Well-Known Member
The answer is balance. And I have some ideas on how to do it. 2 of those ideas being, the original Journey into Imagination ride brought back with upgraded technology and enhanced effects (ala the upgrades done to Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln and Disneyland’s Fantasyland rides). While Inside Out gets a new attraction in the Wonders of Life pavilion in the old Cranium Command space. In regards to the rest of the park (with the exception of SpaceShip Earth and Living with the Land). I say, do whatever. But all I hope is that there’s a balance between things that’ll appeal to both audiences. Attractions done in Epcot’s original spirit of inspiration and discovery *and* some film IP based attractions. That’s the best way to go. Infact, that’s why Disneyland and Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom still work so well today. Balance. Without that balance, the park is screwed.
just to sort of add to that....another problem with the park is they keep taking away, the park has the most wasted spaces and underutilized attraction locations. the 3d movie theater, wonders of life, circle of life theater, the odyssey. Entire pavilions and parts of, that they just gave up on. Yes some are still seasonal for this and that but for the most part all are wasted space and should be permanent something or other by now, not just shuttered to save operational expenses. Its sad. Instead they spend insane amounts on a colossal coaster so mammoth that its mind boggling... when they should have been fixing/using whats there first. I realize energy needed updating but they dont have a vision or anyone with a game plan, just chapeks ip obsession and short sighted paths. How about restoring and actually using whats already there? Its ridiculous there is a not a new 3d movie attraction in imagination's theater. Did they ever think that maybe people dont like the park as much as anymore because they have taken away the inspiration and so many different things that use to be well thought out in design and spaces?