Well-Known Member
My friend asked why I thought United would hire me. The job posting said they were looking for people who worked in social services, as well as teachers, nurses, first responders. I reminded her that I am a social worker and that entails working with people who are not in a good place in their lives. You have to possess emotional intelligence and heaps of patience to work in social services, in addition to having good communication skills, being a problem solver, and multitasking. She said, "That will help when the plane is going to crash." She said it such a snarky way. Obviously, safety is the first concern of a flight attendant, but you're also dealing with people who may be disgruntled about delays, seat size, other passengers, etc. That is where my social worker skills will kick in.
I have another friend who is a flight attendant and she has been nothing but helpful and supportive. She is actually a WDW Magic member. She sent me a letter of recommendation last weekend unprompted, but I can't use it because United only accepts LoRs from United employees. (Plus she sent it directly to me to print, which is a no-no.) But I really appreciate the effort and I see some phrases I can use in an interview.
I can't type the words going through my head...well, at least not on this forum...but seriously!?!?!?! You're a social worker! When I think social services, it's one of the professions I would immediately associate with this job posting. Heck, I work in the financial industry and was hired with no financial experience (unless you count restaurant and drug store cashier

That's great with this other friend. So supportive and so nice of her to send that letter of recommendation!