working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Wow! All you need is a cheesecake and you're set! My friend and I used to hit up Marshalls during our lunch breaks and every time, one of us would find a Sofia style purse and debate about whether or not we should buy it. We really want the action figures, but don't really know what we'd do with them once we got them.

That's hilarious. You could walk around with it and say, "Picture it: Sicily, 1927."

They are having a Golden Girls-themed cruise. I am not sure how I feel about this. It could go either way.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

My little friend woke me up this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just got out of bed and did my yoga for the day. It was an OK practice, I'm not in a hurry to do it again.

I had so much delicious food yesterday. I had a veggie burger topped with guacamole and swiss cheese. I made potato salad and broccoli slaw, but I only ate a bit of the potato salad. We have so much food left over! The cheesecake and lemon curd were awesome, too. I made the cheesecakes in half pint jars and one half of a jar is considered a serving. I ate one half of a jar last and my husband ate TWO JARS. I don't know how he didn't get sick.

I'm going to walk with my husband later on and just chill out with some iced coffee outside. It's not as muggy today as yesterday was.


Well-Known Member
That's hilarious. You could walk around with it and say, "Picture it: Sicily, 1927."

They are having a Golden Girls-themed cruise. I am not sure how I feel about this. It could go either way.

The cruise looks like it would be a blast! I think the success of those things often hinges on guests getting into it, but also not taking over the top into crazy. We often discussed which Golden Girl we'd be if we were to dress up. Sadly, I was never a good fit for Sophia and the fabulous bag. That's OK, I have a lot of fun going back and forth between Rose and Blanche :)


Well-Known Member
I have a foam roller, but mine is smooth. Admittedly, I don't use it was much as a should, because it hurts to roll the parts I should be rolling. Rolling my IT band brings tears to my eyes no matter how light I am with the pressure.

That seems like a big difference in milage in the app. There's no need in pushing yourself harder than necessary, that's a recipe for injury. I feel like I am an active person and if I ever decide to do a RunDisney event, I'd be doing the RunDisney schedule, too.

I looked at the smooth rollers and may eventually get one, but I started with the textured one. The smooth ones I was seeing all had a firm rating while the textured ones were all mediums. I hear ya on the IT bands. I rolled those with the big one some, but had to switch to the hand roller. It reminded me a lot of going to the chiropractor and the ridiculous amount of pain I would endure while they worked out my problem spots.

All in all, I found four base plans between the app and the Disney site and the app's were the most aggressive. I've decided to switch to the Disney beginner 10k plan. When I finish the September 10ks, I'll see how I feel. Ultimately, I see myself switching into his 10k/half plan on the Disney site. It's listed as an expert plan on the site, but it's still less intense than either of the app plans and it should prepare me for having back to back runs. Like I told my husband, I can always use the app after all of this if I want to train more in the future. It might also be good for days when his mileage match up to the Disney plan. In the end, I think I was a bit more relaxed and faster when it was just me picking my music and listening to my watch telling me to walk or run.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
The cruise looks like it would be a blast! I think the success of those things often hinges on guests getting into it, but also not taking over the top into crazy. We often discussed which Golden Girl we'd be if we were to dress up. Sadly, I was never a good fit for Sophia and the fabulous bag. That's OK, I have a lot of fun going back and forth between Rose and Blanche :)

That's my concern about something like that. It could be fun or it could be cringe-worthy. I suspect this cruise would bring an interesting mix of people together. :hilarious:

I always joke around with my husband that I became a widow, Blanche would be my role model. :p

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning--

I started this 40 day yoga program today. I don't know if I will stay with it, but I'll take it one day at a time. It's meant to "unleash your creativity." Today's class was 50 minutes of sun salutations, which are hard on my shoulders. I hope they're not too sore later on. Otherwise, it was a bit different. It was lots of sitar and tabla drum music and poses called out in Sanskrit. There are also meditation and journaling prompts for each day, so I'll see how it goes. My only reservations are some of the classes are 90 minutes and there are classes with many hand and head stands--my nemeses.

