working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
We'd never heard it before her daughter said it, so like any adult, we had to search for definitions. :hilarious: The definitions we found for a Karen boiled down to entitled soccer mom with a snobbish streak, insisting their actions are justified because they deserve the best and that anyone doing any less is just ignorant or too meek to demand what they deserve. I can see how it could easily take a turn and demean women who are intelligent and are just standing up for what's right. Unfortunately, the person where I first learned this fits a lot of the negative descriptions we've found. Still, she's proud of it and won't be changing any time soon. It's just embarrassing when you go out for a meal and she insists on speaking to the chef about how to cook pasta (did this once with take out too- everyone heard that telephone call), or wants to sit your server down and show him pictures of the different kinds of couscous so he knows better for next time, or insists on a free milk at a fast food place because they forgot hers a few weeks ago. I mean, it's definitely assertive and these are certainly areas where she's in disagreement with how things were done...and in some cases were just wrong. I guess I just have a different threshold for things where I'll complain and take a different tone with people when I do.

I took pasta (gluten free) and added in whipped ricotta (a lot of it!) with grated asiago, fresh mozzarella, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, flat leaf parsley, and topped it with bagged shredded Italian blend cheese and gluten free Italian bread crumbs.

I have lived in 6 different states and a lot of different houses and apartments, so it's hard to say exactly where childhood home is. The homes we drove by for this were our first home as a couple and our first home with the kids. Our first home as a couple has a little more sentimental value since it was my FIL's house before he sold it to my husband. It's changed owners several times since, but aside from them destroying the front porch, we've gotten to see other changes through real estate listings. The funniest of which is them covering all of the floors and at least the bottom half of the walls with marble. It looks like a casino in there now! I think 2011 was the last time I drove by my home in FL...not a lot changed. I haven't seen any of our houses in NJ since 2005. I don't think I'd remember any of the other places from when I was really young.

I remember my grandmother had a friend like the woman you're describing. They would go out to eat and she would always send back her meal, ALWAYS and was a jerk about it to the poor server, too. My grandmother was embarrassed by her behavior and eventually did a slow fade.

I dealt with some pretty obnoxious people when I worked at Starbucks. One shift, I was working the drive thru and a woman placed an order for a cappuccino and she said, "I want it served with a smile." It was the tone in her voice, too. Wow, did I ever roll my eyes at that. I just wrote "served with a :)" on her cup and she got a kick out of it. I might have made her espresso shots decaf, too. But I'm not going to lie, I thought she was out of line.

We also had this guy come in all the time who wanted a "bone dry cappuccino." Nobody could ever make the flipping thing to his liking. It was too wet or too dry. He was kind of menacing about it, too. I used to hate it when he would come in and it was all women working. He seemed like the kind of person who could pop off at any moment. I guess he was a Kevin. :p

That ricotta bake sounds amazing--like an Italian Mac n cheese. One my weight is stabilized, I think I'll give it a whirl.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning. ☀

Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I did 30 minutes of power yoga just to keep myself flexible. I'm going out for a walk sooner rather than later, because it's supposed to get windy and rainy later on today.

I made pizza dough this morning for dinner Saturday night. It is a no knead dough, other than a few folds every 5 minutes. I don't know what it going on, but I weigh my flour and my dough doesn't look like the dough in the GIF on the website. It is much more "tight." I am thinking of starting over. I always weigh my flour and I always need more water than required. I know we've just come out of winter, it's been warmer and more humid here lately.

