working out for Disney


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Original Poster
Good morning.

I did an upper body workout. I'm definitely going to get out for a walk later. It's going to be in the mid 70s and no rain. It's about time!

I'm probably going to mess around in my yard today. The weed situation is out of control. Plus, my husband bought a few flats of different flowers yesterday, so we'll be planting them.

Today is pizza day. I have dough fermenting in my fridge since Thursday morning, so I am sure it's developed some flavor by now.

Other than that, nothing is going on, because there is nowhere to go. I mean, there are places to go. State parks have reopened today, but everyone and their brother will be going--especially today with the gorgeous weather. I won't even mention the people who come from PA to visit these parks. -_-
That makes no sense at all!


Well-Known Member
I remember my grandmother had a friend like the woman you're describing. They would go out to eat and she would always send back her meal, ALWAYS and was a jerk about it to the poor server, too. My grandmother was embarrassed by her behavior and eventually did a slow fade.

I dealt with some pretty obnoxious people when I worked at Starbucks. One shift, I was working the drive thru and a woman placed an order for a cappuccino and she said, "I want it served with a smile." It was the tone in her voice, too. Wow, did I ever roll my eyes at that. I just wrote "served with a :)" on her cup and she got a kick out of it. I might have made her espresso shots decaf, too. But I'm not going to lie, I thought she was out of line.

We also had this guy come in all the time who wanted a "bone dry cappuccino." Nobody could ever make the flipping thing to his liking. It was too wet or too dry. He was kind of menacing about it, too. I used to hate it when he would come in and it was all women working. He seemed like the kind of person who could pop off at any moment. I guess he was a Kevin. :p

That ricotta bake sounds amazing--like an Italian Mac n cheese. One my weight is stabilized, I think I'll give it a whirl.
I think people who work longterm in the service industry are kind of heroes for dealing with those types of people. I used to work at the front desk of the residence halls and Summers we would have conferences staying with us and there were always some really nasty people. Some really kind ones, too, but I had one group of people who were very upset that their conference leaders had not ordered towels. I understood they were upset, but I wasn't allowed to give them towels they had not paid for. Then my boss, who had told me I was NOT to give them towels, came and gave them the towels anyway, and blamed it on me, like it was my fault their directors didn't order towels. Or when they were doing construction at an intersection and cut a main powerline and all the residence halls were without power, so the elevators didn't work and I had a group of Lawyers of all people, who were staying on the 7th and 8th floors, checking in that day with all their luggage. That was a really fun day, I tell ya.
But at the end of the Summer, when all the students moved back in, I had a mom come to the front desk and ask me how to turn on the air conditioning. I apologized and explained that we didn't have airconditioning. She insisted I was lying and demanded I tell her how to turn it on. I explained that since it was Wyoming and people didn't live there in the Summer break, they didn't have air-co, but they could open their windows. She was yelling at me and says "I went here when I was in college and we had air conditioning then! What did they do, take it out??" really sarcastically. I think she just was remembering wrong. We never had air co....I wish we had. She demanded to speak to the manager, so I called her and then SHE got yelled at about lying, and why was everybody telling her there was no air conditioning when she knew there was?? Her kids needed air conditioning! Why wouldn't anyone just tell her how to turn it on??

I just don't understand the mentality of Karens/Kevins.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am a wimp, maybe unreasonably scared, maybe being unreasonably cautious, maybe not.
I could not sleep again last night and got up around 4:45 a.m. Around 6 I decided to go ahead and make breakfast, quietly.
Had it all ready when the other three got up. As you can see, I ignored carbs and calories again this morning, something I am doing way too often in these uncertain times. Gotta get back on track some day, and soon. But, it is hard to care a whole lot when you just might get a virus and die, at least if that happened, I will not have died hungry. I don't mean for that to sound flippant nor am I trying to be funny. Just thinking it is hard to care about little stuff right now. Yes, I'm sure I'll pay for not eating right and my sugar is elevated, but just finding it hard to care about that right now.
Bacon, egg and cheese biscuits and hash browns:

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I totally understand what you mean. I'm finding it difficult, too. (and your breakfast looks AMAZING) I feel kind of overwhelmed with everything I guess, and I feel like so much is piled on me. My husband works from home, but I still have to go to work and there's no way to social distance at my work, especially since 9 times out of 10, they've got me training the new people, which requires me to stand literally right next to them to teach them how to use the scanners. And at home, I'm the one expected to do the grocery shopping and the cooking, and all that stuff. Everyone is protected but me. And cooking is already frustrating because of shortages. Well, the grocery shopping is frustrating anyway. I still can't get the bread my son will eat. I can't always get the veggies I want. Or the meat. Trying to find something that everyone will eat, and that they have all the ingredients for, is really hard right now. And people aren't keeping their distance, they are now flocking to the stores in large numbers. Sometimes I just don't feel like dealing with it at ALL, but I have no one to pass the buck to. It's overwhelming and sometimes I just give up and let my son at least eat junk because I simply can't find things at the store he will eat otherwise, and I know if I ask my husband to take care of dinner, he'll give my son junk anyway. (That's hubby's go-to) You do what you need to do to get through this, and when things go back to some sort of normal, THEN you can worry about your eating habits again. But right now, you do what helps you to make it through.


