Winners say 'no thanks' sometimes


Since my last trip I to MK, I would have seen and rode all the rides that I would care to see. So if I were chosen to spend the night at the castle, I would turn down the front of the line fastpass and would ask to see anything that a normal visitor to MK would not see , like the tunnels, backstage at parade route, or a front row seat at a castle shows or go backstage after a show and meet the cast members. I even would like to be named as a Cast member for the day. Since I never ate a meal in the Castle, I would make sure that they serve me Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and have one of those all you can eat buffet meals before going to spend the night in the castle.

OK, but that is not what the prize consists of. Disney is giving you a specific prize, not a menu to choose from.

I understand that people will say no to some of these prizes for very logical reasons.

The negativity people are seeing is not that some of the posters would refuse a prize, but the negativity around the prizes themselves or that Disney is even giving prizes away. With the number of people that visit Disney it is not possible to match every prize perfectly to a person and still have it be a random event.

Honestly, we have been chosen to be grand marshalls in a parade and it is a much different experience than watching a parade and yes, the people watching are awesome. They wave, cheer and are really great despite not having a clue who we were.

We have also gotten some smaller honors (from my son wearing his birthday button) such as an all day fast pass and that was great as well. The little items can have a lot of meaning and add to your memories as well as the bigger prizes.
The only reason I'd turn it down.

There would be only one reason I'd have to turn down the Cinderella Castle suite stay.

I'm a truck driver, and usually my hometimes are two or three days long, with me being available to go as early as 6:00am. If I won a stay in Cinderella's Castle, and it was on my last day of home time (I bought an annual pass, and plan to go quite a few times starting with the last weekend of January....I did win a dream fastpass that visit!). I'd be too excited staying in the castle to have such a difficult time sleeping, which wouldn't be such a good thing since I'd have to drive the following morning. (Although if I asked my dispatcher very nicely and explained to her the situation, she'd probably give me an extra day of hometime so I can actually get a good night's sleep.)

But other than that, I couldn't think of any reason to not take the castle stay.

C. Jackson
[Next WDW Visit: March 28-30]


Well-Known Member
I think its fine if you were to turn it down. If I were offered it, I'd turn it down, but just because I know there are families with children out there who'd die for an opprtunity like that.

The problem I was seeing in previous posts was it seemed like people were accusing the turn-downs of the overnight stay as a part of the problem of the YOMD celebration, which is rediculous. I'm not saying that the YOMD celebration isn't misguided and fails to meet its objective. I'll buy that argument. But the overnight stay in the castle is defenetly not part of the problem of the promotion. Just because the first, or even second family they choose turns down a stay in the castle, its not like that means the prize was a faliure. They'd just keep offering it to more people until someone took it. And obviously those who accept the prize are the ones who's appreciate it. What's wrong with that?


Active Member
The problem I was seeing in previous posts was it seemed like people were accusing the turn-downs of the overnight stay as a part of the problem of the YOMD celebration, which is rediculous. I'm not saying that the YOMD celebration isn't misguided and fails to meet its objective. I'll buy that argument. But the overnight stay in the castle is defenetly not part of the problem of the promotion. Just because the first, or even second family they choose turns down a stay in the castle, its not like that means the prize was a faliure. They'd just keep offering it to more people until someone took it. And obviously those who accept the prize are the ones who's appreciate it. What's wrong with that?
Probably because for some people refusing Disney is death penalty. If you happen to be a Disney fan on top of that, it'll make you even wrose.


Each to their own.

Im not sure what I would do yet. Doubt ill even win as im never able to get myself out of bed early enough to be in the Parks before midday.

While I would love the treatment for the day, and enjoy seeing a new and unique side of the MK, as alot of other people have also said i have commitments and plans of my own, so i guess alot of it depend on what else ive got going on.

Obviously if i won this on the before i go home its an obvious NO. Also for some parents its just too much hastle to take a family into the suite, especially if they have young children.

Marley's Ghost

Active Member


For goodness sake as much $ as we have given Disney if they offer you something free (with park admision) you take it.


Well-Known Member
Also, people are assuming that you have to be in the parades and whatnot as part of the deal to stay in Cindy's Castle. I haven't seen it written that this is mandatory or part of the deal. Could it be that they are simply offering you extra opportunities to go along with the prize? I don't think it's impossible for someone to decline the "promotional tool" bits and still spend a night in the suite. It seems silly to be looking at this so closely, in my opinion, since the odds of actually being chosen for this specific dream are great.

