working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry about things with your husband. I have a friend who seems to be prone to shingles and she's always so miserable when it surfaces. I'm glad he's better this week. He sounds like he's at the phase when we usually see my friend at work. Still no fun and it's scary to have anything impacting your immune system right now.

I haven't been out running in a bit b/c of the pollen, but I imagine people are a bit wary of coming across others while on the trails. I haven't heard of crossing to avoid contact like this, but it also doesn't shock me. It just feels so bizarre to be avoiding such normal passing and interaction. I saw an old friend at the market the other day and we awkwardly stood there when we'd normally hug. She says she's not one to panic, but with her age, she's at greater risk than me. I'd hate to find out she's sick and later find out I was did I make her sick? Just such bizarre times. On the flip side, I have other friends who feel that social distancing should be quarantine and feel that we all should be tucked away inside our homes 24/7. I want to argue that getting out and moving around and trying to do some normal stuff with better human distance adds some sanity, which can also boost your health. Still, I know it's so tense, that everyone is in their own mental place with this...struggling with varying degrees of this as well as the uncertainties.

Yes, it's definitely not the best time to be looking at things involving the airlines. I have an old school friend that works for Delta and I worry about the future with his job. I suspect he's in a decent position, but his role seems to take him to Asia quite a bit, so I don't know how he'll be impacted. The other day, a different friend suggested I look into one way air to Atlanta to visit him and buy a car there...since auto prices are cheaper there. I wasn't sure whether to rejoice or cry out of fear when I found a one way ticket for $27. I didn't take him up on it, but the price says a lot about what's going on in that industry right now. Unfortunately, a lot of industries will be hard hit from all of this.

Hope you're doing well :)

I didn't even know you can get shingles again. My husband was worried about lingering pain after the blisters go away and he told me if he had to live long term with this pain, he was going to shoot himself. This was a couple of weeks ago, so it seems like the pain has become manageable, although he's still taking Advil.

I went for a walk Saturday with my husband and there was a family of three coming at us. It was a busy street, so I couldn't cross quickly. I shouted at them to stay 6 feet away. I got as far away as I could without going out into oncoming traffic, but they gave me such dirty looks and made no attempt to stay away. I don't care. I'm reading too many articles of young, healthy people dying from this or being in medically induced comas. I don't think being under 60 means you're in the clear with this and you're just going to have a bad flu. Why risk getting walking pneumonia? Not only that, after this week, it's likely to get crazy trying to get medical help. So, if you need medical attention, you're going to be at the bottom of the pile to get help with walking pneumonia.

I'd be tempted to get take a trip to ATL for $27 to go car shopping, too, even now. But I know I'd pass, as well.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
No working out today, but I have been pretty good the last few days. I've been back to normal biking distance minimums. lifting while I bike, and I finally added back in some kettle bell sets. It's bizarre, but I feel better and more fit without the running. I miss it, but my sinuses have been such a mess that I can't do anything out there until we're past pollen season. As it is, my sinus and allergy meds weren't enough to handle the pollen today.

While today was not a workout day, today was car shopping day! We were out the door before 9am and didn't get home until after 3pm. We went to a Kia dealership that had no Tellurides, and Hyundai dealership with an odd sales guy where I didn't like the vehicles or his methods, and a mega dealership that sold both as well as the VW Atlas. NOBODY had any Tellruides for sale, but I did get to sit in one that was already claimed by another buyer. At the end of the day, I came home with an Atlas. I hated the Hyundai, so that was a big no. I liked the Kia, but I learned that Kia is cashing in on the popularity and sending higher trims with add ons to milk more out of "must have" buyers. I wasn't impressed enough to spend for the highest level trims. The VW, on the other hand, seemed like the right choice. They still had 2019s on the lot, which had been discounted quite a bit...the 2019s have a better warranty than the 2020s...and it just felt right when I drove it. I haven't taken any interior pics, but this is my goofball 13yr old with it...




