WONDERS of LIFE - Our next 20K? The future? (The Next Call to Arms)

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General Grizz

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The first 2 1/2 minutes are done. . . which is the exterior, entrance, and Goofy About Health. . . the whole thing should be just over 7 minutes.

And Kevin, you're a spider hanging from a thread. ;)


Well-Known Member
I really can't say I am heartbroken.

Both WoL and Living Seas were added when I was a kid going to WDW, the "next big things". They were both hugely popular, simply because they were something new to do, but neither has ever been a "great" pavillion in my eyes.

I mean, Horizons and WoM - those were classic pavillions. I think it's more of a travesty that WoL with it's outdated technology and medical information were allowed to stay while two truly classic Disney attractions were destroyed.

That said, of course I'll support any campaign to help just out of "friendly neighbor" syndrome, since I have a feeling my favorite attraction ("Snow White's SCARY Adventures") is next on the chopping block and I understand the pain. :mad:


General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Alright folks! The Wonders of Life tribute video is ALMOST DONE!

It features. . .

*Extensive footage of the outside area
*Near-complete footage of the interior, including Fitness Fairgrounds and an extensive look at the Sensory Funhouse
*Snippets from Goofy About Health and Body Wars
*A great representation: Cranium Command in one minute and 12 seconds!

. . . all of it filmed in the glory of the Wonders of Life pavilion as we know it. Dazzling color, the music we've enjoyed for over ten years, and focus on detail. It will total to just under 10 minutes, and I should finish it up tomorrow.

I'm looking at a means to upload this as a wmv file - I'll contact Steve here and try to host it on perhaps another site. . . something so all of us can enjoy it. :)


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Alright folks! The Wonders of Life tribute video is ALMOST DONE!

It features. . .

*Extensive footage of the outside area
*Near-complete footage of the interior, including Fitness Fairgrounds and an extensive look at the Sensory Funhouse
*Snippets from Goofy About Health and Body Wars
*A great representation: Cranium Command in one minute and 12 seconds!

. . . all of it filmed in the glory of the Wonders of Life pavilion as we know it. Dazzling color, the music we've enjoyed for over ten years, and focus on detail. It will total to just under 10 minutes, and I should finish it up tomorrow.

I'm looking at a means to upload this as a wmv file - I'll contact Steve here and try to host it on perhaps another site. . . something so all of us can enjoy it. :)

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Can't wait to see it. Hopefully it will find it's way to #disney-central.

Thanks Grizz!


Active Member
The Making of Me

I hear lots of mentions of Body Wars and Cranium Command, but I think you've all forgotten about "The Making of Me" This is a great film and has both the educational and entertaining value that we expect from Dinsey.

Maybe some ideas...

I'd say leave the side with Cranium Command and Making of Me alone, but on the other end of the pavilion, how about putting in a Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin type ride where you can ride "white blood cell pods" and shoot at the "infections" inside a body. Though I'd be against it being an exact clone of the MK ride, the concept is something that imagineers can tinker with and will definitely appeal to kids and people of all ages like the Buzz ride does.

I would agree that Body Wars needs a makeover, so how about putting in a coaster type ride that takes you through the body. Similar to the original idea of Body Wars where you travel through the body, but this could be an actual coaster type ride and Imagineers could have a lot of fun coming up with the design for the coaster.

Just a few thoughts...lets hope for the best though! :)


New Member
I honestly think that WoL should not be changed at all. Body Wars is as cool a ride as it was 15 years ago (need I remind you that there are only 2 motion simulators in WDW and the other is so popular it needs Fastpass). Cranium Command is always hilarious, and the Making of Me is always touching and heartwarming. What the company needs to do is to publicize these attractions more.

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
matt88mph said:
I honestly think that WoL should not be changed at all. Body Wars is as cool a ride as it was 15 years ago (need I remind you that there are only 2 motion simulators in WDW and the other is so popular it needs Fastpass). Cranium Command is always hilarious, and the Making of Me is always touching and heartwarming. What the company needs to do is to publicize these attractions more.
. . . and bring the pavilion back to "LIFE!" ;)


Well-Known Member
I do not want this pavilion to be like horizons was... seasonal then closed secretly for good... However it looks like sadly epcot may have lost a pavilion which will be closed and not changed for awhile....

I hope they get a sponsor to open this Health pavilion again. Especially since it is not that old and could be functional with a little TLC and updating of information....

(They can also make it more known, i ridden body wars once, i remember it being a long line, but when i ridden it once, it was a 5 min wait while TT had a 90... MS wasn't open yet....)

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
I have contacted Steve, but so far no response; he is in all due respect a very busy man!

I am looking at other options. . . so sit tight, and I'll post when this thing gets up somewhere. :)

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
Yup. . . it'll just be sitting there. Empty.

Reserve Dinners, for an elite dining experience that marries great wines and food and includes VIP viewing of "IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth" at the Wonders of Life pavilion VIP Dining Room Oct. 19, 23, 25, 30 and 31, and Nov. 6, 7, 13 and 14 for $175. Jackets for men suggested. 5:30-9:00pm.

This is November, folks. This ride has no structural problems (like Horizons). It's just another Image Works. . . a work of art and beauty that will sit lifeless to save the money to operate it. . . only to be used for convention space and whatnot.


Be sure to check out the tribute video: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=41552

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