed to be assembled so I could pick it up the next day. Then it wasn't ready the next day, they would call when it was ready. We had called somewhere in there and the guy said he didn't know anything about it and the guy who did wasn't there. Then when we got ahold of the guy who knew what was going on, he blamed it on the guy who said he didn't know about it, saying he was supposed to call us, but when we called them, he knew nothing? So....he was supposed to call us to tell us nothing? The whole thing reeked of a coverup for incompetence. After taking 3 weeks instead of one, they finally said they'd deliver it when it was done. But then when they brought it, they hadn't put the lock on that we'd paid for, nor had they put on the bike bags we ordered, so then they had to take it back to install the lock and bags. But, that lock wasn't compatible with the kind of tires he had, so it wouldn't unlock. So then they had to remove that lock and replace it with a different one. There's also a sort of basket holder on the front because most kids use their bikes as transporation to school because you don't just go to the school closest to your house. You go to whichever one matches your level and what you want in a school. Some kids bike for over an hour to get to school, so they need a place to put their bag. Or adults use them to get groceries, etc. So anyway, the first time he rode the bike, the screws that held that in place fell out because they weren't screwed in tightly. I was supposed to go back and pay the extra cost for the seat and for the bike bags we added, and apply the cost difference for the different lock. I just never went back and they never sent a bill. We decided just to leave it....we'll call it interest and damages for the extremely crappy service. I gave them a bad review online and we won't go back there. We don't trust them. If it's going to take longer, fine, call me to let me know. But don't wait until I'm there at the agreed upon time and then tell me it will be late, and then keep pushing it back, making flimsy excuses that are obviously bogus only after I call.

Is this a garage you have used before? I'd think twice before using them again if this is standard operating procedure. You shouldn't have to keep calling because they are running late. They should be the ones reaching out to you if they can't make the deadline, and they should give you a rock solid reason why the deadline can't be met.

I felt so much anger and anxiety reading everything with your bike saga. The screws falling out is really scary. That's the kind of stuff that was flooding my mind yesterday when the service rep said they were having trouble getting it back together. It was good that I read this before car dealings for the day because it served as a reminder that this chapter isn't over until I'm driving off in my vehicle. In fact, the going over there and being told it would be late from your bike madness helped me with some decisions I had to make with today...because even picking up a repaired vehicle confirmed to be ready can be drama!

The vehicle was purchased new back in mid-March and is currently under manufacturer's warranty as well as dealer warranty. So, I took it to the service dept of the dealer where I bought it. This dealer and service center gets pretty decent reviews, so I wasn't overly concerned at first. It was an a/c repair and while it's been nearly 20 years, my last vehicle with a/c issues was also a 3 week job with a lot of frustration. Totally different issue, but I guess all of this stuff is deep in the car and requires a lot of disassembly to just get to it. It's like a big car puzzle.


Well-Known Member
I don't wear a mask when I walk. I walk at a pretty fast clip and it's mid 90s swamp. I struggle to breathe. But I am going to start bringing one along for when I see someone coming who is not going to move over a bit. I know you still have to social distance with a mask, but wearing a mask for a few seconds when a selfish git won't move over a bit is better than nothing.

I tip my hat off for staying on anything stationary for 8 minutes, let alone 30! I think baby steps are the way to go when you've been away from something for awhile.

I try to keep under a 16 minute mile pace when walking. I'm not the speediest, but it's not a leisurely stroll either. So, I don't think I'll be able to wear the mask all the time. Still, I learned early on that our trails are too narrow and unsafe to really distance and sadly, there are quite a few idiots out there who just don't care. So, this is really more for them. The risk is still fairly low without from all I've read, but this is in the order, so I'm going to comply.

When I use the stationary bike, I'm often on there for 50-60 minutes. I am always looking for new things to watch while I ride just to help pass the time. The climber is a different story. That thing is a beast. I thought my 11 year old, who seems far more fit than me, would put me to shame when she tried it for cross training, but she was winded after less than 2 minutes. Unlike the bike where I'm trying to fight off the boredom to stay on longer, on the climber...I'm trying to keep myself pumped up so I don't give up when exhaustion starts to set in. It's a whole game of "You can't be tired already???!?!?"