I am hoping to pop out for a walk today in between storms.

I had a nice, relaxing Memorial Day. I went for a walk with my husband and basically spent the day in my yard doing nothing, but sitting in a lawn chair. The weather was perfect.

I've been reading stories about people dying trying to reach the peak of Everest. The weather has been poor, so people are milling around waiting for weather to clear. When the weather does clear, there is pent up demand to reach the top. People are running out of oxygen while waiting to ascend, so they become ill and die. People are reluctant to share their oxygen because of long waits. So, you're basically walking past people who are actively dying. What kind of experience this is? I don't know how I could reconcile just walking past someone who is succumbing to altitude sickness and then taking selfies while giving the peace sign on top of a peak that has the surface area of two ping-pong tables. Whatever happened to running a marathon or sailing around the world in a schooner as top bucket list items?


Well-Known Member
Good morning--

I started this 40 day yoga program today. I don't know if I will stay with it, but I'll take it one day at a time. It's meant to "unleash your creativity." Today's class was 50 minutes of sun salutations, which are hard on my shoulders. I hope they're not too sore later on. Otherwise, it was a bit different. It was lots of sitar and tabla drum music and poses called out in Sanskrit. There are also meditation and journaling prompts for each day, so I'll see how it goes. My only reservations are some of the classes are 90 minutes and there are classes with many hand and head stands--my nemeses.

I am hoping to pop out for a walk today in between storms.

I had a nice, relaxing Memorial Day. I went for a walk with my husband and basically spent the day in my yard doing nothing, but sitting in a lawn chair. The weather was perfect.

I've been reading stories about people dying trying to reach the peak of Everest. The weather has been poor, so people are milling around waiting for weather to clear. When the weather does clear, there is pent up demand to reach the top. People are running out of oxygen while waiting to ascend, so they become ill and die. People are reluctant to share their oxygen because of long waits. So, you're basically walking past people who are actively dying. What kind of experience this is? I don't know how I could reconcile just walking past someone who is succumbing to altitude sickness and then taking selfies while giving the peace sign on top of a peak that has the surface area of two ping-pong tables. Whatever happened to running a marathon or sailing around the world in a schooner as top bucket list items?

Not that mountain climbing has ever been on my list of things to do, but we saw a special last year about the madness with trying to climb Everest. I have to wonder how many of those people even thought that dying while waiting on weather would be one of their biggest risks. I think I'll be happy with Expedition Everest in AK and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I devoted extra time to the climber since I have started craving the rush of a run. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me. It was fine on the climber and I got in a nice bike ride afterwards, but I hope it doesn't push me towards injury while I'm out training. I've decided that the plan I was on is just wrong for me, so I mapped out all four half marathon plans on the website and app as well as the 10k/half plan. The differences are crazy, but I'll be flipping to the 10k beginner plan until I hit the start date for 10k/half training. I'm sure my knees will thank me.

Today, I got up and biked, walked, and then did arms and abs. Tonight, I'll be heading out for a 30 min run.

On a related note, I booked my lodging for my run trip :) I was going to work with a travel agent, but she said she couldn't book until June when rack rates post. Well, I saw all kinds of people in my run groups talking about already being booked and that 499 days out booking still applies. So, I called and sure enough...they were right. I don't normally use an agent, and it looks like I won't be this time either. I was hoping she'd do the legwork IF/WHEN room discounts hit, but looks like it'll be on me. I'm glad I called because one of the options I was considering had no rooms! So, I'm booked in a preferred room at Caribbean Beach.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Amen! I got to my freshman year of college as a music major having no theory. I didn't know key signatures, I couldn't sight read, I had no idea how you could hear whether a piece was in 3/4 or 4/4 time. I knew what sharps and flats were, but that was about the extent of my music theory. I was SO behind. I'm still not good at key sigs.
That's shocking we learned the basics of how to read music in grammar school and at least one year of an instrument beyond the plastic flute thingy was highly encouraged.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm still hanging on having survived a 4 day weekend for the guys which included one day of hitting up 9 different places to shop, 2 BBQs, getting most of the planting done and 4 solid practices. Today it's raining so just yoga and making a turkey roaster full of stuffed peppers for the guys, I'm still raw. Again get your mind out of the gutter @Mr Ferret 88