I ended up getting carry outs last night, so I am making my coconut chicken curry with pineapple salsa tonight, instead. I had my chicken out for 8 hours to thaw and it was still rock hard when I went to cook. I think it was because the were so tightly packed together before they were frozen. It is still frozen solid in my fridge. :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Maybe I am a wimp, maybe unreasonably scared, maybe being unreasonably cautious, maybe not.
I could not sleep again last night and got up around 4:45 a.m. Around 6 I decided to go ahead and make breakfast, quietly.
Had it all ready when the other three got up. As you can see, I ignored carbs and calories again this morning, something I am doing way too often in these uncertain times. Gotta get back on track some day, and soon. But, it is hard to care a whole lot when you just might get a virus and die, at least if that happened, I will not have died hungry. I don't mean for that to sound flippant nor am I trying to be funny. Just thinking it is hard to care about little stuff right now. Yes, I'm sure I'll pay for not eating right and my sugar is elevated, but just finding it hard to care about that right now.
Bacon, egg and cheese biscuits and hash browns:

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Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Maybe I am a wimp, maybe unreasonably scared, maybe being unreasonably cautious, maybe not.
I could not sleep again last night and got up around 4:45 a.m. Around 6 I decided to go ahead and make breakfast, quietly.
Had it all ready when the other three got up. As you can see, I ignored carbs and calories again this morning, something I am doing way too often in these uncertain times. Gotta get back on track some day, and soon. But, it is hard to care a whole lot when you just might get a virus and die, at least if that happened, I will not have died hungry. I don't mean for that to sound flippant nor am I trying to be funny. Just thinking it is hard to care about little stuff right now. Yes, I'm sure I'll pay for not eating right and my sugar is elevated, but just finding it hard to care about that right now.
Bacon, egg and cheese biscuits and hash browns:

View attachment 467338

This looks delicious.

I think it's totally normal to feel unsettled right now. None of us here have ever experienced something like this in our lifetimes. It's not "wimpy" to feel scared when there is a lot of ambiguity. It seems like everyday, we discover something new and worrisome about this virus. I'm up in NJ, so it's all around me. I have learned to tune out people who think wanting to stay safe is a character flaw to belittle. We are all doing the best we can. I was doing so much baking the past few weeks and each time, I tricked myself into thinking I could have just a bite of a chocolate chip cookie or a tiny slice of pound cake. Needless to say, I couldn't. I know it sounds cliche, but I think taking this situation one day at a time and living in the present helps with anxiety. It's easier said than done, I know. But I try to distract myself with things I enjoy. Limit the amount of time spent reading about covid. There are loads of mindful meditation videos on You Tube. My husband and I have been watching a lot of films, because I forget there's a pandemic for a couple of hours. Obviously, none of these things are a panacea, but even if it makes you forget about this for a few minutes here and there, it's worth not feeling helpless and/or anxious about something you can't control for a few minutes here and there.


Well-Known Member
Seeing @epcotisbest 's post reminded me of something a friend shared on Facebook the other day. It's a little slanted towards the states that are starting to ease into opening, but I think it holds true for a lot of us in any number of places.

As officials are trying to figure out how to ease back in to a new normal, please remember:
🛑 Some people don’t agree with the state opening.... that’s okay. Be kind.
🏡 Some people are still planning to stay home.... that’s okay. Be kind.
🦠 Some are still scared of getting the virus and a second wave happening....that’s okay. Be kind.
💰 Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes....that’s okay. Be kind.
👩🏾‍⚕️Some are thankful they can finally have a surgery they have put off....that’s okay. Be kind.
📝 Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job....that’s okay. Be kind.
😷 Some will wear masks for weeks or months....that’s okay. Be kind.
💅🏻 Some people will rush out to get the hair or nails done.... that’s okay. Be kind.
❤️ The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s okay. Be kind.
We each have a different story. If you need to stay home, stay home. But be kind .
If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and be kind!
Don’t judge fellow humans because you’re not in their story.
We all are in different mental states than we were months ago. So remember, be kind.

I know I have certainly indulged in some food I shouldn't have in all of this and let my exercising go for a bit. We are all having our struggles and there is nothing wimpy about any of it. If anything, I think it's good for us to express it. Unfortunately, with people having different feelings and worries...including just worrying that their worries may add mental burden to another person...a lot of us are keeping it bottled up. It may sound cheesy to some, but I think I'm going to take the advice of my 5th grader's teacher (to my child, but useful for me), and start journaling. My mind is all over the place...from living in an area where things are starting to open up, being originally from an area where they're feeling the worst of this so far, etc.


