working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
Dates have been my downfall lately. I have been eating way too many of them. I bought this two pound bag of Deglet Noor dates at Costco and they are so delicious. It is too easy to just grab a handful of them. I love them, but when this bag is gone it's not going to be replaced so quickly. :hilarious:

I had been buying bags of Medjool dates since they are really good as an alternative sweetener. In the early stages, I was eating them alone as a treat, but I got creative with them and those creations mean lots of extra calories. I think we've hit that point that they can only come into the house if it's for a special treat. I didn't even know Costco sold big bags of them. I'll be in so much trouble if I see them!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
We did not. We have a fairly high deductible and the cost for everything came in right around the deductible amount. I think there may even be a Farmer's commercial where he casually mentions something about a dog flooding the house. Still, I'm sure the agent would have had a great story for the rest of his life had we gone that route. I know I have one from work that is stuck in my memory.

I used to handle matters with lost/destroyed share certificates for our firm. I had a client whose Boston Terrier puppy liked to attack everything that came through their mail slot. He wound up shredding and ingesting some of the share certificate they requested. I asked him to send me the shredded pieces, but to skip anything that actually made it into the dog's stomach.

I didn't know there was a Farmer's Insurance ad with a dog flooding a house! LOL

When I used to groom dogs, the shop was located in a strip mall. One day someone from another shop in the strip mall came in with a lab puppy with a distended belly. The puppy ate his girlfriend's bikini top and wanted to know if we could help. The only help we could give him was to tell him to take the puppy to the vet. That seems like a situation that requires surgery. o_O

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Wow! You guys are going to be warmer than us.

I guess you could always to reach out to United to see if they could generate another. Sometimes, I think these things are tests within the process. i.e. do you want it badly enough to reach out about the video invite not coming through?

I did reach out to the only recruiting address I could find online. There was nothing on their career pages and other contact options were for customers. I did read they were having weekly job fairs in Chicago and were offering conditional job offers on the spot. So other online applicants are wondering if that has cooled things off for us. I'm giving it until Wed for something to happen, then I am withdrawing my application. To me, this is a red flag.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I just completed my workout for the day. I decided to sleep in, since there was no good reason to be up at 4:30. I did some hiit cardio followed by some lower body strength training. I'm going to go for a walk with my husband a little later. I guess if there's something good about time change, is it gives me a little more time for outdoor activities, being it walking or gardening.

I am hoping to hear from AA next week regarding my progress. 🤞


Premium Member
I did reach out to the only recruiting address I could find online. There was nothing on their career pages and other contact options were for customers. I did read they were having weekly job fairs in Chicago and were offering conditional job offers on the spot. So other online applicants are wondering if that has cooled things off for us. I'm giving it until Wed for something to happen, then I am withdrawing my application. To me, this is a red flag.

It does make you wonder. But maybe think about giving it longer before you pull the plug. I'd hate to see you withdraw, only because of some glitch on their end -- that may be corrected this week.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know there was a Farmer's Insurance ad with a dog flooding a house! LOL

When I used to groom dogs, the shop was located in a strip mall. One day someone from another shop in the strip mall came in with a lab puppy with a distended belly. The puppy ate his girlfriend's bikini top and wanted to know if we could help. The only help we could give him was to tell him to take the puppy to the vet. That seems like a situation that requires surgery. o_O

It wasn't one of the good ones where they show the insurable event in action. He just mentions it in a cluster of insurable issues. It still made me feel better to know that we're not he only ones.

Yeah, distended belly is a vet matter. That's always my biggest fear with puppies and aggressive chewers. It's why I'm also not putting a ton of stuff in their crates. Also interesting that it was a bikini top in that puppy situation. I've had two dogs that like bras. Back when I was in high school, we had a golden retriever who would eat the cups out of any bra she cold sink her teeth into. 😂


Well-Known Member
I did reach out to the only recruiting address I could find online. There was nothing on their career pages and other contact options were for customers. I did read they were having weekly job fairs in Chicago and were offering conditional job offers on the spot. So other online applicants are wondering if that has cooled things off for us. I'm giving it until Wed for something to happen, then I am withdrawing my application. To me, this is a red flag.