Well-Known Member
Waving hi! I just broke an unintentional 24 hour fast. I got going today, wasn't hungry and forgot to eat:facepalm: I'm slowly incorporating more cooked veggies after the raw cleanse and upping the intensity of my practices. We're all well except for being under lockdown until the national emergency is lifted. We get to go out at phase 3. This is going to get interesting
I've done that before....gotten so busy I just completely forgot about food. Yesterday, I didn't forget, but I just really felt overwhelmed and didn't want to deal with it. I thought maybe if I just didn't say anything, my husband would broach the subject of dinner, but he didn't, and at 3:30 in the afternoon, he went to go take a bath. When he takes a bath, he's in there for a couple of hours, so I ended up having to bite the bullet and go to the grocery store and handle dinner myself. I'm so tired of being the one to brave the grocery store crowds and try to find everything we need, etc.
Next Sunday, I'd better not have to deal with dinner or I will be really upset. I don't want to have to do the shopping, or the cooking!


Well-Known Member
It is officially the weekend...I have just logged off of work and unless I get the crazy urge to work on one of my big files, I will be in break mode until 7:45am on Monday morning.

I had to get up a little earlier today because Friday is my "early day," but I still got in a full workout and even with a little less sleep, I was pumped this morning. I went a little over 16 miles on the bike, doubled what I was planning to do with kettlebells, I had so much energy during abs that I thought I'd miscounted, and I felt really speedy during my 11 minutes of walking (and a little bit of skipping and running) in the yard. I even did some runner's skipping when I took Cookie out around lunch during the brief 10 minutes of peace. I was hoping to walk another 20+ minutes during lunch, but around 9am today...the noise happened.

While I was walking in the yard just before work, I noticed my neighbors had two of their cars parked in front of our house. We don't really know what's going on over there. There's a guy who looks like he's in his early 20s and a girl who looks late teens who are normally there. There used to be a woman who looked 40-50ish, but we never see her anymore. There's an older couple who shows up now and then, but it's usually just for a short while or to do some little things in the yard (they usually have a hired crew to do the rest). We're not sure if it's a rental situation, grandparents or what. The guy sometimes plays his music too loudly and I've had a few incidents where I've had to tell him to turn it down and they're always putting their trash and recycle bins in our yard instead of their own. Ya know...little neighborly annoyances. Well, around 9am things got loud...trucks rumbling, guys yelling...back up signals on industrial equipment beeping... And then the jackhammer started. And then the trucks and debris dumping noise kicked in. And then the chainsaws started going and the shovels and manual tools started clanking on stuff. I'm thinking they're having their driveway redone and they were waiting on our stay at home orders to be lifted. Still, it's loud enough that it's shaking the house, I can hear it through my headphones and none of us trying to work can take calls. They have work trucks and workers parked on the other side of our driveway as well and I didn't want an audience or to have to hear all of this, so I skipped the lunch walk. They're all still there, so if I do an after work's going to have to wait until they're done for the day. I'm not grumpy or anything :hilarious:
It seems that's a pretty common thing right now, here....doing home improvements, since people are home anyway. We got some new neighbors who have been drilling, sanding, etc making a lot of noise, but they couldn't really help it. You have to make the place livable before you move's just bad timing. Over here, you have to take everything out when you move. Floors, kitchen, wallpaper, etc. You don't buy a house as always have to renovate. So they had to put in new flooring, a new kitchen, etc. I felt bad for them having to do all that stuff in Corona time. It's not like you can ask friends and family to come help right now.


Well-Known Member
That's crazy. I hope it was just a one day situation. It's hard to tune that out, because it's not just noise, it's the vibrations.