Well-Known Member
I remember my grandmother had a friend like the woman you're describing. They would go out to eat and she would always send back her meal, ALWAYS and was a jerk about it to the poor server, too. My grandmother was embarrassed by her behavior and eventually did a slow fade.

I dealt with some pretty obnoxious people when I worked at Starbucks. One shift, I was working the drive thru and a woman placed an order for a cappuccino and she said, "I want it served with a smile." It was the tone in her voice, too. Wow, did I ever roll my eyes at that. I just wrote "served with a :)" on her cup and she got a kick out of it. I might have made her espresso shots decaf, too. But I'm not going to lie, I thought she was out of line.

We also had this guy come in all the time who wanted a "bone dry cappuccino." Nobody could ever make the flipping thing to his liking. It was too wet or too dry. He was kind of menacing about it, too. I used to hate it when he would come in and it was all women working. He seemed like the kind of person who could pop off at any moment. I guess he was a Kevin. :p

That ricotta bake sounds amazing--like an Italian Mac n cheese. One my weight is stabilized, I think I'll give it a whirl.

It makes me dread group outings with this person. She's not originally from the US and I know there are some cultural differences in the mix, but it's still embarrassing.

The worst can really come out in some people when it comes to restaurants, coffee shops, etc. She was most definitely out of line. When I lived in FL, I worked in a small privately owned seafood restaurant for a couple of years. While they had a line and some things were acceptable, the owners wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior from our patrons. I remember seating some guys one day and before they ever entered the building, the manager warned me about them and asked me to come to him if they said anything derogatory. They did, and they were asked to leave and never return. Still, you also get to meet some wonderful people too. I guess it's a good sample of life. Most people are OK, some are amazing, and then you've got the Karen's and Kevin's of the world.

I'm trying to wrap my head around a bone dry cappuccino. I don't even know what that would be! 🤣 Definitely Kevin!

That's exactly where my brain went when I was thinking it up. Italian mac & cheese. I saw myself on our driveway cameras while walking this morning and during lunch. I need to do some stabilizing as well, but I'm also trying to cut myself some slack right now since my mental state is all over the place.


Premium Member
Original Poster
It looks good...I swear, if I had more time. I softball or other things like that right now, but I feel like I live in my office or trying to make sure the kids get in all of their school stuff.
She has a full line of cheeses you can buy at the store Guys haven't found one of hers they don't like. It's wayyyyy cheaper to make my own when they go through a couple of pounds if I'm not looking:cautious:


Premium Member
Original Poster
Good morning ☀

I started my 10 week program today. Let's see if I stick with it, I usually bail once I get bored. This one uses longer resistance bands and shorter loops. It was novel for me. I had to put the band under a couch leg and get inside the loop. I had to squat down and "walk" with the loop around my hips, so I really had to push against the resistance. I had to resist the pull back when I walked backwards, too. I think I might be sore tomorrow. :cry: :hilarious:

I am hoping to get out for a walk today. I went out yesterday in the rain. It makes social distancing much easier.

Tonight's dinner is chicken with lemon, chickpeas and olives tonight. I'm serving it with some veggies and whole wheat couscous. :hungry:

Have a great day, everyone! 🌺
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!! 10 weeks eeek! I usually like 4 to 6 week programs


Premium Member
Original Poster
Waving hi! I just broke an unintentional 24 hour fast. I got going today, wasn't hungry and forgot to eat:facepalm: I'm slowly incorporating more cooked veggies after the raw cleanse and upping the intensity of my practices. We're all well except for being under lockdown until the national emergency is lifted. We get to go out at phase 3. This is going to get interesting


