Woman Tried To Bring Loaded Gun, Knife Into Disney's Magic Kingdom

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The difference is that by allowing the innocent people to carry guns, then they can stop an assailant before he can murder a bunch of innocent people. Maybe they can shoot him before he kills anyone. Or maybe he still succeeds in taking a few out, but is stopped before taking his intended amount of victims.

Just remember...laws against murder don't stop these sickos from murdering. Similarly, laws against guns aren't going to stop them from getting their hands on a gun.

Anti-gun laws succeed only in restricting gun possesion to the two most untrustworthy elements of society: the government and the criminals.

Having a gun does not turn everyone into Joe Hero. Stopping the sickos should be left to those more experienced doing so. Just because you have a gun and a permit to use it does not mean that you are qualified to go Rambo on the sickos. No matter where you think it is permissible or acceptable to have a gun, Disney World is not one of those places. Forgetting is not an excuse either no matter how much you want to think it is....Gee, I forgot to not get drunk before getting into my car and driving into a crowd of people.


New Member
ok soo in fla this is the law

in the state of fla, you can not carry knives guns...etc in places like malls, public parks, public trans. (planes,trains,cabs...) theme parks, goverment offices, cruises ships. dont know if this has been stated but im not reading all those stupid posts.


Well-Known Member
Having a gun does not turn everyone into Joe Hero. Stopping the sickos should be left to those more experienced doing so.

Problem is, the police can't possibly be in the right place at the right time all of the time. What are you gonna do when someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night? Offer him a cup of cofee and ask him to sit patiently and wait for the police to arrive? Are you gonna ask the sicko at the mall to give you a chance to call the police and to wait until they arrive before he starts killing people?

Last I knew, most assailants didn't give any kind of grace period. They do to you what they will whether you're ready or not.

So unless there is a way to guarantee that a cop will be at any given place at any time, or create some kind of Star Trek technology where they can instantly beam to the scene of any crime, then there is no way to just leave it to the cops. There has to be a way for innocent civillians to defend themselves in the here and now instead of hoping that they aren't dead in the 10 minutes or more that it may take for the police to arrive.


Active Member
Well it's not against the law to have a gun or a knife in a mall but they ask that you not bring weapons into a mall at least everywhere I shop!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Having a gun does not turn everyone into Joe Hero. Stopping the sickos should be left to those more experienced doing so. Just because you have a gun and a permit to use it does not mean that you are qualified to go Rambo on the sickos. No matter where you think it is permissible or acceptable to have a gun, Disney World is not one of those places. Forgetting is not an excuse either no matter how much you want to think it is....Gee, I forgot to not get drunk before getting into my car and driving into a crowd of people.

Very well put...thank you:wave:


Problem is, the police can't possibly be in the right place at the right time all of the time. What are you gonna do when someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night? Offer him a cup of cofee and ask him to sit patiently and wait for the police to arrive? Are you gonna ask the sicko at the mall to give you a chance to call the police and to wait until they arrive before he starts killing people?

Last I knew, most assailants didn't give any kind of grace period. They do to you what they will whether you're ready or not.

So unless there is a way to guarantee that a cop will be at any given place at any time, or create some kind of Star Trek technology where they can instantly beam to the scene of any crime, then there is no way to just leave it to the cops.

Have a lot of assailants breaking into your house do ya? I suppose I don't live in an area that I feel the need to keep a loaded weapon in my house.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
in the state of fla, you can not carry knives guns...etc in places like malls, public parks, public trans. (planes,trains,cabs...) theme parks, goverment offices, cruises ships. dont know if this has been stated but im not reading all those stupid posts.

We certainly wouldn't want you to waste any of your valuable time to contribute to our conversation. :rolleyes::mad:


Well-Known Member
Have a lot of assailants breaking into your house do ya? I suppose I don't live in an area that I feel the need to keep a loaded weapon in my house.

I've never been broken into before. But I'm sure most of the victims of home invasion didn't think it would happen to them either. Just like most of us tend to think it will be someone else who will get cancer or AIDS, have a heart attack, etc. I doubt that the shoppers at that mall in Nebraska had any reason to think that their mall would be the place where a nutjob would choose to go on a rampage either.

Fact is, it could happen to any one of us. Truthfully, I really doubt that I'll ever be the victim of a home invasion. But ya just never know.

