I got back home around dinner time last night. The final two days were so cold. I was wearing my winter coat.
I did a lower body work out this morning. I did pretty much keep up with my workouts while I was away.
So, last night I had dinner and formulated potential responses for my video interview tomorrow. I had been researching while at WDW here and there. There is no human on the other end. There is a computer voice that gives you the question with a minute to think about it. Then you get three minutes to respond. So I am going to be talking to my laptop, basically.

I am nervous about this, but I'm guessing a lot of others are, too.
My husband has been really supportive. While I was gone, he went to Macy's and bought me a new black blazer to wear tomorrow. He even offered to "help" me tomorrow. I declined, since I feel like I have this under control and I can't take him with me to Dallas for the face to face interview. I want to do this all under my own steam.

He was even discussing how to make this work if I am hired and I get placed in another city other than PHL. This is such a sea change for him!
I am going to fine tune my potential responses and practice talking to my laptop today. Tomorrow is basically about seeing how you present yourself and how you speak. It sounds like the questions are pretty tame, but I am taking nothing for granted. LOL
If I feel like my interview went well and I have a shot at a face to face, I am going to join Toastmasters. I feel like I need help with public speaking. The next round is all group interviews with group activities where they watch you interact with others.
That is what fills me with dread...