I made a dessert that didn't quite come out well. I made a yogurt "cheesecake." The cheesecake was a one liter of full fat Greek yogurt and a can of sweetened condensed milk. When I was heating them together in the microwave, I saw the whey from the yogurt separate out. I mixed it back in, but the mixture was grainy, like ricotta. I thought, OK, it's a ricotta cheesecake now, which I enjoy. I put in the fridge to set up. I took it out and with in 10 minutes, it started weeping clear liquid--lots of it. The crust got soggy and I had to toss it all out. I did have a taste and it tasted just ok. I think when I want cheesecake for a BBQ, I'll just make cheesecake in 1/2 pint jars that I cook in the crock pot. It's a bit more work, but I have yet to have it fail on me.

Now I want cheesecake!!! And since my favorite cheesecake involves chunks of carrot cake in the mix, I want some of that too! I know it didn't go as you had planned, but it still put the idea in my mind. I guess at least it tasted OK. Edible is always good. :) My mom's easy go-to dessert is cheesecake, but it may be one of the varieties that involves shortcuts to cut down the time and effort. I know it's not a pre-packaged mix, but it's probably got a lot of little hacks in the process. All I know is that it's pretty tasty and not a lot of fuss. If you're interested, I can ask her what she does. It has to be fairly simple since she saves the labor intensive stuff for birthdays and other big celebrations.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting carry outs for dinner tonight. I don't know what it is, but ever since this virus nonsense started, the enjoyment I got from cooking has just evaporated. I find myself looking for recipes that are for lazy people. I've even ordered pre-cut and pre-chopped veggies from the supermarket. :rolleyes: It's not just that, I also feel like I am having difficulty finding things that I actually want to eat.

It's funny you say this because I've felt a lot of this myself. I have several friends who are making gorgeous plates of food every night with diced this, delicately handled that, etc. Meanwhile, I have some gorgeous asparagus that probably only has a couple more good days and all I want is to microwave some gluten free chicken nuggets. Some of it may also be the cleaning. I am so tired of having to clean up anything greater than a plate or utensils that can just go into the dishwasher. So, the easier I eat, the less I clean.


Well-Known Member
Day 3 in the gym. I had 0 desire to get out of bed, but I did it. 15.35 miles on the bike, a little over 8 minutes on the climber and some more arms. I was running a little late and didn't have time to play games with flipping over bluetooth, so I skipped music on the climber and just kept watching some cooking show on Netflix called Crazy Delicious. I don't love the show, but I do enjoy the creativity. I thought I'd be more into it because I like Carla Hall, but a college friend ate at Heston Blumenthal's 'The Fat Duck' several years ago and it's been interesting to hear little snippets of his creativity in this show.

I need to decide what to do tomorrow. The older one is finally having her braces removed. We have a 7:10am appointment and will be leaving the house right around 7. I won't be allowed inside, so it's unlikely they'll have to smell me if I don't have time to shower or even change, but I don't know if I'm in the mood to get up early. I guess if my cooling gaiter arrives tomorrow I could skip the gym and walk/run early evening.

I did also get my vehicle back today, but just like the last 3+ weeks, it didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. At several points in this, I escalated things to the manager...including yesterday. I got a call just before lunch that it was ready, but that the guy handling things just needed to finish up my paperwork. Said it would only be 20-30 minutes and I should be getting a call or text. Well, an hour went by and nothing, so I texted that I was on my way and it would take me 30 min to get there. When I got there, they wanted to charge me for new wiper blades that I supposedly requested. It's a new's barely been driven...why would I need new wiper blades? It took about 10 minutes, but we got it worked out. I wasn't paying either way. Then I had to wait longer because they didn't wash the car...that's one of their musts when you go in for service. BUT...I was able to drive it home and the a/c is blowing cold. Hopefully, it stays that way and I have no other issues. Fingers crossed!


Premium Member
I did also get my vehicle back today, but just like the last 3+ weeks, it didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped. At several points in this, I escalated things to the manager...including yesterday. I got a call just before lunch that it was ready, but that the guy handling things just needed to finish up my paperwork. Said it would only be 20-30 minutes and I should be getting a call or text. Well, an hour went by and nothing, so I texted that I was on my way and it would take me 30 min to get there. When I got there, they wanted to charge me for new wiper blades that I supposedly requested. It's a new's barely been driven...why would I need new wiper blades? It took about 10 minutes, but we got it worked out. I wasn't paying either way. Then I had to wait longer because they didn't wash the car...that's one of their musts when you go in for service. BUT...I was able to drive it home and the a/c is blowing cold. Hopefully, it stays that way and I have no other issues. Fingers crossed!

Wow. First of all, glad the a/c got fixed after all that. It must have been so frustrating dealing with these people though -- it's like they have no concern for anyone else's time. And the windshield wiper blades when you never asked for those? Good grief. Glad you got that removed from the bill.

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