Well-Known Member
She has a full line of cheeses you can buy at the store Guys haven't found one of hers they don't like. It's wayyyyy cheaper to make my own when they go through a couple of pounds if I'm not looking:cautious:

Now that I think about it, they sell the mozz here and I've bought it a number of times. I want to say it's around $8-9. Not cheap, but I do enjoy it. I had to double back and look at it to wake up my brain :hilarious: What's funny is that I originally bought it for traditional melting uses, but usually just wind up slicing it and having it with rice crackers. I would like to try making my own, but with the way I've been stress eating, I've been trying to keep busy with non-food activities in my free time. I can eat the packaged stuff in an evening, so I can understand why they'd go through it quickly.


Well-Known Member
Today was a bright sunny day with a cool (for us) start. After hitting the gym for my usual...including dance and pilates style leg stretches after biking and abs...I got the shock of outside temps in the mid to upper 50s for my pre-workday mini walk. I feel kind of foolish out there, but that little walk seems to really help get my head least until the kids make me play office manager, administrative assistant, principal, lunch lady and PE coach before noon...all while trying to work my real job. I also decided to walk and SKIP during my lunch break. I forgot how good skipping is for the calf muscles and mine have been a mess of late. So, I skipped and walked around my driveway and the hill in the back yard for about 25-30 minutes. It was already up to 80 degrees by that point, but that's still pretty mild for us. Tomorrow will likely be a repeat of today, except a few degrees warmer and kettle bells instead of legs or traditional arms.

Texas starts its second phase of reopening tomorrow. I don't really see us partaking in much of this for a few weeks unless I get the burning desire to go treadmill shopping ASAP, but I'm hopeful and optimistic. I have lots of friends and family in NY and NJ as well as some friends who are ICU nurses with sick family members, so I'm certainly not naive to how severe things are and could be. Still, hope and optimism is what gets me through the day. Depending on how we all feel, we may drive down to Galveston over the weekend. We aren't beach people, but I wouldn't mind a walk on the beach for a change of scenery. If it looks a bit too peoply out there, we will just drive along the sea wall. We've talked about getting take out and having a picnic lunch/dinner in the bed of my husband's truck. Not the best picture of it, but it's miles and miles of direct gulf views along this road. So, it'll be nice even if we can't find a "safe to us" spot to get out.


On a positive and sort of funny note...

...back before things started to close down, we started the refinancing process on our home. We weren't sure how things were going to work with closing in this "new normal." It was already a bit unnerving having the appraiser inside of our home last week. Well, today we closed. Rather than going to an office with all of their supplies and goodies, like things are traditionally done, we set up a card table in a shaded spot in our driveway with folding chairs we normally use for softball. There were masks, hand sanitizer, wipes, and gloves and everyone also used their own pens. Towards the end, a giant stink bug landed on the processor/notary. She was hoping that the chaos following that didn't wind up on our security cameras and wouldn't go viral on YouTube 🤣 She's safe ;)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Today was a bright sunny day with a cool (for us) start. After hitting the gym for my usual...including dance and pilates style leg stretches after biking and abs...I got the shock of outside temps in the mid to upper 50s for my pre-workday mini walk. I feel kind of foolish out there, but that little walk seems to really help get my head least until the kids make me play office manager, administrative assistant, principal, lunch lady and PE coach before noon...all while trying to work my real job. I also decided to walk and SKIP during my lunch break. I forgot how good skipping is for the calf muscles and mine have been a mess of late. So, I skipped and walked around my driveway and the hill in the back yard for about 25-30 minutes. It was already up to 80 degrees by that point, but that's still pretty mild for us. Tomorrow will likely be a repeat of today, except a few degrees warmer and kettle bells instead of legs or traditional arms.