We had something like that happen a few years ago, except they would start the road works at 10 PM in front of our house. Our house was shaking, men were shouting and pipes were clanking loudly on the ground, etc.It would go on until 5 AM and they had these bright lights that came through even with black out curtains. I thought it would go on for a night or two, but after the third night, I made some calls and eventually it stopped. They did the works during normal hours after that. Not long after that, a connecting piece between 2 pipes loosen up and water came gushing out. It flooded my crawl space. I had to shut down the water main and get a plumber out. I can't prove it, but I believe it was from the house vibrating for hours on end.

Hope you and your family get out to walk around at the beach today. 🏖

I think they are FINALLY finished. It looks nice and some of the crew that I met were a nice bunch of people, but it just would have been nice to know that they were starting this on a workday.

That sounds like an awful situation! It's too bad there's no good way to prove it, but I agree that the vibrations can do some damage. I mean, it boils down to earthquake theory in my eyes. Intense rattling and shaking around your property can cause all sorts of damage.

We did make it to Galveston, but things didn't go as we hoped. :( It was still nice to have a change of scenery.


Well-Known Member
It seems that's a pretty common thing right now, here....doing home improvements, since people are home anyway. We got some new neighbors who have been drilling, sanding, etc making a lot of noise, but they couldn't really help it. You have to make the place livable before you move's just bad timing. Over here, you have to take everything out when you move. Floors, kitchen, wallpaper, etc. You don't buy a house as always have to renovate. So they had to put in new flooring, a new kitchen, etc. I felt bad for them having to do all that stuff in Corona time. It's not like you can ask friends and family to come help right now.

Oh yes, lots of people are making all sorts of changes and updates. Our home improvement stores have been swamped with people doing projects. I've gotten used to the "gentle" sounds of sawing and sanding 🤣 This was a bit different as it was a private construction crew that they hired for the job. There were a good 20-30 men out there on Friday for the first phase and yesterday and today, there were about 8-10 people out there finishing up the job. These were jackhammers, bulldozers, chainsaws, and dump trucks out there. At least the guys I met on the crew seemed pretty nice and they did a nice job (and I think they're done!).

Wow! That's really interesting about moving over there. I never would have imagined all of that. I could see appliances, but flooring, wallpaper, etc. That had to be so difficult for them moving at this time. I've seen a few homes recently sell in our neighborhood and I wonder how much will get done with everything going on.


Well-Known Member
Here we are, nearing dinner time on Sunday. Oh, how quickly the weekend goes! I did manage to get in a little walk on Friday night. I also got up yesterday for a run and put in a little over 4 miles before hitting the gym for about 7 miles of cool down on the bike, as well as some arms and abs. I managed to get out for the run while temps were still in the mid to upper 70s, so it wasn't too bad and decided to head down to the lake. I was hoping to find an otter down by the boat ramp, but no such luck.




We did make it down to Galveston...


We tried going down to a section called Jamaica Beach (it's where I took those other pics I posted), but it was uncomfortably crowded. We didn't park since it was wall to wall vehicles at every beach access point we tried, but I could see tons of canopies that were side by side. I won't say people weren't distancing, but it looked like people's sites were a little tighter together than they should be. We drove back up towards Galveston Beach and people were definitely spaced out MUCH maybe things weren't as bad at Jamaica, and maybe it was just the angle we were at. It was extremely crowded on the road and we didn't want to pay to park on the Seawall, but it was nice to drive slowly with the windows down and hear and smell the good beach noises and scents.






We thought we might be able to go down to The Strand and walk around, but it was also a bit too peoply for our liking. We at least got to pass landmarks like Moody Mansion and Bishop's Palace, as well as drive around this more historic area of the city. The Strand feels (to me) like New Orleans meets Key West.



We passed by the cruise terminal on the way out. We saw the Liberty of the Seas, just quietly sitting there on the way out. There aren't always ships in port, but when they are, the area and the ship is bustling with people. So, for as busy as the island was, the quiet cruise ship was sort of a somber reminder of what's still going on out there.


It's a long drive to Galveston from this house (used to be only 35-45 min from our old house), but at least we get to see a different angle of downtown on the return.


I skipped working out today because my tummy wasn't happy, but I got around to planting some stargazer lily bulbs and also repainted the street numbers/design at the curb. Also got a little bit of a sunburn. I think we hit 91 today, but a lot of our plants like the warm weather. The hibiscus are also really doing well. The orange ones are full of blooms!



Premium Member
So I had to get the pros out here to cut down some of the tall trees leaning toward the house. Lets just say these guys are in demand right now with all the storm damage and it took this long just to get to us. And, they charge lawyer-like fees too!

About a year ago, a guy down the street wanted a big tree cut down in his yard. (This was not as a result of any storm.) Anyway, I heard that the price was over $800.00 to cut it down, and remove it?! :jawdrop:

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