I'm with @MinnieM123 on giving it a bit longer. Considering how often firms encounter web glitches (just look at Disney's site issues), I'd be inclined to wait a bit more. While not an apples to apples situation, I once had a firm send me some automated rejection correspondence. About a week later, I received a job offer call from a recruiter in their HR dept. They were completely unaware of the rejection notice.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
It does make you wonder. But maybe think about giving it longer before you pull the plug. I'd hate to see you withdraw, only because of some glitch on their end -- that may be corrected this week.
I'm with @MinnieM123 on giving it a bit longer. Considering how often firms encounter web glitches (just look at Disney's site issues), I'd be inclined to wait a bit more. While not an apples to apples situation, I once had a firm send me some automated rejection correspondence. About a week later, I received a job offer call from a recruiter in their HR dept. They were completely unaware of the rejection notice.

You are both right. I just dread the one way video interview. It's awkward to look into the camera and act like you're having a conversation with a recruiter. Even a phone interview is better because you're still getting some feedback. I just want to pull the band aid off and get it done. I'll see how this plays out.


Well-Known Member
I really thought about taking a break today, but my time in the gym is "me-time' and I've needed more of that since the puppies joined the fam and the kids went on break. I had two separate major stress dreams last night, so it was more therapy exercise than anythng. So, after running the dogs around, playing with them and feeding them for a couple of hours, I gave myself gym time. Outside of my cardio, I decided to do some leg, hip and butt work...moves I haven't done in ages. They're also pretty simple leg lifts, but I kicked them up by wearing my ankle weights. Each one is only about 2.5 lbs, but it makes such a huge difference with these for some reason. I also got the harness onto Cookie and we had a little walk this afternoon, but nothing too long as I was so excited about the harness that I never changed from my Birks to a pair of sneakers. We still got in a little over a half a mile, which was fine after all I did this morning.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I really thought about taking a break today, but my time in the gym is "me-time' and I've needed more of that since the puppies joined the fam and the kids went on break. I had two separate major stress dreams last night, so it was more therapy exercise than anythng. So, after running the dogs around, playing with them and feeding them for a couple of hours, I gave myself gym time. Outside of my cardio, I decided to do some leg, hip and butt work...moves I haven't done in ages. They're also pretty simple leg lifts, but I kicked them up by wearing my ankle weights. Each one is only about 2.5 lbs, but it makes such a huge difference with these for some reason. I also got the harness onto Cookie and we had a little walk this afternoon, but nothing too long as I was so excited about the harness that I never changed from my Birks to a pair of sneakers. We still got in a little over a half a mile, which was fine after all I did this morning.

I'm sorry you had two stress related dreams the other night. Yikes. I hope you can fix what's stressing you out. That sounds awful.Are the puppies sleeping though the night with all of the exercise you're doing with them?

Do you have the shorter resistance loops with leg, hip and butt work? I like them in addition to weights. They just challenge the muscles in different ways. I like them for traveling, too. You can even pop all four of them in your purse.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I started doing another four part lower body program on Sat and a pilates workout showed up on the schedule today. 😴 Sixty-three minutes of being horizontal and doing leg lift, swimmers, toe taps. Never again. I burned a whopping 87 calories for my time, too. Also, I just don't feel energized after pilates, either.

My husband is flying to Chicago for work tonight. I get really lazy with cooking when he's gone. My son cooks for himself and I hate cooking for one. So I made a massive lasagna last night and I will be eating that for dinner every night until I get sick of it and then I am going to make something else and eat that until my husband comes home Friday night.

There's a Toastmaster's meeting in my town Wednesday at noon. I'm thinking of going and checking out the vibe of the chapter.
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Well-Known Member
@HouCuseChickie -- Just curious about the puppies. Did the shelter insist that you foster 2 at the same time? Seems to me that 1 is a lot of work, as it is.

Nope. We intended to adopt two at once. We knew it would be a lot and some experts recommend separating adoptions by 6 months, but there were two factors in our decision...
  • We've always wanted to be a two-dog household, but our last two dogs weren't OK with other dogs. So, we wanted to come home with two that got along.
  • We didn't want to go through two separate adjustment periods due to our work, school, extracurricular and travel schedules. One adjustment is hard enough, even with all of the training and housebreaking juggling.