Texas starts its second phase of reopening tomorrow. I don't really see us partaking in much of this for a few weeks unless I get the burning desire to go treadmill shopping ASAP, but I'm hopeful and optimistic. I have lots of friends and family in NY and NJ as well as some friends who are ICU nurses with sick family members, so I'm certainly not naive to how severe things are and could be. Still, hope and optimism is what gets me through the day. Depending on how we all feel, we may drive down to Galveston over the weekend. We aren't beach people, but I wouldn't mind a walk on the beach for a change of scenery. If it looks a bit too peoply out there, we will just drive along the sea wall. We've talked about getting take out and having a picnic lunch/dinner in the bed of my husband's truck. Not the best picture of it, but it's miles and miles of direct gulf views along this road. So, it'll be nice even if we can't find a "safe to us" spot to get out.


On a positive and sort of funny note...

...back before things started to close down, we started the refinancing process on our home. We weren't sure how things were going to work with closing in this "new normal." It was already a bit unnerving having the appraiser inside of our home last week. Well, today we closed. Rather than going to an office with all of their supplies and goodies, like things are traditionally done, we set up a card table in a shaded spot in our driveway with folding chairs we normally use for softball. There were masks, hand sanitizer, wipes, and gloves and everyone also used their own pens. Towards the end, a giant stink bug landed on the processor/notary. She was hoping that the chaos following that didn't wind up on our security cameras and wouldn't go viral on YouTube 🤣 She's safe ;)

Stink bugs are the worst. They are the loudest fliers, too! I never saw one until I moved here. Not long after I moved in, I had a run in with one. I went to bed and felt something on my ankle, but I did nothing and it stopped. I fell asleep and I woke up to something moving on my thigh. I instinctively felt my leg and felt something on it. I took it off my leg and tried to whip it across the room. Not long after that my hand started to burn and I smelled something that smelled like burning plastic or wiring. I then realized what happened. I couldn't wash my hands enough that night.

A few weeks ago, there was one in the kitchen sink. My husband turned on the water to get the bug to go down the drain and even though I asked him not to, he turned on the garbage disposal after the bug went down the drain. It smelled so nasty and I had to burn a candle.

I have no hopes of going to the shore this summer. My husband and I usually go on a weekday in early June, while the kids are still in school. Then we go again after school is back in session. Maybe then we can return. Even then when we go, we just walk around, grab lunch and come back home. I'm not one to camp out on the beach. I like to go for a nice stroll and a change of scenery.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a lower body workout with my resistance bands. I enjoyed it. It's not a typical workout video where you workout to an instructor. It's just a list of exercises to complete with how many reps and sets to do. It has clips of the exercises in the app. You tick off each exercise as you complete it. I like it. I just put on some music and go for it.

I'm hoping to get out for a walk later.

I'm down a couple of pounds this week. I got serious about counting points and didn't bake anything other than sandwich loaves this week. I also drank water as if I hadn't had any in a few days.

Other than that, nothing's new.

I am making a SkinnyTaste recipe tonight in my Instant Pot. It is a beef, tomato and ditalini soup/stew type thing. It calls for 90/10 ground beef. I could only get 80/20 this week, forget about getting 93/7, which is what I usually use in chili and soups. It is what it is. I'll just drain the excess fat before I seal up my IP.


Premium Member
Original Poster

I did a lower body workout with my resistance bands. I enjoyed it. It's not a typical workout video where you workout to an instructor. It's just a list of exercises to complete with how many reps and sets to do. It has clips of the exercises in the app. You tick off each exercise as you complete it. I like it. I just put on some music and go for it.

I'm hoping to get out for a walk later.

I'm down a couple of pounds this week. I got serious about counting points and didn't bake anything other than sandwich loaves this week. I also drank water as if I hadn't had any in a few days.

Other than that, nothing's new.