This is a lovely car. It's funny you set out to get a Kia and you came back with a VW. I have a 2004 VW Beetle. It's still running strong. I'm keeping it until it stops running. LOL

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

Today was an hour of yoga and I intend to go for a walk when it warms up a bit.

I made a starter for baguettes last night and I am going to make the dough here shortly. That should keep me busy, since there's a lot of proofing involved. My husband and son are off for two weeks, well, not off but working from home and my son is supposed to be attending class though Google Classroom. I don't think it's totally set up, though. The school district changed its mind Friday night about coming to school today.

I'm glad I wake up so early, it's now the only time of day where it's quiet and I feel like I have the house to myself. :)

I am going to make paneer today and hopefully make paneer tikka masala for dinner. Calories be damned! :hungry:


Premium Member
Original Poster

I've been kind of busy. I've been feeling kind of low emotionally, so I just took myself offline for a bit. I have been doing an hour of yoga in the AM and going out for walks when weather permits.

Then my husband got shingles, so I've been busy helping him out. It was kind of crazy. He started out feeling really wiped out. Then he had a pain in his side, so he called the BCBS nurse, who said it sounded like appendicitis. So, the following day, he went to his doctor, who couldn't feel any swelling or guarding. But, he wanted a U/S, which turned out be inconclusive. Then the doc wanted a CT scan, but he couldn't get in until the 24th of this month. Finally, he went to the ER, because he was in a lot of pain. In the meantime, he was using a heating pad and he kept telling me he thought he'd burned himself with it, because his side felt prickly. The ER doc took one look at this "burn" and told him it was shingles. I am making sure when I am old enough to get the Shingrix vaccine, because this was awful. The doctor prescribed OxyContin, but he didn't want to touch it. So, he was just on Advil for pain. He was up all night taking bath after bath to help take some of the edge off of the pain. He seems better this week, but he is out running errands and I keep asking him if that's a good idea right now. I'm not sure his immune system is 100% just yet.

It was kind of funny, yesterday, it was in the 70s and sunny here, so a lot of people were out walking. I lost count of how many people saw me walking on the same side of the street as they were and crossed to the other side. I understand, but it's something I'd never seen before.

Oh, I reapplied to Delta and got an invite to do a video interview a few weeks ago. I ended up passing on it. I was kind of depressed and I felt like I couldn't fake happiness/perkiness, so I ended up declining. I feel kind of vindicated, because they are slashing flights. Even if I had been invited to Atlanta for a face to face, it likely would have been canceled. TBH, I wouldn't feel comfortable working flights right now.

Anyway, I going to get caught up on old posts here.

Take care. :)
Welcome home and I'm so sorry to hear about your dh. Take care xoxo


Premium Member
Original Poster
I didn't even know you can get shingles again. My husband was worried about lingering pain after the blisters go away and he told me if he had to live long term with this pain, he was going to shoot himself. This was a couple of weeks ago, so it seems like the pain has become manageable, although he's still taking Advil.

I went for a walk Saturday with my husband and there was a family of three coming at us. It was a busy street, so I couldn't cross quickly. I shouted at them to stay 6 feet away. I got as far away as I could without going out into oncoming traffic, but they gave me such dirty looks and made no attempt to stay away. I don't care. I'm reading too many articles of young, healthy people dying from this or being in medically induced comas. I don't think being under 60 means you're in the clear with this and you're just going to have a bad flu. Why risk getting walking pneumonia? Not only that, after this week, it's likely to get crazy trying to get medical help. So, if you need medical attention, you're going to be at the bottom of the pile to get help with walking pneumonia.

