I am still around, I've just been doing stuff with my family and getting ready for my mother and grandmother to visit. I am on a yoga break, since it's been humid, the skin on the bottoms of my big toes rubbed off on my yoga mat. They got bloody, so I am using my kettlebells, my rope-less jump rope, resistance loops, etc.
I am taking a break today. My mom and grandma were supposed to land at 10 PM last night. However, there were storms here, so their flight was delayed by almost 4 hours. They landed just before 2 AM. My grandmother is in a wheelchair, so she doesn't get off of the plane until everyone else does. It took her 20 minutes to get her into the house. It was after 4 by the time I was able to get to sleep. But I had such a headache, so it was a fitful sleep. I just feel blah and tired.
My mother is mean to my grandmother. The previous owners left a stair lift, so my grandmother uses it. She needs to get onto the seat backwards at the top of the stairs and my mother kept telling her to hurry up. My grandmother has a degenerative neurological disorder, so she can't always move the way she wants. My grandmother almost missed the chair and went backwards down the stairs. My mother started yelling at her, which made me angry. So I started yelling at my mother. My mother is my grandmother's caregiver, so I am wondering if I am seeing the tip of the iceberg w/r/t how my mother treats her when they are alone.
I am beginning to think these trips are too much for my grandmother. She had some breakfast and went back to bed. I am hoping she is just recovering from the delayed flight. My mother is hell bent on sight seeing, but my grandmother can't do it. I am just going to stay with my grandmother when they go out. I can roll her out on our deck and hang out with her, make her lunch, get her drinks, etc.