Do you think they'll have more Ikrans in September? I have bid on one (hate to do it, because he was taken from his home [I consider "Unyor" - exact translation of Florida in Na'vi - their home], but I only did it for "insurance" purposes, if they are not sold out in early September, I will have a second one to give to my brother as his birthday present
I bid a max of exactly 49.99 (his adoption fee on Pandora, minus postage, he's coming from Cali, unfortunately). As of this writing, there are about 22 hours left, with no one bidding so far. It is lousy that I have to do this, because I really wanted an Ikran
I'd hate to arrive on Pandora 3 months from now and find out they are all adopted. It will be devastating if this happens, mainly because I only have one day there.