Hi, everyone. Back from my extensive travels...two Disney cruises in a 3-week period. I am so spoiled.
@figmentfan423 I agree, Jillian Michaels is evil. Good for you for continuing to do her workouts. 30 Day Shred was one and done for me!
@MinnieM123, congrats!! And I know where those 5 lbs are--I found them.

Courtesy of the 2 DCL trips in 3 weeks. Even though I followed the stair rule! (no elevators, stairs between all decks)
And when they fly, they are LOUD. One evening I was eating dinner by myself, minding my business and a buzzsaw passed my right ear. Screamed bloody murder, then spotted the stinkbug on the wall.
I've always wondered what they'd smell like. I don't mind cilantro, but I'm not about to go crushing a stinkbug, so thanks for the research!

I would totally freak out if one was on me. Heck, I freaked out when one flew too close to my head. You're braver than me.
Oh, I am so susceptible to the power of suggestion--ever ride Alien Encounter at MK? I was traumatized. I would have been awake all night thinking there were bugs on me.
I had the Sanaa bread service for the first time last month, during our girls cruise. It was great. There were 9 spreads, ranging from sweet to mild to savory to spicy. Details are a little fuzzy after 3 1/2 weeks, but there were 2 hummuses, several chutneys, and a couple of sauces
Dividing recipes is what the math teacher means when they tell you that you will someday use fractions in real life.
I've mastered cooking for one, for the nights that my hubby works late, and cooking for 3-4 on the nights that he's home for dinner, so that he can make at least one dish that he can take to heat up in the microwave at work so he has a hot meal.