Wine and Dine Half-Marathon


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Morning Everyone.
Please take a look at this new updated mapmyrun route. I would like to keep this up and current after what we saw Saturday night since it was different from the concept art drawings.

I will say that looking at this now after I have updated it (from memory), I could swear that the area around mile 8 went farther down Osceola Parkway towards Victory Way than what is shown on the new updated course. I recall visually seeing Victory Way and couldnt believe how far we went back down for the double back.

What I did was correct all the park areas, the start and finish so that the double back would be the last to adjust to get the mileage just right. Take a look and provide feedback if you have time. Thanks :wave:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
The hardest parts of the run for me were those areas where we seemed to be running the circumference of the parks (or their parking lots). The two that stick out were the area after exiting Animal Kingdom but before getting on Osceola Parkway, and the area after passing the Green Army Man but before entering DHS. For some reason, it was a little demoralizing to be running right next to the parks but not in them. I know the organizers have to cram the miles in somewhere, but I did not enjoy those miles.
YES! Coming out of AK and seeing the round-a-bout that we had to leave the park felt like the feeling I felt when I thought I was kind of done at Talladega and realized that I had to complete 1 more lap around the 2.66 tri oval track. It was visually hindering and tough. I knew i had 2.5 miles to go, but the visual seemed worse than the actual distance

The speed ramp between mile 8 and 9 was demoralizing. :lol: It owned me and made me feel like less of a man. I know that they have to do what you said, gets miles in there someplace and you have to travel highways to get between parks, but I'll say that the cars whizzing by on World Drive honking was very distracting. It made me a bit anxious a bit. Im not sure why.

Anyway, this race beats the hell out of the local Half we have here so I would gladly do it again.


Well-Known Member
Some of you have commented about people appearing to have problems toward the ned of the race. My wife, brother in law, and I believe that it had to do with the CLIF products they were handing out at about mile 9-10. Both my wife and brother in law ate some of that stuff, while I declined. They both had major gastrointestinal issues. My wife cramped up and felt nauseous after feeling strong for the first 10 miles. My brother in law felt the same way shortly after finishing. Some others were making the same comments in the bag pick-up area. I suppose it could be a coincidence, but I really think the products must have had some controversial ingredients.

I had heard of other people getting sick as well. But I know that some of said specifically that they used their own gels. So maybe a water/powerade stop had issues? Or people just weren't hydrating properly? That is kinda strange though.


I had brought my own gels, but lost one of them on the race. I was supposed to take one just before the area where Disney gave us those Blocks. I had a terrible time getting them open, my hands were very sweaty so I tried to use my teeth with no luck. It was so dark I couldn't see if there was a tab to pull or a little notch in the wrapper to start the opening. By the time I got the thing a little bit open I was aggravated and exhausted, lol.

I didn't have any stomach problems this time, I sometimes do on long runs but, thankfully, I was ok.


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Hey all! Glad to hear most had a great time!

I did the relay with my dad, so I didn't go quite as far as most of you. I ended up with about a 10 minute mile pace (8.3 miles), and my dad had about a 10.4 minute pace for the first part (4.8). He complained a lot about congestion, especially in Animal Kingdom. I stopped for a pic or two along the way, so taking that into account, I'm somewhere under the 10 minute pace, which was good for me, considering I didn't train for it.

I thought it was pretty crowded overall, too, even in some parts of the open road. My left hammy seized up right when I crossed the finish line, which I suppose was pretty good timing.

I ate 1 or 2 of those clif blocks (once I got them open), and I felt worse afterward. I also spent the first 1/4 mile trying to run and adjust my camelbak waist pack.

Overall, I felt average about the whole thing. I had a great time, and it was a little crowded. I DID manage to hit Maelstrom and El Rio after the race, and we were the only people in the building on el rio (except CMs, of course). That was different.

Race pics are up for those that don't know. I'll post one or two of mine later on.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Hey all! Glad to hear most had a great time!

I did the relay with my dad, so I didn't go quite as far as most of you. I ended up with about a 10 minute mile pace (8.3 miles), and my dad had about a 10.4 minute pace for the first part (4.8). He complained a lot about congestion, especially in Animal Kingdom. I stopped for a pic or two along the way, so taking that into account, I'm somewhere under the 10 minute pace, which was good for me, considering I didn't train for it.

I thought it was pretty crowded overall, too, even in some parts of the open road. My left hammy seized up right when I crossed the finish line, which I suppose was pretty good timing.

I ate 1 or 2 of those clif blocks (once I got them open), and I felt worse afterward. I also spent the first 1/4 mile trying to run and adjust my camelbak waist pack.

Overall, I felt average about the whole thing. I had a great time, and it was a little crowded. I DID manage to hit Maelstrom and El Rio after the race, and we were the only people in the building on el rio (except CMs, of course). That was different.