And yes, I do keep a loaded weapon in my house. A 9mm semi-automatic handgun right next to my bed. I doubt I'll ever need to use it, but it's there just in case.


New Member
I am a police officer..therefore..I will let you do the math! :wave: I have brought mine into all 4 of the parks before and you would never know. My department's policy dictates that I have it on me at all times and therefore I do. I am however trained to handle most (I said most) situations and unless someone's life were in danger you would never know I had it on me.

That being said, I support ANYONES right to have a pistol provided that you have not revoked that right by having a Domestic Violence conviction or convicted of a felony. I do however believe that not all people on this earth need to carry one. If you forget that you have one on you then you do not need to carry one. If you aren't prepared to pull the trigger to take someone's life then you pose a liability and do not need to carry one. If you need something to make you feel safe, go get the new personal taser that Taser Inc. just put out.
Removed first part of post due to false information! I'm all for anyone having a pistol too, but if you pull it, you better be ready to use it!

Having a gun does not turn everyone into Joe Hero. Stopping the sickos should be left to those more experienced doing so. Just because you have a gun and a permit to use it does not mean that you are qualified to go Rambo on the sickos. No matter where you think it is permissible or acceptable to have a gun, Disney World is not one of those places. Forgetting is not an excuse either no matter how much you want to think it is....Gee, I forgot to not get drunk before getting into my car and driving into a crowd of people.
Oh here we go, the leave it to the professional spiel, my next favorite directly behind the monorail. If you are there when some a$$hole is shooting at me, I'll be more than happy to leave it to you, seeing as you all have the pardon behind you. Not near as much explaining and little to no jail time. Just bunch of paperwork. However, if you think I'm gonna scream and holler for a cop while someone is shooting at me, you are crazy!


Well-Known Member
Unless your department is one of those that is contracted by Disney, YOU should not be carrying a weapon on Disney property, regardless of your departments policy. Once you are out of your department/jurisdiction your depatments policy is ________! I'm all for any one having a pistol too, but if you pull it, you better be ready to use it!

WDW may be private property, but it is still not exempt from the legal jurisdictions in which it is located, whether it be local, county, state or Federal.

Law enforcement personell of any of those jurisdictions, at least in my understanding, are still within their jurisdiction on WDW property, just like they would be in someone's home, or at the local Walmart.


New Member
Have a lot of assailants breaking into your house do ya? I suppose I don't live in an area that I feel the need to keep a loaded weapon in my house.
No I haven't. I do, however, feel safe with my local police force! Those are some big boys. All of them under 6 feet, most over 350lbs. If anyone is aiming to knowck over the local Huddle House, boy are they in for it, that place has free 24/7 cops on duty! Sheesh! But they carry guns!


New Member
WDW may be private property, but it is still not exempt from the legal jurisdictions in which it is located, whether it be local, county, state or Federal.

Law enforcement personell of any of those jurisdictions, at least in my understanding, are still within their jurisdiction on WDW property, just like they would be in someone's home, or at the local Walmart.
Please note, I did say IF he left his jurisdiction, if he hasn't then you are correct!


New Member
I think, maybe, I should try to rectify the last few posts I have made. I understand there are good cops, if you are one of those, I truly apologize. However, there are enoughs pricks out there with just the right amount of power, poof, their heads are as big as my house. These people are the ones who show up thirty minutes late to a shooting because they are scared, or were getting their hair cut! For those who were truly called to law enforcement to help the public, to you I tip my hat. Those who are power tripping ________________, may you taze your testicles!


New Member
And you would be incorrect. on either of your statements
Well, I admit my blissful ignorance, after a wee bit of research(which, looking back, I should have done before hand) I see that I am an idiot in the category of police jurisdiction and handguns. I gracefuly retract my statement of ignorance! I tend to get a little excited in the heat of an argument, sometimes nonsense seeps from ______ and mouth!


New Member
You are correct. The President, a couple of years ago, signed into law a bill that allows all certified law enforcement officers to carry their weapons anywhere in the United States except a federal courthouse (Don't ask why cause I don't know) and as for whoever said if I pull it I better be ready to use it, then you don't know me to well (which you don't)
It was me, and I meant it! These people who carry a gun, pull it out, wave it around threatening to shoot people, would get blasted. A threat is as good as a promise in my opinion.


Active Member
I have one vote for SJFPKT to protect me from the deranged crazies at WDW, can I get a second to get this motion passed? :lookaroun
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