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
I'm still hanging on having survived a 4 day weekend for the guys which included one day of hitting up 9 different places to shop, 2 BBQs, getting most of the planting done and 4 solid practices. Today it's raining so just yoga and making a turkey roaster full of stuffed peppers for the guys, I'm still raw. Again get your mind out of the gutter @Mr Ferret 88
I have no idea what sort of thing you are talking about . Must be your old age kicking in.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I devoted extra time to the climber since I have started craving the rush of a run. I hope this doesn't come back to bite me. It was fine on the climber and I got in a nice bike ride afterwards, but I hope it doesn't push me towards injury while I'm out training. I've decided that the plan I was on is just wrong for me, so I mapped out all four half marathon plans on the website and app as well as the 10k/half plan. The differences are crazy, but I'll be flipping to the 10k beginner plan until I hit the start date for 10k/half training. I'm sure my knees will thank me.

Today, I got up and biked, walked, and then did arms and abs. Tonight, I'll be heading out for a 30 min run.

On a related note, I booked my lodging for my run trip :) I was going to work with a travel agent, but she said she couldn't book until June when rack rates post. Well, I saw all kinds of people in my run groups talking about already being booked and that 499 days out booking still applies. So, I called and sure enough...they were right. I don't normally use an agent, and it looks like I won't be this time either. I was hoping she'd do the legwork IF/WHEN room discounts hit, but looks like it'll be on me. I'm glad I called because one of the options I was considering had no rooms! So, I'm booked in a preferred room at Caribbean Beach.

In the past, I've just booked rooms myself and called when the discounts came out. They apply the discounts and that's it--no drama. The only thing I've had happen is they try to up sell you the tickets, but I always say no. Outside of buying an AP, I go through a third party vendor.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Not that mountain climbing has ever been on my list of things to do, but we saw a special last year about the madness with trying to climb Everest. I have to wonder how many of those people even thought that dying while waiting on weather would be one of their biggest risks. I think I'll be happy with Expedition Everest in AK and be done with it.

I won't even go on EE! :hilarious:

There are over 200 bodies up there and it's difficult to retrieve them. I've been reading articles about experienced climbers complaining about climbing parvenus and how there are so many of them. Yet, these climbers never think that they are contributing to the crowded conditions. I think they might be a little bitter b/c they feel the prestige of telling people they summited Mt Everest has been diluted a bit. I mean, I don't think it has, but I feel like there is a bit of snobbery going on.

One man was complaining about people taking selfies, yet he had a photo of himself holding a sign that said, "Hi Mom. I love you." Is that really any different than taking a selfie? :rolleyes:

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning--

Today was the second day of this 40 day "yoga journey." I didn't care for this class. It was very slow and was all about circular motions. Her teaching creeped me out, too. She would say, "Exhaaaaaallllllllleeeeee" in this hiss-like, whispery voice. I was listening to her tone as she was correcting students and it seemed like she was trying very hard to sound like this patient sage. I have a high tolerance for "woo" personalities, but it needs to be authentic. I felt like she was affecting this type of tree hugging, earth mama persona. I could almost smell the ganja and patchouli through the TV screen.:hilarious: I'll do another class tomorrow, but maybe she's just not a fit for me. I'll keep going, but if I feel agitated instead of rejuvenated and calm afterward, I'll know this is not for me. I do like the idea of this program and I really want to like it. :)

I am hoping to get out for a walk before another round of storms blow through.