Race pics are up for those that don't know. I'll post one or two of mine later on.
Glad you had a good time Zac. I just got the email about mine and Im so disappointed. I thought i would have had better ones than this, but maybe the night shots limited them with the quality. I only see one good one. Posted below from a screen grab.


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Yeah, when I ran the 13k and the previous 10k, they had 6 or 7 of me. This time I noticed a severe lack of photographers. There are 2 this time, and one of the is my pose with my medal after the race is over. Not too good.


New Member
These are great pics everyone. I know this sounds silly, but all of you look like "real athletes"...if that makes sense.

I am going to feel SO intimidated in January!! Maybe finishing this race will make me feel like a "real runner"

Reading all fo this does make me think my hubby and I need to bring the gels and blocks we use currently and not try something new out there that our bodies are not used to......


Well-Known Member
These are great pics everyone. I know this sounds silly, but all of you look like "real athletes"...if that makes sense.

I am going to feel SO intimidated in January!! Maybe finishing this race will make me feel like a "real runner"

Reading all fo this does make me think my hubby and I need to bring the gels and blocks we use currently and not try something new out there that our bodies are not used to......

That's definitely the way to go, Erin. It really is important to "test" your foods/gels/drinks before and during your training runs, and then to stick with what you know during the race.

And also, don't worry about how everyone looks. You will find that there are people of all different shapes, sizes, and abilities at the race. My wife's first race ever was the Wine and Dine, and she had some of the same concerns. Once she got out there and saw it for herself, she got more comfortable.

By the way, I grew up in Daphne and then lived in Mobile for a couple of years after law school. I love it down there and miss being on the Bay, especially in the spring. I may be in Mobile for the First Light (probably the half) while you guys are at the big race in WDW.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
That's definitely the way to go, Erin. It really is important to "test" your foods/gels/drinks before and during your training runs, and then to stick with what you know during the race.

And also, don't worry about how everyone looks. You will find that there are people of all different shapes, sizes, and abilities at the race. My wife's first race ever was the Wine and Dine, and she had some of the same concerns. Once she got out there and saw it for herself, she got more comfortable.

By the way, I grew up in Daphne and then lived in Mobile for a couple of years after law school. I love it down there and miss being on the Bay, especially in the spring. I may be in Mobile for the First Light (probably the half) while you guys are at the big race in WDW.
I laugh at my first race. I had been laid off almost a year before that so money was super tight. I looked like Jed Clampett out there on the race course. I was a little sub conscious about it at first, but I found that most of the people decked out in head to toe new gear were the people that had just started running or were there for show.

I havent found anything that disagrees with my system so far. I have a pretty good rock solid system, but I still dont try anything foreign. I find it fun to try new combination's of food and gels etc during my run.

One last thing, Blueliner, can you take a look at the new update course from above and make sure I have it right. i just want it to be accurate for historical purposes. The longer we go, the memory will fade on some of the details.


Well-Known Member
These are great pics everyone. I know this sounds silly, but all of you look like "real athletes"...if that makes sense.

I am going to feel SO intimidated in January!! Maybe finishing this race will make me feel like a "real runner"

Reading all fo this does make me think my hubby and I need to bring the gels and blocks we use currently and not try something new out there that our bodies are not used to......

Good idea. I've been experimenting with GU gels and have found that certain favors (especially mint chocolate) hurt my stomach, where others are fine. It's definitely good to go with what you are familiar with.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Glad you had a good time Zac. I just got the email about mine and Im so disappointed. I thought i would have had better ones than this, but maybe the night shots limited them with the quality. I only see one good one. Posted below from a screen grab.

View attachment 26906

Yeah, when I ran the 13k and the previous 10k, they had 6 or 7 of me. This time I noticed a severe lack of photographers. There are 2 this time, and one of the is my pose with my medal after the race is over. Not too good.

I have about a dozen of myself. Not sure if any are any good or not yet.


Active Member
Original Poster
Finished with a time of 1:40:00. I placed 136 out of 7275 people. 117 out of 2677 of all men. 5th out 113 in the 18-24 age group.


Well-Known Member
I am still in WDW posting from a net book so I have not had a chance to really look at pictures or the data out of may garmin. This weekend is when I will do that, and will look at the course map and compare it to what my GPS track says.

I think RunDisney had some logistical probelms. I parked at EPCOT and took the shuttle over, but that was a mess. I don't think they planned on all the traffic comming into EPCOT. Then entrance plaza was backed up for a mile. There was also a problem with exiting traffic having to cross the path of the incomming traffic. Once we got in an parked there were plenty of busses though.

The start was not bad- packed, but not bad. I was in corral C. My friends who had come to watch the start then took the shuttle back to the finish line. Their shuttle driver got lost and ended up getting to the finish line AFTER the top finishers had already crosses.

