Wizarding World guest suffers from heat stroke
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Betty Smith is a huge Harry Potter fan and was excited for the opening day of Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Unfortunately, her day didn't go as she planned.
Smith was one of thousands in line on Friday, waiting to get into the new attraction. The heat, in her opinion, was at a dangerous level. She said, "There was no water, no shade, no misters and we stood there for over two hours in that heat." When she realized she was starting to get overheated, she thought about turning around, but there were too many people behind her. She realized that she had stopped sweating (a sign of heat stroke) and asked several park employees for help. A paramedic finally arrived and assisted her to a medical area.
In hindsight, she wishes she had just turned around, but also blames Universal for the situation. "Universal is responsible, too, because they have a responsibility to their guests, to take care of their guests' safety. Guests weren't safe there, at least in my personal opinion," said Smith.
After this situation, Smith is considering not renewing her annual pass, saying she is upset that Universal doesn't seem to care about guest safety.
As compensation for her situation, Universal gave Smith a one time free stroller and free valet parking. She also received three days of Express Passes.
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Betty Smith is a huge Harry Potter fan and was excited for the opening day of Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Unfortunately, her day didn't go as she planned.
Smith was one of thousands in line on Friday, waiting to get into the new attraction. The heat, in her opinion, was at a dangerous level. She said, "There was no water, no shade, no misters and we stood there for over two hours in that heat." When she realized she was starting to get overheated, she thought about turning around, but there were too many people behind her. She realized that she had stopped sweating (a sign of heat stroke) and asked several park employees for help. A paramedic finally arrived and assisted her to a medical area.
In hindsight, she wishes she had just turned around, but also blames Universal for the situation. "Universal is responsible, too, because they have a responsibility to their guests, to take care of their guests' safety. Guests weren't safe there, at least in my personal opinion," said Smith.
After this situation, Smith is considering not renewing her annual pass, saying she is upset that Universal doesn't seem to care about guest safety.
As compensation for her situation, Universal gave Smith a one time free stroller and free valet parking. She also received three days of Express Passes.
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