I have been up since 1:30 AM. I woke up because my bedroom felt so close, even though I had the AC going with my ceiling fan at the highest speed. Then I started ruminating about my interview and that made me anxious. Ugh.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good morning--

Today was the second day of this 40 day "yoga journey." I didn't care for this class. It was very slow and was all about circular motions. Her teaching creeped me out, too. She would say, "Exhaaaaaallllllllleeeeee" in this hiss-like, whispery voice. I was listening to her tone as she was correcting students and it seemed like she was trying very hard to sound like this patient sage. I have a high tolerance for "woo" personalities, but it needs to be authentic. I felt like she was affecting this type of tree hugging, earth mama persona. I could almost smell the ganja and patchouli through the TV screen.:hilarious: I'll do another class tomorrow, but maybe she's just not a fit for me. I'll keep going, but if I feel agitated instead of rejuvenated and calm afterward, I'll know this is not for me. I do like the idea of this program and I really want to like it. :)

I am hoping to get out for a walk before another round of storms blow through.

I have been up since 1:30 AM. I woke up because my bedroom felt so close, even though I had the AC going with my ceiling fan at the highest speed. Then I started ruminating about my interview and that made me anxious. Ugh.
{{HUGS}} if you find the time check in with Adrienne for one of her practices for relaxation


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Another raw and inside day as it was clearish this morning but too many downed branches to get out safely. DH had to take a minor detour to work. Yoga and a few LS miles done and I'm going right back to finish up because round 2 is expected this afternoon and kids are getting sent home as a precaution


Well-Known Member
In the past, I've just booked rooms myself and called when the discounts came out. They apply the discounts and that's it--no drama. The only thing I've had happen is they try to up sell you the tickets, but I always say no. Outside of buying an AP, I go through a third party vendor.

I normally do all of my booking, but I've never booked with a friend before and things have been really busy, so I was hoping to use an agent this time to make some of this easier. If discounts do hit, I'm hoping it starts with a Disney Visa discount, because that usually means I have better odds of getting a discount and won't sit on hold for hours. I've spent hours sitting on hold waiting when it's a general public offer...especially if it's free dining or room discount. I normally use UT for my tickets. Not a huge savings, but it's something.


Well-Known Member
I won't even go on EE! :hilarious:

There are over 200 bodies up there and it's difficult to retrieve them. I've been reading articles about experienced climbers complaining about climbing parvenus and how there are so many of them. Yet, these climbers never think that they are contributing to the crowded conditions. I think they might be a little bitter b/c they feel the prestige of telling people they summited Mt Everest has been diluted a bit. I mean, I don't think it has, but I feel like there is a bit of snobbery going on.

One man was complaining about people taking selfies, yet he had a photo of himself holding a sign that said, "Hi Mom. I love you." Is that really any different than taking a selfie? :rolleyes:

Funny, EE is really the main reason I take time to go to AK. It's a pretty park, but for whatever reason, it just doesn't appeal to me like the others.

I could see that. Extreme sporting endeavors have become wildly popular and climbing Everest is typically one for the wealthy. The selfie part tells the other half of this story. So many people want to show off and what better way to show you're rich and doing something crazy? And no other mountain will do, since it has to be the tallest...since that signifies that it must be the best. I know there are plenty of peaks that are part of Everest and near Everest that get minimal traffic, simply because they're not the tallest. I just don't understand the people who bring their kids into this. It's not enough to climb it...let's climb it with a kid...and pray we all survive.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Another raw and inside day as it was clearish this morning but too many downed branches to get out safely. DH had to take a minor detour to work. Yoga and a few LS miles done and I'm going right back to finish up because round 2 is expected this afternoon and kids are getting sent home as a precaution

Stay safe!

We were under a tornado watch last night and we're under another one now. I was just taking a break outside and it is muggy out there. It feels like perfect conditions for something to bubble up. We had some thunderstorms, but nothing I would call "severe," thankfully.

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