WONDERS of LIFE - Our next 20K? The future? (The Next Call to Arms)

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General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Alright, folks, here's the deal. Wonders of Life is on a seasonal schedule. . . open only during the peak times of the year. I was able to visit it twice after its initial January closure, and prior to that, in December. Sadly, I've never been able to leave the pavilion without thinking, "This may be the last time I breathe in that fresh air here."

But what's going ON in Wonders of Life? Is it going away, or what? Well, here are three pieces of evidence that WoL may be shut down - for good. Perhaps as the next "20,000 Leagues" and "Horizons":

  • Pure and Simple, the restaurant, has been recently boarded up - signaling its deconstruction.
  • The gift shop has been gutted – DISNEY CLOSING A GIFT SHOP??! - now we know they're serious!
  • It has not yet been open this summer. What about the 4th of July?!



If "Life" doesn't open this weekend, we know it's on its way out. Or it is simply destined to sit there for years until Disney decides what to do with it. But by no means is the pavilion a ghost town. . . guests still roll in when it’s open, despite its reduced attraction list.



From every source I have, there's a big question mark on Wonders of Life. Of course, Disney's goal is to get more and more and more (never-ending) people to Epcot; thus a new thrill ride is probably (eventually) on its way under current management. But so far, if the "seasonal" attraction doesn't open, we may be stuck with Wonders of Life being convention space. . . or our next "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

Here's the thing, folks: Wonders of Life is a very dated pavilion. It's also slowly being chinked away. Since 2001, the big year for Disney cutbacks, Coach's Corner, Anacomical Players, and other areas have been slowly closing up shop. Earlier, when MetLife left, several areas went without replacement.

Still, Wonders of Life holds a couple Epcot classics: BODY WARS and CRANIUM COMMAND. You know, I wouldn't mind if Body Wars were replaced with a brand new, state of the art thrill ride. . . but Cranium Command? This thing is an EPCOT CLASSIC. Look at it, folks, Disney showmanship at its best: original, loveable characters, educative, detail-crazy, and straight-out hilarious. (And who can forget the endangered wall carpet?!?! :lol: )

I'll be really bummed if Cranium Command has done its last performance; even more sad if it sits in the dark or is replaced as a queue for the next Disney thrill.

Another factor that gives Wonders of Life its unique nature is its peaceful *CLEAR and OPEN* atmosphere and ideal pavilion design. Unlike other Epcot pavilions, guests enter Wonders of Life with a blast of fresh air, and an inviting atmosphere with serene music. (The only comparison to this is the now endangered-peacefulness of the Land pavilion).

Come to think of it, Wonders of Life has one of the greatest designs for an Epcot pavilion:

  • A peaceful, inviting atmosphere, not affected by the thrill
  • A complex area of discovery - creatively and educationally - and hands-on activities
  • A classic Disney show and a series of other attractions (Goofy About Health, Making of Me, etc)
  • A thrill that brings in the guests

Genius, isn't it? A true formula for success.

So what's next for Wonders of Life? Is Disney about to go the (cheap) way and change it to a Toy Story theme? Or give it a whole new theme to change its essence?

I'll tell you right now: these two ideas would be horrible. The essence of health and life are so necessary for Epcot - and there is so much potential left. And to make it a Toy Story ATTRACTION - why, that's ludicrous. Toy Story has nothing to do with Life or Health. . . and should not be slapped on there to "take over."

What I would LIKE to see done involves the following:

  • Update the Cranium Command film, elaborate on the queue, and perhaps include more recognizable celebrities.
  • Theme Sensory Funhouse (and this area ONLY) to Toy Story. Advertising this area to families will bring them in.
  • Add a new Disney characters show about health to Anacomical Players. A great way to bring in more guests in a classic Epcot fashion.
  • Change Body Wars to a "StormRider"-type or Coaster attraction - that could go backstage into Mission Space's area. Make it revolutionary and relevant.
  • Update hands-on areas to be as great as the original ImageWorks at Imagination.

See what I'm saying? A brand new thrill ride can bring guests to Epcot as Mission Space has done, while exciting family attractions (such as the advertised characters/meet and greets or update to Cranium Command) can bring guests right into the brand new Wonders of Life. And wasn’t this WALT DISNEY’S dream? Places where parents and children can have fun together? This is not the case next door, anyway.

Meanwhile, behind the giant changes, Wonders of Life remains peaceful and truly valuable in its dedication to the themes of life and health. This formula is both inexpensive and pleasing to both new Epcot visitors and original Epcot fans.

Yet. . . will Disney let Wonders of Life sit miserable for years? Change it to a narrow-focused theme or slap a few characters on the whole thing?

Who is to know. . . but this thread is for YOU to post your opinions. What would you like to see? What should Disney do - and what SHOULDN'T it do?

The fact is. . . THERE IS STILL A CHANCE for Disney to make the perfect (inexpensive) remodeling of the pavilion to bring it back to life. Now is the time to voice out our opinions!