I'd be tempted to get take a trip to ATL for $27 to go car shopping, too, even now. But I know I'd pass, as well.
Little known fact you can get the chicken pox more than once if you get a mild case the first time but it's still very rare. Lucky me years ago:hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Little known fact you can get the chicken pox more than once if you get a mild case the first time but it's still very rare. Lucky me years ago:hilarious:
My best friend got chicken pox 3 times. It's the same virus as Shingles, but my understanding is that you can't get shingles if you've never had chicken pox, because it's basically like a reactivation of the virus? I'm not sure, but when I had shingles, it wasn't too bad. It was only one small patch on my right side of my chest and I had achy muscles in that area....shoulder, bicep, tricep, etc. But that was it.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Little known fact you can get the chicken pox more than once if you get a mild case the first time but it's still very rare. Lucky me years ago:hilarious:

This happened to me, too. I got a mild case when I was seven. My brother and I were sick at the same and he was in worse shape than I was. Then, when I was 14, I got a proper case. Wow, was I sick. I remember it was over Christmas break. I had pox every where and I mean *every where*. :oops: They were on the inside of my mouth, my gums and down my throat. It hurt to eat, to swallow and even to talk. I was so achy and nauseous, too. When break was over, I was no longer contagious and well enough to return to school. I still had scabs on my face and I got teased for it. Nobody wanted to sit by me. That hurt almost as much as my throat did. Ugh.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Happy St. Patrick's Day. ☘ I totally forgot about it until I looked at the date.

I did a half-hour of shoulder stretching and I am going out later for a walk. It's become something of game now. I keep crossing the street to avoid walking closely past someone, others are doing it, too.

My husband was working from home yesterday and he came out of his office to tell me he heard a rumor that NJ liquor stores were going to close indefinitely last night. He dropped everything to go to Wine Works and came back with so much beer and wine. :rolleyes: It was only a rumor and I think it might have started b/c the bars (and other places) closed here at 8 PM last night. See told me while he was waiting in line to pay, the woman behind him in the line was on his "backside." He politely asked her to back away and she gave him a dirty look. She didn't back away, either. I don't know what is wrong with people.

We watched A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood last night. I remember when this was released, it seemed like nobody went to see it. I don't know why? It has good reviews and I enjoyed it. At first, I did have a little bit of a hard time buying Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers, but I felt like he got "the spirit" of Fred Rogers. "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood," "Sesame Street" and "The Electric Company" were such a big part of my childhood. It was especially comforting right now to see the replication of the show that's at the beginning of the film. :) But, wow, he was truly a one of a kind person, such a treasure.

Take care. :)


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know you can get shingles again. My husband was worried about lingering pain after the blisters go away and he told me if he had to live long term with this pain, he was going to shoot himself. This was a couple of weeks ago, so it seems like the pain has become manageable, although he's still taking Advil.

I went for a walk Saturday with my husband and there was a family of three coming at us. It was a busy street, so I couldn't cross quickly. I shouted at them to stay 6 feet away. I got as far away as I could without going out into oncoming traffic, but they gave me such dirty looks and made no attempt to stay away. I don't care. I'm reading too many articles of young, healthy people dying from this or being in medically induced comas. I don't think being under 60 means you're in the clear with this and you're just going to have a bad flu. Why risk getting walking pneumonia? Not only that, after this week, it's likely to get crazy trying to get medical help. So, if you need medical attention, you're going to be at the bottom of the pile to get help with walking pneumonia.

I'd be tempted to get take a trip to ATL for $27 to go car shopping, too, even now. But I know I'd pass, as well.

The whole distancing thing has been a challenge. I took the dogs out for individual runs over the weekend and I pretty much had to jump off and get into the forest to get proper distance. It's been even harder when I'm in the office. We have narrow corridors in some areas and just time in the bathroom and elevators makes it impossible to totally distance. I do worry about how hard it could soon be to get medical help, but I'm worrying about a lot these days. I think we all are :(

Yeah, I just stayed local. No reason to head to GA.


Well-Known Member
This is a lovely car. It's funny you set out to get a Kia and you came back with a VW. I have a 2004 VW Beetle. It's still running strong. I'm keeping it until it stops running. LOL

Thanks! The VW was on the list of vehicles to test, but it was #3 on my list and #4 on the kids'. Good to hear yours is running strong. I worried a bit because my friend had a rather issue prone Passat, but the warranty is at least really good. I probably could have gotten a better deal if I waited until this weekend or next, but I also don't know if businesses are going to shut down here and I didn't want to be stuck with an unreliable vehicle at this time.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone, I'm trying to stay healthy and positive, but like everyone...I'm sure the latter part is a challenge at some points. I'll try to keep it light and share some of the funny stories going on in our house...some workout related...some not.