As an aside, My brother and sister-in-law were staying in Animal Kingdom Lodge. They were not at the race (small children) and were trying to get back to the resort from DTD. They were at the stop (with 20 or so other people) and were told that there were no busses running to AKL because of the race. They said they knew it was going to be congested and traffic a problem, but how can you just shut down transportation to an entire resort from 9:30 PM to 2:00 AM? They then put a bus on that route and drove the people over (through horticulture as it were)

The race itself was 80% good. Some parts were insanely narrow. That on-ramp after the double-back heading into DHS was a killer. Not because of the hill, but because you are running across a fall line. That is a pretty serious side slope on that section.

Running up the highway was horrible. Headlights in my eyes, no lighting, and cop cars with their lights on. I just ran blind and hoped I did not fall into a hole. I did see quite a few people in that section with lights.

Yes, The areas in and about DHS seemed LONG, but thats just how they have to be. Got to get the miles in somewhere

Finish was pretty confusing. But there were a LOT of people in that race, and I finished with the bulk of them (two hour 28 minutes). They could not find my bag at the bag check, and I had to back after about an hour when they had thinned out the pile, and they could locate it. So I walked around in cold, wet, sweaty clothes (with my free drink and eat tickets in the bag) for about an hour.

We rode Malestrom and Gran Fiesta and were the only people on the rides. Gran Fiesta is tad bit cold when you are drenched in sweat.

I thought the party was pretty lame, as did my friends. There really was nothing to do except go to the food kiosks. Sure there were some bands. Mulch, Sweat, and Shears did a really good job. But it was amazingly crowded and with nothing to do except eat (even shops were closed) the lines for the food stalls were huge. It was not even as if you could say you were paying extra for the ability to visit food&wine and get faster, easier, access to the food. You paid extra to get in, in order to fight through crowds, see less entertainment, and wait in longer lines to pay the same for food.

So, in summary. I was happy with the race, aside from some logistial problems, which I think they will iron out (it was an inaugral race after all) but I don't think I would go to the after party again.

Oh, I noticed a LOT of what looked like new shoes at the start. I also noticed a lot of people eating the Clif shots. They were really pushing them. "Have a Clif shot, you need the energy for the last 5 miles". I do use/carry Clif Bars when hiking, but only used Shot Blox once but did not like them. I'll stick with what I know works. GU Chomps - Apple Cranberry w/caffene

There seemed to be a lot of people pushing the end in DHS. There were times I could not run because of walkers spread across the path. I found that section of the run deoralizing for some reason.

Lots of people taking poweraide too, not as many down by the water at the stops. I grabbed poweraide once by accident. Luckly it does not bother my stomach (not much does :) ). Toward the end of the race they were really announcing "Poweraide first, water at the end".



Well-Known Member
Morning Everyone.
Please take a look at this new updated mapmyrun route. I would like to keep this up and current after what we saw Saturday night since it was different from the concept art drawings.

I will say that looking at this now after I have updated it (from memory), I could swear that the area around mile 8 went farther down Osceola Parkway towards Victory Way than what is shown on the new updated course. I recall visually seeing Victory Way and couldnt believe how far we went back down for the double back.

What I did was correct all the park areas, the start and finish so that the double back would be the last to adjust to get the mileage just right. Take a look and provide feedback if you have time. Thanks :wave:

Joel, that looks exactly right to me. Thanks for putting this together.

It's funny. I love going to WDW because it allows me to get immersed in idealized versions of real places, yet I was a little frustrated because the course map they gave us was an idealized version of what we really ran. :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Finished with a time of 1:40:00. I placed 136 out of 7275 people. 117 out of 2677 of all men. 5th out 113 in the 18-24 age group.
Nice job and finish.

I am still in WDW posting from a net book so I have not had a chance to really look at pictures or the data out of may garmin. This weekend is when I will do that, and will look at the course map and compare it to what my GPS track says.

I think RunDisney had some logistical probelms. I parked at EPCOT and took the shuttle over, but that was a mess. I don't think they planned on all the traffic comming into EPCOT. Then entrance plaza was backed up for a mile. There was also a problem with exiting traffic having to cross the path of the incomming traffic. Once we got in an parked there were plenty of busses though.

The start was not bad- packed, but not bad. I was in corral C. My friends who had come to watch the start then took the shuttle back to the finish line. Their shuttle driver got lost and ended up getting to the finish line AFTER the top finishers had already crosses.

