Alright folks! The Wonders of Life tribute video is ALMOST DONE!
It features. . .
*Extensive footage of the outside area
*Near-complete footage of the interior, including Fitness Fairgrounds and an extensive look at the Sensory Funhouse
*Snippets from Goofy About Health and Body Wars
*A great representation: Cranium Command in one minute and 12 seconds!
. . . all of it filmed in the glory of the Wonders of Life pavilion as we know it. Dazzling color, the music we've enjoyed for over ten years, and focus on detail. It will total to just under 10 minutes, and I should finish it up tomorrow.
I'm looking at a means to upload this as a wmv file - I'll contact Steve here and try to host it on perhaps another site. . . something so all of us can enjoy it.