Taken from the WDWMAgic News page:

A Day (and a Night) in the Life of the Cinderella Castle Suite
  • Each morning, a magical time and place is randomly selected from anywhere on Walt Disney World property to find a winner of a night in the Cinderella Castle Suite.
  • A Disney Dream Squad of cast members is advised of the selection, heads to the location and identifies the winning guest from the selection criteria.
  • The Disney Dream Squad informs the guest of their prize, explains the details of the prize and asks if they want to accept it.
  • If they accept, after a short verification process, the fanfare begins. (If the guest does not accept the prize, the computer randomly selects another lucky guest. The computer will select up to three guests each day.)
  • The winner and up to five guests head back to their hotel to pack an overnight bag. Then it's on to their day of royalty.
  • First event is a photo session on Main Street, U.S.A. in Magic Kingdom. They are proclaimed royalty for the day and led down Main Street to their suite.
  • The Royal Concierge checks them into the suite and gives them a formal tour, regaling them with the history and spectacle of the suite's royal heritage.
  • After a bit of free time to explore their imperial quarters, the winning family is awarded one of the highest honors bestowed on guests of Magic Kingdom as they become Grand Marshals of the "Disney Dreams Come True" parade.
  • Following more luxurious relaxation time in the suite, the winner's magical evening begins with dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table, a feast fit for a monarch, with a meet-and-greet with Cinderella.
  • Dinner is capped with VIP viewing of the "SpectroMagic" nighttime parade and "Wishes" fireworks spectacular. *
  • For up to two hours after the scheduled close of the park, the family will have access to Magic Kingdom with a VIP Guest Relations cast member. This will allow them to enjoy the atmosphere of the park before they retire for the evening. Suggested after-hours tours will be available which include modified versions of "Art of the Theme Show" and "Keys to the Kingdom," which are tours that explore the history and creativity behind Magic Kingdom. This special "after hours" opportunity gives these guests an amazing opportunity to see Magic Kingdom in a way that few guests have experienced.
  • Then it's back to the suite for a night of "suite dreams." At the suite, they discover their beds turned down with royal sweets, and their room stocked with a variety of snacks and drinks. (The Royal Concierge is just a stone's throw away should the family require anything during the night.)
  • After a glorious night's sleep in the royal chamber, the winning family is awakened by a personalized wake-up call from Cinderella.
  • Then, as with every fairytale, the clock strikes and the family returns to their magical vacation, checking out of the Cinderella Castle Suite, which is then readied for the next day's royal visitors.
    * Available most non-special-event nights.
This leads me to believe that its a package. By accepting the offerr to stay in the castle, one also accepts the rest of the package. I may be wrong in assuming, but thats the way I see it.

I think alot of people here love the idea of staying in the castle, they are simply saying the way Disney is executing the offer is not the best way. Different people have different circumstances and comfort levels as far as how they like to spend their vacation. What works best for some may not work for others.
I can definately see what some people are saying, if I paid $400 a night to stay in the GF and I spent one night away from the resort to stay in the castle, I would like to think that Disney would refund me for the lost night, if not then I want to get my moneys worth out of staying in the GF so I would probably turn down the offer. On the flip side, if I'm staying in Pop Century with my goddaughter and we were offered the suite, I would accept it hands down, no questions asked. I would put up with the rest of the promotional stuff for my god daughters sake, because it would be a total dream come true for her and I would get enjoyment from that alone. :D

There are always 2 sides to an arguement, all I'm saying is don't down people for trying to put things in perspective and see both of those sides. :animwink:


New Member
Taken from the WDWMAgic News page:

This leads me to believe that its a package. By accepting the offerr to stay in the castle, one also accepts the rest of the package. I may be wrong in assuming, but thats the way I see it.

I think alot of people here love the idea of staying in the castle, they are simply saying the way Disney is executing the offer is not the best way. Different people have different circumstances and comfort levels as far as how they like to spend their vacation. What works best for some may not work for others.
I can definately see what some people are saying, if I paid $400 a night to stay in the GF and I spent one night away from the resort to stay in the castle, I would like to think that Disney would refund me for the lost night, if not then I want to get my moneys worth out of staying in the GF so I would probably turn down the offer. On the flip side, if I'm staying in Pop Century with my goddaughter and we were offered the suite, I would accept it hands down, no questions asked. I would put up with the rest of the promotional stuff for my god daughters sake, because it would be a total dream come true for her and I would get enjoyment from that alone. :D

There are always 2 sides to an arguement, all I'm saying is don't down people for trying to put things in perspective and see both of those sides. :animwink:

I agree. if I were paying for, say, the Royal Asante suite or something similar at another resort, that's a LOT of money to fork out considering those rooms can go for 1800+


I don't think I'd get selected because they often seem to say "first family to be here at whatever time" and since it's usually me and a fellow male partner, we would not be considered a "family" (even though we are.)

