Well-Known Member
Disney+ has 156.8M subscribers. Currently, the cost is $7.99 w/ads, $13.99 Premium, which averages out to be $10.99 if everyone paid full price (many subscriptions are discounted right now).There is simply not enough subscribers and ad space to make HM, The Marvels, Wish and all the other money losers from this year with Disney also pumping millions per episode of all of their other shows and content budgets.
Let’s say Disney can get to $10/mo. per sub. That would be (I’m terrible at math) eighteen billion nine hundred thirty-six million dollars per year.
And that’s before they really get into in-app purchases, premium second screen content, and other new streams that leverage the technology.
Of course there is going to be churn and they’re going to have to continue to add content, but how many box office flops do you think even half this number would cover?