I am making a SkinnyTaste recipe tonight in my Instant Pot. It is a beef, tomato and ditalini soup/stew type thing. It calls for 90/10 ground beef. I could only get 80/20 this week, forget about getting 93/7, which is what I usually use in chili and soups. It is what it is. I'll just drain the excess fat before I seal up my IP.
If you really want to get rid of some fat rinse it with hot water after draining. That is if you have a mesh strainer. ;)


Well-Known Member
Stink bugs are the worst. They are the loudest fliers, too! I never saw one until I moved here. Not long after I moved in, I had a run in with one. I went to bed and felt something on my ankle, but I did nothing and it stopped. I fell asleep and I woke up to something moving on my thigh. I instinctively felt my leg and felt something on it. I took it off my leg and tried to whip it across the room. Not long after that my hand started to burn and I smelled something that smelled like burning plastic or wiring. I then realized what happened. I couldn't wash my hands enough that night.

A few weeks ago, there was one in the kitchen sink. My husband turned on the water to get the bug to go down the drain and even though I asked him not to, he turned on the garbage disposal after the bug went down the drain. It smelled so nasty and I had to burn a candle.

I have no hopes of going to the shore this summer. My husband and I usually go on a weekday in early June, while the kids are still in school. Then we go again after school is back in session. Maybe then we can return. Even then when we go, we just walk around, grab lunch and come back home. I'm not one to camp out on the beach. I like to go for a nice stroll and a change of scenery.

When I was growing up, all I remembered were the smaller green stink bugs, but the big brown ones look like something from the age of dinosaurs. I have been lucky enough to never get the actual stink from them, but we came close yesterday. After we got it off the woman's sleeve, it crawled into the chair beverage holder. I was trying to gently coax it out onto my pen, but she took the whole chair and was trying to stomp on it while it was still in there. It was a very fight or flight kind of response. I am that way with spiders, so I can kind of relate. Either way, I'm thankful we didn't experience the stink.

I'm not normally a beach person, but a change of scenery would be nice. It may sound odd, but seeing the ocean or the gulf makes me feel free in a way. I feel a bit trapped in landlocked states or areas that are more than an hour or two from the beach. Still, I'm not a beach vacation person. Growing up, we had a house down the shore in NJ and while it was more so my dad could wake up and go fishing during the summer months (that I enjoy), it also meant a lot of beach time when we weren't fishing. I actually do enjoy going in the water, but I hate having sand stick to my body. As an adult, the most I'll usually do is walk on the beach to look for shells. The section of Galveston that we like is usually much more quiet. No guarantees of what it will look like this weekend, but I'm hoping it's like the pic below where that surfer was the closest person to us for the majority of our time.



Well-Known Member
It is officially the weekend...I have just logged off of work and unless I get the crazy urge to work on one of my big files, I will be in break mode until 7:45am on Monday morning.

I had to get up a little earlier today because Friday is my "early day," but I still got in a full workout and even with a little less sleep, I was pumped this morning. I went a little over 16 miles on the bike, doubled what I was planning to do with kettlebells, I had so much energy during abs that I thought I'd miscounted, and I felt really speedy during my 11 minutes of walking (and a little bit of skipping and running) in the yard. I even did some runner's skipping when I took Cookie out around lunch during the brief 10 minutes of peace. I was hoping to walk another 20+ minutes during lunch, but around 9am today...the noise happened.

While I was walking in the yard just before work, I noticed my neighbors had two of their cars parked in front of our house. We don't really know what's going on over there. There's a guy who looks like he's in his early 20s and a girl who looks late teens who are normally there. There used to be a woman who looked 40-50ish, but we never see her anymore. There's an older couple who shows up now and then, but it's usually just for a short while or to do some little things in the yard (they usually have a hired crew to do the rest). We're not sure if it's a rental situation, grandparents or what. The guy sometimes plays his music too loudly and I've had a few incidents where I've had to tell him to turn it down and they're always putting their trash and recycle bins in our yard instead of their own. Ya know...little neighborly annoyances. Well, around 9am things got loud...trucks rumbling, guys yelling...back up signals on industrial equipment beeping... And then the jackhammer started. And then the trucks and debris dumping noise kicked in. And then the chainsaws started going and the shovels and manual tools started clanking on stuff. I'm thinking they're having their driveway redone and they were waiting on our stay at home orders to be lifted. Still, it's loud enough that it's shaking the house, I can hear it through my headphones and none of us trying to work can take calls. They have work trucks and workers parked on the other side of our driveway as well and I didn't want an audience or to have to hear all of this, so I skipped the lunch walk. They're all still there, so if I do an after work's going to have to wait until they're done for the day. I'm not grumpy or anything :hilarious:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
It is officially the weekend...I have just logged off of work and unless I get the crazy urge to work on one of my big files, I will be in break mode until 7:45am on Monday morning.