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
What I would LIKE to see done involves the following:

  • Update the Cranium Command film, elaborate on the queue, and perhaps include more recognizable celebrities.
  • Theme Sensory Funhouse EXCLUSIVELY to Toy Story. Advertising this area to families will bring them in.
  • Add a new Disney characters show about health to Anacomical Players. A great way to bring in more guests in a classic Epcot fashion.
  • Change Body Wars to a "StormRider"-type or Coaster attraction - that could go backstage into Mission Space's area. Make it revolutionary and relevant.
  • Update hands-on areas to be as great as the original ImageWorks at Imagination.

As always, very well said.


Well-Known Member
That pavillion is SO dated, but as a biologist, I hope they keep its theme. Even though it is in dire need of changes, the fact is the medical industry impacts us all and is a great theme for a pavillion.


New Member
Another inspiring post, Grizz. :)

I really hope WoL is open when I'm there next week. I want to see Cranium Command again and I've never ridden Body Wars. :(


Well-Known Member
What great ideas, Grizz!!! :sohappy:
I agree with you on just about everything. I love the pavillion almost as much as The Land, I don't want to see it closed :(

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I was able to visit the pavilion when I was there this Easter, and it was just...depressing. First off, the place was very empty, which made the already big pavilion seem very sparse. The next thing was seeing all of the former restaraunts and shops all boarded up. It just seemed so...so...desolate. I did see Cranium Command for the second time in my life, and I was a little disappointed. I still found most of the jokes funny and the overall setup amazing, but the quality had gone down. Some of the films were in really bad shape, especially the pre-show film. I also don't remember the audience laughing more than a few times.

I also saw Body Wars for the first time ever, and I was thoroughly unimpressed. I found it far too jerky for my liking and, again, the film itself wasn't in the greatest shape. (WHY doesn't Disney just go all digital projection?!?!?! Even the first segment of Phillharmagic was looking very scratched)

I really do like the theme of WOL, but I think with today's technology, a lot more could be done. I like the idea of Body Wars, but I think that they could make a more realistic film, and tone down the whiplash quotient. Cranium Command just needs a little TLC more than anything. Perhaps a few cameos of some newer and more recognizable celebrities. Fitness Fairgrounds is really showing its age and severely needs an update and perhaps a retheming.

Now what would be really neat is if they could have actual medical research going on at the pavilion (i.e. Living With the Land, Rafiki's Planet Watch). Perhaps an exercise physiology lab or something like that.

I think that the pavilion could use another sponser as well. Maybe a pharmacutical (sp?) company, or perhaps a company like Nike to emphasize exercise.

I know that this is a really long post, but I really hate to see anything at Disney go downhill, especially when I've experienced it in its former glory.


Well-Known Member
Grizz.. You flip-flop opinions in your own post.

You want Storm-Rider * A thrillride *

But a peaceful environment? Pick one. You can't have both. Its going to bring crowds out the back end and it won't be quiet. Pure opposite. Just like how The Land will be come with it closes, and reopens with Soarin'

You can't make something feel peaceful anymore. Not one guest wants to walk into a quiet low activity area? I wouldn't.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
CEO, I don't flip flop. Were you at Wonders of Life in Body Wars's first years? That was a huge thrill ride. . . but this does not mean that the layout of WoL wasn't peaceful.

I'm referring to the atmosphere - music, peaceful design. Body Wars only takes up the left side of this area. . . so all of those going to Body Wars exclusively went straight to that side and left the rest of the 10,000 square foot pavilion in a calmer nature.

Another example: The Land's Sunshine Season Food Fair is crowded, but the ATMOSPHERE and MUSIC sets up a peacefulness.

BTW - I never put on that list a low activity area.


Well-Known Member

Seems like you could fit some sort of attraction back there with expansion.. Perhaps paint WoL a diffrent color? Just a fresh coat would do wonders. And yes, I remember visiting when i was 7 and 8.. People would ride the exercise bikes around disneyworld. Anyone know what I'm talking about? It is depressing to see it all empty inside.


Well-Known Member
I'm a real fan of these threads you make Grizz, you take alot of time into it and makes us ALL think. I hope to see some of our thoughts become reality someday..


New Member
The thing with the Wonders of Life is that, as said above, it is so dated. I have been there once in the last 5 years (4 trips to the World duing that time), and the time I went it was because it was a meeting place. Sure, Cranium Command is an excellent show, but what else is there. Body Wars needs an upgrade and the rest of the pavilion, in my opinion, is junk. They need to add more interesting things to do.

Also, when I was there (Sept. 2003), all of the medical information was outdated. Most of the "cutting edge" practices have since become daily practice or have been disproven. To listen to the sound bytes, you have to pick up a phone-like receiver. Now you can tell it's REALLY from the '80s.

The best thing to do is scrap the pavilion with the exception of Cranium Command. The rest of the building could probably be re-worked to include a Time Racers (is that right?) type of a ride that was originally slated for SSE. It's a big area which has so much potential. Let's see what happens.


New Member
I have got to say, I was never really a huge fan of Wonders of Life, but I think it's a shame if this pavillion would be gone. I was never on Body Wars and only saw Cranium Command once and wasn't a fan, maybe it was because I was young, but I do agree that a peacefull pavillion is needed. The Land was one of my favorite pavillions but in later years, it has become more crowded, and with the addition of Sorin' who knows how crowded it'll become. I think it is needed just to take a break and relax, while you are entertained and learn something.