As an aside, My brother and sister-in-law were staying in Animal Kingdom Lodge. They were not at the race (small children) and were trying to get back to the resort from DTD. They were at the stop (with 20 or so other people) and were told that there were no busses running to AKL because of the race. They said they knew it was going to be congested and traffic a problem, but how can you just shut down transportation to an entire resort from 9:30 PM to 2:00 AM? They then put a bus on that route and drove the people over (through horticulture as it were)

Wow. I hate that you had some problems with transportation and so did your family. Things ran super smooth from PORS... at least for me. The only thing I didnt like was the 3 depo's they had to stop at. I was ready to get there. :lol:

The race itself was 80% good. Some parts were insanely narrow. That on-ramp after the double-back heading into DHS was a killer. Not because of the hill, but because you are running across a fall line. That is a pretty serious side slope on that section.

I thought it was a little bad too, but it didnt compare to the apron at Talladega that i ran. That slope going around turn one was brutal.

Running up the highway was horrible. Headlights in my eyes, no lighting, and cop cars with their lights on. I just ran blind and hoped I did not fall into a hole. I did see quite a few people in that section with lights.

I thought the same. Right after mile 9 was killer. The cop lights combo'd with no street lights was blinding.

Yes, The areas in and about DHS seemed LONG, but thats just how they have to be. Got to get the miles in somewhere

Finish was pretty confusing. But there were a LOT of people in that race, and I finished with the bulk of them (two hour 28 minutes). They could not find my bag at the bag check, and I had to back after about an hour when they had thinned out the pile, and they could locate it. So I walked around in cold, wet, sweaty clothes (with my free drink and eat tickets in the bag) for about an hour.

We rode Malestrom and Gran Fiesta and were the only people on the rides. Gran Fiesta is tad bit cold when you are drenched in sweat.

I thought the party was pretty lame, as did my friends. There really was nothing to do except go to the food kiosks. Sure there were some bands. Mulch, Sweat, and Shears did a really good job. But it was amazingly crowded and with nothing to do except eat (even shops were closed) the lines for the food stalls were huge. It was not even as if you could say you were paying extra for the ability to visit food&wine and get faster, easier, access to the food. You paid extra to get in, in order to fight through crowds, see less entertainment, and wait in longer lines to pay the same for food.

So, in summary. I was happy with the race, aside from some logistial problems, which I think they will iron out (it was an inaugral race after all) but I don't think I would go to the after party again.

Oh, I noticed a LOT of what looked like new shoes at the start. I also noticed a lot of people eating the Clif shots. They were really pushing them. "Have a Clif shot, you need the energy for the last 5 miles". I do use/carry Clif Bars when hiking, but only used Shot Blox once but did not like them. I'll stick with what I know works. GU Chomps - Apple Cranberry w/caffene

I had on new shoes. 2 weeks before the race my Mizunos were worn out and they were leaving my legs sore from being pounded on. I ran about 12 miles total in them before last Saturday. Lucky for me, I think I finally found my shoe; Mizuno Inspires. I didnt feel one bit of shin pain the entire race. I havent since either. It was a risky call but paid off.

As far as the energy supplements, I carried my own. Clif Gel with 25mgs caffeine. :D As far as the powerade goes, I just dont have GI problems with anything really (at least so far). I could eat a breakfast platter while in line for RnRC and be fine. I have a strong stomach.

There seemed to be a lot of people pushing the end in DHS. There were times I could not run because of walkers spread across the path. I found that section of the run deoralizing for some reason.

I know it is part of it, I just hated at mile 6 and 7 getting passed, or should I say blow away by fresh runners. Like I said, that is part of a Half/relay combo, but ti still works on your mind. You question if that was a relay person or just another half runner and why are you running so slow.

Lots of people taking poweraide too, not as many down by the water at the stops. I grabbed poweraide once by accident. Luckly it does not bother my stomach (not much does
:) ). Toward the end of the race they were really announcing "Poweraide first, water at the end".


Joel, that looks exactly right to me. Thanks for putting this together.

It's funny. I love going to WDW because it allows me to get immersed in idealized versions of real places, yet I was a little frustrated because the course map they gave us was an idealized version of what we really ran. :lol:
Thanks. I think we have it.

LOL. Yes, I was shocked when we got into DHS and we didnt take the route I was anticipating. I had studied that version they gave us which was completely wrong.


Active Member
Morning Everyone.
Please take a look at this new updated mapmyrun route. I would like to keep this up and current after what we saw Saturday night since it was different from the concept art drawings.

I will say that looking at this now after I have updated it (from memory), I could swear that the area around mile 8 went farther down Osceola Parkway towards Victory Way than what is shown on the new updated course. I recall visually seeing Victory Way and couldnt believe how far we went back down for the double back.

What I did was correct all the park areas, the start and finish so that the double back would be the last to adjust to get the mileage just right. Take a look and provide feedback if you have time. Thanks :wave:

Here's the data from my Garmin. During the run, toward the end it seemed my distances were about .1 or so ahead of the timing boards on course. I blame this on the weaving through traffic early in the race. I haven't had a chance to look at your revised course yet. So, I don't know how different it may be

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