But if I got offered that prize, I'd have a hard time deciding. Would I love to do it? Sure! But I'm local, I don't have my stuff with me and I doubt I'd want to drive home, get my stuff, and drive back, specially considering what a pain it is to get to/from the MK thanks to the monorail, tram, TTC, etc.

I could go buy a new clean set of clothes at a store I suppose. But then the next morning I'd still want to go home, change and go to work.

Althought it'd be a good excuse as to why you are late for work "I spent the night at the castle."

So nevermind, if they select me, I'll do it! :)


To each his own, I suppose. If I were lucky enough to get tagged for a night in the Castle, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes. I can throw some essentials in a bag and survive for one night without all my luggage.

I agree with you, and cannot understand why everyone keeps saying pack up all my stuff and move. It's not like you won't be coming back to your room.
It would be an opportunity that may never come again.
We were selected by the dream team at AK last week for a 6 pass fast pass for the day. I almost turned it down so they could give it to a family that could have used it more. It was a cold busy Sunday on President's weekend.
We had just done the Safari, and my one daughter is to young for coasters and my other daughter and my self are too chicken. It was cold so no wait for Kali. We really only got benefit from the dinosaur FP. I wish we had a FP for the Nemo show that line was LONG!

So I can see it.

We also got fast passes on that day while walking the Pangini Forest Trail . All I kept thinking to myself when I saw the Dream Squad was please dont tell me I won something I cant have. Since we have a CM in the family we arent eligible for the big prizes so my family was very happy to see it was fastpasses. I wonder if there is some sort of consolation prize for CM's & their families if they are picked for the Castle stay or other prizes. Like maybe a t-shirt that reads "I won a night in the Castle but since my sister is a CM all I got was this lousy t-shirt!"


New Member
It actually doesn't surprise me that people turn this down. I think it would be kind of a pain to be all settled into your hotel and then suddenly have to move everything to another hotel room just for one night. I think if the prize was maybe 3 or 4 nights in the Castle, it would be much more appealing to people. Plus, I question to what degree the vast majority of guests have really ever "dreamed" of spending a night in Cinderella Castle.

This doesn't surprise me at all...especially if you're on stay of 4-5 days and the day you get "dreamed" for the castle it's your only day at that park.

Also, personally....I don't want to be the center of attention, nor do I want to waste an entire day at the park going back packing a bag for everyone then coming back only to have to unpack the back the next day.

Also...we're in DVC. We use points to stay at our Villa, I'll never get those back, nor will I be able to use the lost points for that night sometime later.

While staying in the castle would be nice....we have never dreamed of staying there. If we never stay there, we'll be fine.

If we got chosen, I'd seriously consider turning it down.

On the trip we just got home from, we got "dreamed" with the "Dream FastPasses" at the Studios. We got them at 11:30 AM. Of the 6 attractions, we had no intention of riding ToT, we already had 4 FP's for RnRC, we didn't want to watch Voyage of the Little Mermaid or LMA and we had already ridden Star Tours. We ened up using them for Indiana Jones even though we really didn't need to.

For us, the Dream FP's were a waste. It was nice to get them but really not useful for us.

Except for the big prizes and even though I have concerns over some of them, the prizes are trinkets with little or no value.


Well-Known Member
Why in the world do people think they should be reimbursed for their existing room reservation for the night they're in the Castle Suite??? That's so absurd!
  1. You'd be paying it if you didn't win.
  2. They hold the room for you and it's still "yours" for the night you're not sleeping in it. (i.e. You don't have to check out, you can keep your stuff in the room and anyone in your party who didn't want to stay in the Castle can still stay in your existing room)
  3. You're getting an additional and upgraded room for the night.

If you have valid reasons why you can't be there the next day to fully enjoy the timeframe of the Castle stay, that's fine. (Shame, but fine.) But to say you wouldn't take it unless they gave you your money back for your existing room is just downright crazy.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I got offered front of the line at triceratops spin.

I politely declined. That's not one of my million dreams.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
I did keep and use my AK & MK dream fastpasses however :)

There's nothing at WDW quite as fun as doing two disney parks during peak season in half a day :D


Active Member
If it were just me I'd pass if offered the castle suite. Just because it's not my thing, however, since I'll have my 7 and 9 year old daughters with me (who are absolute princess addicts) I wouldn't be able to refuse, it would be something they would remember the rest of their lives, I couldn't take that away from them. I understand that when I go the odds of being offered anything will be remote, I wouldn't say no to a night in a Haunted Mansion suite though, nudge, nudge. :lookaroun

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