I voted other and now i'm going to say what i think. I think that ALL of Wonders of Life needs to be brought back to it's origional glory. With all the healthly diets out there today, the restaraunts would most definatelly be a draw to the area. If the restaruants draw people in, they are bound to take in one of the great Attractions in Wonders of Life as well. Cranium Command REALLY needs to stay. It is an excellent show. Body Wars does have it's place. It, however, DOES need to be both through the soundtrack and the video, digitally re-mastered. The Making of Me, needs to stay, it's many people's favorite movie, and going with my teenage friends, they seem to be upset that it's not open, however, it may be a good thing that they don't see it, as i would be bombarded by jokes from the movie afterwards. lol :lol: anyway, yes, all of Wonders of Life NEEDS to be Redone to it's origional glory. Maybe even get a big name sponcer in, such as a BIG drug or medicine company, perhaps even a healthy food company.
Just my Thoughts!