- I am playing teacher and lesson planner in this. PE for the kids is between 11:30am-12:30pm. The younger one is hitting the home gym for a bit to do cardio and then out into the yard for softball drills. The older one is doing a couple of dance workout videos. There will be an optional walk at 6pm to get out for a bit...assuming the pollen isn't horrible. I am hoping to use the gym on my lunch break.

- In a move to establish normalcy, while also being a bit funny, I'm using a school bell to signal the start of school as well as class changes (assuming my husband and I aren't on client calls at the time). I may do morning announcements starting next week along with the pledge! I came up with an all day lesson plan...and I'm kind of dreading having to grade papers tonight. I've never been in this position!

- We all know about the mass hysteria over TP. We are in good shape, I think...but you don't realize how much your kids truly use until they start clogging the toilets from their excessively lavish TP consumption. I'm thinking about instituting TP rationing...handing them a designated number of squares before entering (vs leaving the roll just out there). Otherwise, we may be looking for leaves like my younger one suggested 🤣

Beyond that, I'm just so tired of all of the pollen. My allergies and sinuses went haywire from it. Just as I was starting to feel better, another day out and about in it a bit too much and I'm a mess. With everything going on, I don't want the death glares when it's just from the oak pollen.

Hope everyone is well :)

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
The whole distancing thing has been a challenge. I took the dogs out for individual runs over the weekend and I pretty much had to jump off and get into the forest to get proper distance. It's been even harder when I'm in the office. We have narrow corridors in some areas and just time in the bathroom and elevators makes it impossible to totally distance. I do worry about how hard it could soon be to get medical help, but I'm worrying about a lot these days. I think we all are :(

Yeah, I just stayed local. No reason to head to GA.

It's probably best right now to keep the revenue generated from your car purchase in your local economy.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
We all know about the mass hysteria over TP. We are in good shape, I think...but you don't realize how much your kids truly use until they start clogging the toilets from their excessively lavish TP consumption. I'm thinking about instituting TP rationing...handing them a designated number of squares before entering (vs leaving the roll just out there). Otherwise, we may be looking for leaves like my younger one suggested 🤣

I am guilty of this now. My husband yells at me. I buy get our TP at Costco, so we're good for a while. :hilarious:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I did an hour of yoga this morning and will be out for a walk when it warms up a bit. Most people are good about keeping their distance, but I do get the occasional person who is a butt about it. Yesterday, I encountered a man who refused to move and I had a hedge on my side, so we were not 6 ft apart, more like two. 🤬

I have all the ingredients to make a glazed lemon poundcake, but it uses three eggs. I want to minimize shop trips, so I am thinking twice about making it. I've been on a baking tear the past 10 days. I made a Hummingbird Cake for my husband's birthday and banana bread last week and I made 3 loaves of baguettes on Monday. :hungry:

I'm thinking there is not going to be a graduation ceremony for my son's graduating class in June. They give 20 tickets per student! It is supposed to take place at Temple U in Philly, but I'd be shocked if this happens. My MIL purchased tickets to fly in from the UK a couple of weeks ago, so it's doubtful she'll be coming now. My mother has lupus and RA and is on meds that make her immunocompromised and she is the caregiver for my grandmother who is 85 with a neurodegenerative disease, they are last people who should be boarding planes and attending large gatherings. I hope the school can still do something special for this class. This is all so surreal.

I canceled my hair appointment for tomorrow. I'm sporting a serious "skunk stripe" and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. 🦨🦨🦨


Well-Known Member
I am guilty of this now. My husband yells at me. I buy get our TP at Costco, so we're good for a while. :hilarious:

My husband bought some from Costco a week before things got crazy...and without telling me, so I also bought a bunch from Kroger. Lack of communication may help us out for a while 🤣 We've seen some restaurants giving a roll with every take out order since they no longer need as much for their restrooms.

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