working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I haven't worked out since Saturday and it's making me nuts...but, I need to rest. I probably shouldn't have even worked out on Saturday. Not that I never get sick, but it's been years since I've been hammered with back to back to back things that really take me out of circulation like this. So, I started trying to figure out what may be doing this to me.

I've been sick 3x since I got back from Disney and the incubation on the first was far enough from the Disney trip that I don't attribute it to that. Some could be coming down off of the weekend, since it's really common for a big race to come back to bite you after it's all done, but I don't know if that's it. So what could it be? Well, I think it's some of the meds the allergist gave me. I'm not going to give you the long drawn out version, but I'm prone to medicine side effects and one of the issues with his key med for me is known to impact your immune system and have the potential for creating immune disorders. I doubt I was on it long enough for full blown disorder, but enough to depress my system and allow in an above average number of bugs. And when I thought about it, the sickest times of my life were times when I followed my allergy med regimens to the T...and many allergy meds depress your immune systems as part of the whole depressing the histamine response with allergens. So, I've decided to go off of the meds and just use the inhaler as needed. With everything going on, now is really not the time for me to be dealing with all of these bugs.

On a more fun note, when I wasn't hacking up a lung, I got around to putting up my MCM style decals in my diner room. Of course, I still need to put away the Christmas decorations off to the side that I forgot about, but it'll get done... I think. I feel like the wall needs larger versions of the small starbursts. Older kid agrees, but hubby, younger kid and friend say to leave it as is.



This is my favorite one :D


Also thought I'd share a little wildlife from a run a couple of weeks ago. It's not a rare animal, but something very uncommon in this area and not always easily spotted in areas where they are more common. So, I was running and saw something in the water and it looked like an otter. I've seen nutria, but this didn't look or move like one. After seeing a woman's Nextdoor post last night about a river otter in her pool and several people saying there are some known otter dens around here, I can now say...with confidence...that I saw a river otter during my run in my neighborhood. The video looks better on a phone (more Loch Ness monster on the big computer screen). Still, it cracks me up because this is my first time seeing one in the wild. They are supposedly starting to move back into these parts of Texas, but those moves are something that's only started being seen over the last few years. I've lived in areas where they are more common and could have seen them in several of the national parks we visited, but no...I see my first wild otter in my town. :hilarious:



Well-Known Member
I haven't worked out since Saturday and it's making me nuts...but, I need to rest. I probably shouldn't have even worked out on Saturday. Not that I never get sick, but it's been years since I've been hammered with back to back to back things that really take me out of circulation like this. So, I started trying to figure out what may be doing this to me.

I've been sick 3x since I got back from Disney and the incubation on the first was far enough from the Disney trip that I don't attribute it to that. Some could be coming down off of the weekend, since it's really common for a big race to come back to bite you after it's all done, but I don't know if that's it. So what could it be? Well, I think it's some of the meds the allergist gave me. I'm not going to give you the long drawn out version, but I'm prone to medicine side effects and one of the issues with his key med for me is known to impact your immune system and have the potential for creating immune disorders. I doubt I was on it long enough for full blown disorder, but enough to depress my system and allow in an above average number of bugs. And when I thought about it, the sickest times of my life were times when I followed my allergy med regimens to the T...and many allergy meds depress your immune systems as part of the whole depressing the histamine response with allergens. So, I've decided to go off of the meds and just use the inhaler as needed. With everything going on, now is really not the time for me to be dealing with all of these bugs.

On a more fun note, when I wasn't hacking up a lung, I got around to putting up my MCM style decals in my diner room. Of course, I still need to put away the Christmas decorations off to the side that I forgot about, but it'll get done... I think. I feel like the wall needs larger versions of the small starbursts. Older kid agrees, but hubby, younger kid and friend say to leave it as is.



This is my favorite one :D


Also thought I'd share a little wildlife from a run a couple of weeks ago. It's not a rare animal, but something very uncommon in this area and not always easily spotted in areas where they are more common. So, I was running and saw something in the water and it looked like an otter. I've seen nutria, but this didn't look or move like one. After seeing a woman's Nextdoor post last night about a river otter in her pool and several people saying there are some known otter dens around here, I can now say...with confidence...that I saw a river otter during my run in my neighborhood. The video looks better on a phone (more Loch Ness monster on the big computer screen). Still, it cracks me up because this is my first time seeing one in the wild. They are supposedly starting to move back into these parts of Texas, but those moves are something that's only started being seen over the last few years. I've lived in areas where they are more common and could have seen them in several of the national parks we visited, but no...I see my first wild otter in my town. :hilarious:

