For those saying the show is a bit disjointed between its segments, I want to remind you that just because Wishes had Jiminy narrating the segues that doesn't mean that made Wishes more cohesive. The part with the villains pretty much comes out of nowhere and ends with a Deus ex Machina, and Jiminy's narration really doesn't explain things as much as say, "Hey, looka that!"
Like a bolt out of the blue,
fate steps in and sees you through.
When you wish upon a star,
your dreams...come true.
Sometimes, wishes can be granted in the most unexpected ways.
Really, is that how wishes 'work'... why in unexpected ways and just not in the most direct and efficient way?
Whoa! 10,000 Years can give ya such a crick in the neck.
Hello people, up here, come on, we've got some wishes to grant!
Uh oh, now don’t worry.
Just remember, always let your conscience be your guide.
Let your conscience be
your guide…let your conscience be your guide…
And that helps against adversity, how? And why doesn't that keep the villains from being villainous?
Slaves in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space.
Through wind and darkness, I summon thee.
Let me see thy face.
A blast of wind, to find my fate.
A thunderbolt, to cast my spell.
Alas, grant me my wish as well.
You know folks, you gotta be careful what you wish for around here, or you'll get yourself in an awful mess.
Really? Who wished for that bad stuff? I thought you said that this mess was a result of wishes granted in "unexpected ways"
But just when things look bad, fate steps in to see you through.
We'll I'll be, it's the Blue Fairy!
So, is it fate, or my wishing that gets the job done? And in a world with fate, why bother doing anything? Let the fairies take care of it.
So, given a choice between a moment of silence to queue up the next section, or hokey narration that somehow blames imprudent wishing or Mickey's nightmares for the appearance of villains... I chose silence.