working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
My mom does work, but otherwise you've summed it up. My mother is a very "transactional" person and my grandmother paid for certain things in my life while cash was tight when we were kids, so I think my mom is going to pull, "Your grandmother did so much for you and now it's your turn to return the favor." Not to get into specifics, but I have done stuff for my grandmother and paid for things for her. Not because I "owed" her, but because she looked after everyone else and I wanted to show her I appreciated her.

I do not accept invitations from my mom to go shopping or out to eat. I don't accept gifts outside of my birthday and Christmas. They all come with strings attached.
Oh boy, do I know that one. I'm so sorry. I'm sure your grandmother knows you appreciate her and she appreciates what you HAVE been able to do. Something I've learned is that people see more than we realize, even if they don't say anything to us. When my mom died, people told me things like...they realized my mom favored my brother so much, or that she didn't see things clearly. My brother is a lot like your mother sounds....manipulative, always trying to get things from others so he doesn't have to do them himself, etc. When my dad died, I found out just how many people my brother had offended and taken advantage of. No one ever said anything to me, but when we were trying to deal with dad's estate, several people encouraged me to get a lawyer and safegaurd myself against him being able to swindle me. To me, it always seemed that everyone was so charmed by him, loved him, and thought he was the greatest person ever and no one knew what he was really like. They saw more than I gave them credit for. My bet is that your grandmother knows exactly how your mom is and what she says to you. And it's probably not just your grandmother who sees it, but no one knows how you feel about it, so they won't say anything to you about her. I love my brother, but I don't trust him farther than I can throw him, and that's not far since he's twice my size. We keep it superficial and fun when we're together and I concentrate more on his husband and my niece. Somehow, he managed to marry a REALLY nice guy whose family is amazing and I love them all. But I keep a certain bit of distance from my brother and don't fall for the lines about not having enough money to buy diapers, or not having gotten to go out for such a long time and he just wishes he could have dinner at such and such a restaurant. I'm sure you've got your own coping mechanisms to deal with your mom, but I find changing the subject works well. "Oh yeah...speaking of that restaurant, someone told me they were there the other day and....." <insert story about said person that has nothing to do with the restaurant here>


Well-Known Member
I am glad I have only one and I have stopped letting him come grocery shopping with me. He puts a bunch of organic fruit ($$$) in the cart and eats it all within 24 hours. Then he'll send me a text from school asking me to get more...:cautious: you think he could convince my son to eat some fruit?? I can't get him to eat so much as a fruit-flavored gummy much less real fruit! Ok, that's an exaggeration...he will eat laffy taffy, and he'll drink a specific kind of fruit juice. But, oh, to get him to injest actual fresh fruit!! I'd even settle for him eating canned!!


Well-Known Member

I am in with a kettlebell workout. There was no impact, so it was good for the bottoms of my feet. They feel bruised. I can walk and everything, but I can feel tender spots on my feet when I walk.

I am making marinated tofu with homemade peanut sauce, broccoli and brown rice.
Wait....are the bottoms of your feet bruised from the kettlebell workout? Or that was the best workout to do with your bruised feet because there was no impact? How did your feet get bruised??


Premium Member
Original Poster you think he could convince my son to eat some fruit?? I can't get him to eat so much as a fruit-flavored gummy much less real fruit! Ok, that's an exaggeration...he will eat laffy taffy, and he'll drink a specific kind of fruit juice. But, oh, to get him to injest actual fresh fruit!! I'd even settle for him eating canned!!
Sympathy like. Can you hide some pureed fruit in a cake?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Wait....are the bottoms of your feet bruised from the kettlebell workout? Or that was the best workout to do with your bruised feet because there was no impact? How did your feet get bruised??

I slipped and fell down the stairs on Sunday. I had fuzzy socks on and the stairs were Pergo. I know it sounds weird, but I took most of the impact on the soles of my feet until I landed on my backside. They still are a bit tender. It could have been much worse.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning today's off to a good start yoga and 2 inside miles done. I'm hoping to get outside with the sun but according to the weather person sun is iffy at best. I've managed to go from super hot unfry to vindaloo. I think that's progress. Not quite 100% yet but getting there:joyfull:

I love vindaloo. :hungry: How do you make yours? My husband buys the stuff in jars and I hide them, because I don't like them at all. They taste very sweet to me.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a workout that used ankle weights, gliders and one of my kettlebells. It was one of those workouts that looked simple on paper, but when I went to do it, it snuck up on me quickly. 😵

I am making chili in my Instant Pot for dinner.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I love vindaloo. :hungry: How do you make yours? My husband buys the stuff in jars and I hide them, because I don't like them at all. They taste very sweet to me.
My health food store sells a vindaloo spice mix blend so I make a sauce with that onion, garlic a bit of ginger and turmeric, coconut milk, stevia and finish it with vinegar. Sorry it's a bit of this and a bit of that. I'm with you jar stuff:hungover:

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