I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Part of it might just be the time of year...this is cold and flu season. But it also sounds like you were really busy with preparing for Disney, and then the actual you come back and your body says "FINALLY, some rest." and it kind of just gives in. At least, that's what always happens to me. From about Mid- November through New Years is the busiest time for me. (Which is why I haven't been here) We have a ton of December birthdays, plus all the festivities for the holidays, and choir always has a few gigs for Christmas shows or whatever, and there are work parties, school functions, and people are always asking you to make food for this thing, or do crafts for that thing. By the time New Years rolls around, my body is DONE and says "NO MORE!" and I usually come down with some crud or another. I'd say give yourself a chance to rest up. You can't go full tilt all the time.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Part of it might just be the time of year...this is cold and flu season. But it also sounds like you were really busy with preparing for Disney, and then the actual you come back and your body says "FINALLY, some rest." and it kind of just gives in. At least, that's what always happens to me. From about Mid- November through New Years is the busiest time for me. (Which is why I haven't been here) We have a ton of December birthdays, plus all the festivities for the holidays, and choir always has a few gigs for Christmas shows or whatever, and there are work parties, school functions, and people are always asking you to make food for this thing, or do crafts for that thing. By the time New Years rolls around, my body is DONE and says "NO MORE!" and I usually come down with some crud or another. I'd say give yourself a chance to rest up. You can't go full tilt all the time.

Thanks! :) I'm sure timing is some of it. Oddly enough, on 3/4/2020 the medicine in question was hit with what our pharmacist friend calls a "black flag" warning. This has been on the market since 1998, but I guess the FDA is just now deciding that some of the side effects are serious enough for the extreme warning...going as far as noting that the benefits of the med may not outweigh the risks. The timing of this is almost a bit creepy to me. Still, the great "pollening" is also going on in our area...where everything is that lovely shade of neon yellow. I had been trying my normal allergy meds that usually work, but last night, I found some old sinus stuff and it's the first time in a week that I've gotten a decent night's sleep. Guess I'll be going out today to try and buy more. People only seem to be grabbing up the cold and flu meds, so I'm optimistic. The kids are on spring break next week (and we're doing nothing :D ), which should give me some extra downtime even if work is still in full swing. So, that is probably a good time to ease back in.


Well-Known Member
We have sunshine again today. Got out and walked a little bit earlier, but man is it cold. The wind just cuts through you. Tried to walk yesterday, but it was just too windy, making it very unpleasant. Sometimes you just gotta go back inside, knowing it will be warmer another day.


Well-Known Member
We have sunshine again today. Got out and walked a little bit earlier, but man is it cold. The wind just cuts through you. Tried to walk yesterday, but it was just too windy, making it very unpleasant. Sometimes you just gotta go back inside, knowing it will be warmer another day.
It's finally getting less windy here. We had some nasty winds because of all the storms like Ciara and Dennis. Gusts up to 100km per hour...we didn't let the kids bike to school in that.


Premium Member
We have sunshine again today. Got out and walked a little bit earlier, but man is it cold. The wind just cuts through you. Tried to walk yesterday, but it was just too windy, making it very unpleasant. Sometimes you just gotta go back inside, knowing it will be warmer another day.

It's been really windy up here for a few days. I like walking in the wind, but then again, I also like walking outside when it's cold. :)



Well-Known Member
So my wife just shook her head and smiled when I came home with this today.
"Why did you get another one?"
Apparently "Why not?" is not a good reply.
I did explain this was a different model than my other one and this one will be easy to take camping with us, and it was on clearance at a pricepoint where it seemed they were just daring me to buy it, but she had already tuned out by then. She did leave the carport with a knowing smile though, perhaps realizing there will be good eats to come later. And the truth is, I could have worse and way more expensive hobbies than outdoor cooking. (Actually I do, but let's not discuss that right now.)

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Well-Known Member
So my wife just shook her head and smiled when I came home with this today.
"Why did you get another one?"
Apparently "Why not?" is not a good reply.
I did explain this was a different model than my other one and this one will be easy to take camping with us, and it was on clearance at a pricepoint where it seemed they were just daring me to buy it, but she had already tuned out by then. She did leave the carport with a knowing smile though, perhaps realizing there will be good eats to come later. And the truth is, I could have worse and way more expensive hobbies than outdoor cooking. (Actually I do, but let's not discuss that right now.)

View attachment 454604
Perhaps the smile is because now she can feel free to indulge herself in an expense she previously couldn't justify. ;)


Well-Known Member
I just booked a 6 night trip for November. I am miserably out of shape. However, I am also 72 years old. I need to get out and start walking as much as I can before my trip. I want to be able to withstand long days in the parks once my trip does arrive. If I don't do this, my trip will be real disaster.


Well-Known Member
I just booked a 6 night trip for November. I am miserably out of shape. However, I am also 72 years old. I need to get out and start walking as much as I can before my trip. I want to be able to withstand long days in the parks once my trip does arrive. If I don't do this, my trip will be real disaster.
You picked a good time to go. The temps are mild compared to summer time like temps from May-Oct at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I just booked a 6 night trip for November. I am miserably out of shape. However, I am also 72 years old. I need to get out and start walking as much as I can before my trip. I want to be able to withstand long days in the parks once my trip does arrive. If I don't do this, my trip will be real disaster.
You picked a good time to go. The temps are mild compared to summer time like temps from May-Oct at WDW.