Well-Known Member
WoL has never been a #1 on my EPCOT favorites list, but it's not at the bottom either. I love everything they have (or I should say had) in there. Body Wars is always fun due to the fact that I love simulated rides. I do feel however that it needs to be updated with new technology or change the overall quality of film. After all, the blood is orange, since when is blood orange?!? I would hate to see this building get closed up and not put to use. They need to either rehab it all and make it better than ever and a true crowd pleaser, or demolish it and put something better in its place. They do have a ton of space in there however that they could just gut the inside and put a nice dark ride in or use it as a theater for shows. Those are just my ideas for it, but I would hate to see it go if that's what they have planned for it. I must ride Body Wars at least one more time (STAY OPEN FOR AT LEAST 28 MORE DAYS!!!)


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
CEO, I don't flip flop. Were you at Wonders of Life in Body Wars's first years? That was a huge thrill ride. . . but this does not mean that the layout of WoL wasn't peaceful.

I'm referring to the atmosphere - music, peaceful design. Body Wars only takes up the left side of this area. . . so all of those going to Body Wars exclusively went straight to that side and left the rest of the 10,000 square foot pavilion in a calmer nature.

Another example: The Land's Sunshine Season Food Fair is crowded, but the ATMOSPHERE and MUSIC sets up a peacefulness.

BTW - I never put on that list a low activity area.

I agree all the way. When Body Wars first opened it was right up there with Space Mountain as far as popularity goes (Don't believe me? Try to remember waiting all the way outside the pavilion like I had to on seperate occasions during the first couple of years). And yet the tone of the pavilion was peaceful. And WoL is the perfect PAVILION. It has something for everyone. And if they would just put some money into it I honestly believe that it will become the most popular attraction in Epcot again.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Grizz I agree with every word! (or should I call you Roy? :lookaroun ).

Anyway, I do agree about almost everything you said except for the upgrade idea for Body Wars. If you want something that will stay StormRiders is not an option. From my understanding it is the exact same simulator type as BW or ST. People only tend to believe it's a new type because it's popular and it's in Tokyo. :lol: I also don't believe a rollercoaster can educate you. I'd like some type of new thrill ride (like M:S) that will keep the 'educational side' to it! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
DisneyFan 2000 said:
Grizz I agree with every word! (or should I call you Roy? :lookaroun ).

Anyway, I do agree about almost everything you said except for the upgrade idea for Body Wars. If you want something that will stay StormRiders is not an option. From my understanding it is the exact same simulator type as BW or ST. People only tend to believe it's a new type because it's popular and it's in Tokyo. :lol: I also don't believe a rollercoaster can educate you. I'd like some type of new thrill ride (like M:S) that will keep the 'educational side' to it! :animwink:
Body Wars isn't all that educational, either...it's so outdated and much of the information presented is just wrong...electrical signals jumping from neuron to neuron in the brain? For the most part, no. Nothing inbetween neurons? Definitely not.


Well-Known Member

You're killing me!!!!!! I just changed my avatar, now I have to work on another one? A little Army guy being inserted into Henry the Bear's head while he eats a smoothie :lol:

I'd be a little surprised if Disney went the complete thrill ride pavillion route, ala Mission Space & Test Track. They need a balance on that side of Futureworld. Just think, they didn't close down the whole Land pavillion just for Soarin'. And wasn't Horizons foundation messed up to begin with. Unless there is something structurally unsound with WoL, I don't think they would spend the time or $$$ demolishing it.

They need to redo the whole pavillion. Cranium Command is nice and fun, but it's dated beyond belief. I rather them use the space for a NEW attraction. Body Wars stunk years ago, so a gift shop in it's place would be an improvement :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
well, i think that the medical theme is wonderful but as we all agree, a major refurb is needed or even starting over.

since the info presented in WoL is so outdated about the medical field, why doesnt disney explore the fields of medicine of the future.

(1) you could have some fantasy (body wars type thing) and some educational things like the experimentation and study of "micro machines" that are as tiny as human hair but used for science. i know that is kind of the theme of body wars, but instead of people being shrunk down (isnt possible) try using something that exist today and will in the future of medicine

(2) you could even play off of man vs. machine in the future and how machines "may" never be able to duplicate the suffistication of the human body and brain. since ASIMO is obviously a hit but will never fully have the personality of a human

(3) you could have an interactive show that explores all the senses of the human body, sight touch feel smell, and how modern medicine is giving those things to people that have never had them.

(4) (fantasy type vs. reality) where is medicine going. in the digital age of medicine, what is next. dream up something that is so far out there that Orson Welles would be proud of. digital imaging, lasers (ex: how lasers of the future will not only remove things off the skin that we dont want anymore as it does today, but it will eliminate stitches and staples all together. skin will be able to be fused back together with some machine that can reproduce skin clotting and repair/ reproduce cells).

ok, im back to earth now. just my thoughts. have a good wednesday.

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