It's definitely a lot of work. We also weren't originally planning on adopting super young puppies, but it was also our 4th shelter visit and this time it felt right.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you had two stress related dreams the other night. Yikes. I hope you can fix what's stressing you out. That sounds awful.Are the puppies sleeping though the night with all of the exercise you're doing with them?

Do you have the shorter resistance loops with leg, hip and butt work? I like them in addition to weights. They just challenge the muscles in different ways. I like them for traveling, too. You can even pop all four of them in your purse.

Surprisingly, the puppies are sleeping through the night. The first night or two were rough, but they've adjusted well. Still, it was enough to give me sleep anxiety...which may be part of my stress.

I don't think I have anything like that. I have some poly bands, but nothing with specific uses. Curious to see what you use, because muscle challenges would be good. I think that's why those light little leg weights had so much of an impact on my workout the other day.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Hello, I'm trying something new this week which is supposed to ramp up the metabolism. I'm not sure about the ramping up part but I'm giving it a go. Supposedly if you break your workout into segments during the day you burn calories longer, I'm not sure I believe it but this week that actually works better time wise for me. Same old, same old boringish food and I'm using monkfruit for a sweetener.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Surprisingly, the puppies are sleeping through the night. The first night or two were rough, but they've adjusted well. Still, it was enough to give me sleep anxiety...which may be part of my stress.

I don't think I have anything like that. I have some poly bands, but nothing with specific uses. Curious to see what you use, because muscle challenges would be good. I think that's why those light little leg weights had so much of an impact on my workout the other day.

I have sleep issues, too. I have the "it's three hours until I need to get up and I haven't gone to sleep yet" sleep issue, in addition to racing thoughts of what I need to get done the following day. It's awful.

For the bands, I have something like this

I like them for side squats, jumping jacks, some barre moves and lower body mat pilates moves, e.g clams.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I did a 70 minute "detox" yoga class this AM. I did have to cut about 10 min out towards the end, because my son kept telling me he had to leave for school earlier than usual and his lunch needed to be made. It was making me anxious, so I shortened it and I made my son's lunch. It took 5 min, so I just should have told him to leave me alone. Better yet, he is 17, so he should be making his own lunches. :cautious:

I slept so poorly last night. I always do the first night my husband is away.

So, yesterday, I checked the status of my United application and it changed to "Application complete." Then I checked later and it said "Video invitation sent." Then it reverted to "Application complete." So finally, I got to the point where I just stopped caring and at 7 PM last night, I got my email invite to do a video interview. I went into research mode, tweaking my "elevator speech" and just reading up on the United brand. I got into a flow with it and stayed up later than I wanted. Then my brain went into overdrive when I went to sleep. Then I kept hearing noises and here I am with about 3 hours of broken sleep! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'm trying something new this week which is supposed to ramp up the metabolism. I'm not sure about the ramping up part but I'm giving it a go. Supposedly if you break your workout into segments during the day you burn calories longer, I'm not sure I believe it but this week that actually works better time wise for me. Same old, same old boringish food and I'm using monkfruit for a sweetener.

I forgot about monkfruit. I know it's readily available in our markets, so I'll have to give it a try.

I wonder if that workout philosophy is similar to the run/walk studies I've seen. It was something about how making your body go from intense to comfortable and back to intense (and so on) gives your metabolism a real kick start.


Well-Known Member
I have sleep issues, too. I have the "it's three hours until I need to get up and I haven't gone to sleep yet" sleep issue, in addition to racing thoughts of what I need to get done the following day. It's awful.

For the bands, I have something like this

I like them for side squats, jumping jacks, some barre moves and lower body mat pilates moves, e.g clams.

Last night's sleep issue was Voodoo at 2am. o_O The racing thoughts often sabotage me at bedtime. I'm like that car commercial where the parents of teenage kids are envisioning their new drivers in worst case scenarios. I do have certain recurring dreams/nightmares in higher stress times that involve some kind of transition. This one hit right before my first "in-office" day after getting the dogs, so I guess at least I know the root cause.

The bands look neat and are like nothing I have. They also do look great for travel. If I get these and the slide board I've been eyeing, I might have a nice little travel pack of workout gear.

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