I have never been in November before. Probably gone every other month of the year, over my many trips, but never in November. I thought perhaps I may be fortunate enough to catch some early signs of Christmas.


Well-Known Member
I got back in the gym on Monday. I'm feeling a lot better since finding an OTC sinus med that works well. I also have a lot more energy the farther I seem to get from being on that issue causing asthma pill from the doctor. I am still going to follow his advice and avoid outside running until the pollen calms down...which might not be for another couple of weeks. A friend suggested I trade in some of my other gym equipment and invest in a good quality treadmill, but new car shopping is coming sooner rather than that's where my $ is going. Excited and anxious at the same time. It's always fun getting something new, but car shopping...not so much.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Waving hi! The last week and a half has been a bit of a blur my mil wound up with pneumonia, the good news is she's out of the hospital and on the mend. During the ordeal not knowing exactly what the situation was I had all 3 guys home for a week, fun times:banghead: Right now it's about trying to keep up with a daily practice even if it's short and trying to get in as many inside steps as I can. @epcotisbest how's your sugar and A1C?


Well-Known Member
I got back in the gym on Monday. I'm feeling a lot better since finding an OTC sinus med that works well. I also have a lot more energy the farther I seem to get from being on that issue causing asthma pill from the doctor. I am still going to follow his advice and avoid outside running until the pollen calms down...which might not be for another couple of weeks. A friend suggested I trade in some of my other gym equipment and invest in a good quality treadmill, but new car shopping is coming sooner rather than that's where my $ is going. Excited and anxious at the same time. It's always fun getting something new, but car shopping...not so much.

We bought a treadmill and used it a little before realizing we got more exercise from dusting it than actually using it. After we sold the treadmill, we got an elliptical machine, which my wife loves and uses regularly. I do get an extra couple of steps walking each day by going around it, so there's that, but I don't think a couple of extra steps per day count for much.


Well-Known Member
Waving hi! The last week and a half has been a bit of a blur my mil wound up with pneumonia, the good news is she's out of the hospital and on the mend. During the ordeal not knowing exactly what the situation was I had all 3 guys home for a week, fun times:banghead: Right now it's about trying to keep up with a daily practice even if it's short and trying to get in as many inside steps as I can. @epcotisbest how's your sugar and A1C?

Both numbers doing well as I have been making an effort to eat better and that makes a huge difference. Will improve even more as the warmer weather allows for more walking and yard work and stuff. Thanks for checking up on me. Makes me feel like somebody.


Well-Known Member
I got back in the gym on Monday. I'm feeling a lot better since finding an OTC sinus med that works well. I also have a lot more energy the farther I seem to get from being on that issue causing asthma pill from the doctor. I am still going to follow his advice and avoid outside running until the pollen calms down...which might not be for another couple of weeks. A friend suggested I trade in some of my other gym equipment and invest in a good quality treadmill, but new car shopping is coming sooner rather than that's where my $ is going. Excited and anxious at the same time. It's always fun getting something new, but car shopping...not so much.

Car shopping is the worst. They make it such a hassle and I don't like playing games. We are not SUV people but glad I did not have to look for one of those, as the choices seem kinda overwhelming.
We wound up selling the Camry and getting a Toyota Avalon Limited. Probably the best car we have ever had, though some of the features seem a bit overwhelming.
My wife loves the heated seats. It has air-conditioned seats too, but have not tried them yet. Some of the built-in navigation and apps we will probably never use, but some of the features are nice. One thing it has that cracks me up is a control for "mood lighting." It basically adjusts the level of brightness and color of some built in lights around the door panels, cup holders etc... a feature I find mostly useless.
Besides, I only have one mood, grumpy, and I don't need a control for that. Don't know why k n o b is censored.
Not sure how we feel about the sun roof/moon roof, whatever it is called. We had one before and rarely used it in an older Avalon before the Camry. Might use it some in the summer, who knows?
I do like the key fob and push button start. It is nice to never need to get your keys out of your pocket to open the door or trunk. Not that it was ever too much effort before, but being able to just walk up and open the door or trunk without a key in hand is nice.
The leather multi position seats and heat and ac controls for both front and rear passengers is nice too, and the sound system is amazing.
Still, more technology than we are used to, like lane control and blind spot monitoring, but might learn to get used it. So far the built in navigation does not get used much as we still tend to use our old plug-in Garmin Nuvi. Creatures of habit I guess.
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Well-Known Member
We bought a treadmill and used it a little before realizing we got more exercise from dusting it than actually using it. After we sold the treadmill, we got an elliptical machine, which my wife loves and uses regularly. I do get an extra couple of steps walking each day by going around it, so there's that, but I don't think a couple of extra steps per day count for much.

I've had quite a few ellipticals, but I tend to kill them...even really good ones. I have 4 other machines in my gym right now, just nothing for a good run. Hey, don't dismiss those extra steps. Every bit counts...ok, not much, but it's something.

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