I had to get up a little earlier today because Friday is my "early day," but I still got in a full workout and even with a little less sleep, I was pumped this morning. I went a little over 16 miles on the bike, doubled what I was planning to do with kettlebells, I had so much energy during abs that I thought I'd miscounted, and I felt really speedy during my 11 minutes of walking (and a little bit of skipping and running) in the yard. I even did some runner's skipping when I took Cookie out around lunch during the brief 10 minutes of peace. I was hoping to walk another 20+ minutes during lunch, but around 9am today...the noise happened.

While I was walking in the yard just before work, I noticed my neighbors had two of their cars parked in front of our house. We don't really know what's going on over there. There's a guy who looks like he's in his early 20s and a girl who looks late teens who are normally there. There used to be a woman who looked 40-50ish, but we never see her anymore. There's an older couple who shows up now and then, but it's usually just for a short while or to do some little things in the yard (they usually have a hired crew to do the rest). We're not sure if it's a rental situation, grandparents or what. The guy sometimes plays his music too loudly and I've had a few incidents where I've had to tell him to turn it down and they're always putting their trash and recycle bins in our yard instead of their own. Ya know...little neighborly annoyances. Well, around 9am things got loud...trucks rumbling, guys yelling...back up signals on industrial equipment beeping... And then the jackhammer started. And then the trucks and debris dumping noise kicked in. And then the chainsaws started going and the shovels and manual tools started clanking on stuff. I'm thinking they're having their driveway redone and they were waiting on our stay at home orders to be lifted. Still, it's loud enough that it's shaking the house, I can hear it through my headphones and none of us trying to work can take calls. They have work trucks and workers parked on the other side of our driveway as well and I didn't want an audience or to have to hear all of this, so I skipped the lunch walk. They're all still there, so if I do an after work's going to have to wait until they're done for the day. I'm not grumpy or anything :hilarious:

That's crazy. I hope it was just a one day situation. It's hard to tune that out, because it's not just noise, it's the vibrations.

We had something like that happen a few years ago, except they would start the road works at 10 PM in front of our house. Our house was shaking, men were shouting and pipes were clanking loudly on the ground, etc.It would go on until 5 AM and they had these bright lights that came through even with black out curtains. I thought it would go on for a night or two, but after the third night, I made some calls and eventually it stopped. They did the works during normal hours after that. Not long after that, a connecting piece between 2 pipes loosen up and water came gushing out. It flooded my crawl space. I had to shut down the water main and get a plumber out. I can't prove it, but I believe it was from the house vibrating for hours on end.

Hope you and your family get out to walk around at the beach today. 🏖

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning.

I did an upper body workout. I'm definitely going to get out for a walk later. It's going to be in the mid 70s and no rain. It's about time!

I'm probably going to mess around in my yard today. The weed situation is out of control. Plus, my husband bought a few flats of different flowers yesterday, so we'll be planting them.

Today is pizza day. I have dough fermenting in my fridge since Thursday morning, so I am sure it's developed some flavor by now.

Other than that, nothing is going on, because there is nowhere to go. I mean, there are places to go. State parks have reopened today, but everyone and their brother will be going--especially today with the gorgeous weather. I won't even mention the people who come from PA to visit these parks. -_-

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