Will there ever be another Walt Disney?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
HauntedPirate said:
As mentioned, Jim Henson and John Lassiter fit this category. I have a feeling that Steve Jobs fits also, but in a different "world", so to speak.

i feel the same about these listed. as you said, jobs is in a different league. i think that maybe he is revolutionized multiple time the techology field of computers. i think that this is the one of the new fields that we will se people excel and stand out in as role models for the rest of the world to follow........ just like walt did in his time.


Well-Known Member
MKCP 1986 said:
I take exception to the assertion there was nothing extraordinary about Walt Disney, that he was just a man with a dream. He had a rare artistic talent and totally dedicated himself to make something of it. By the time he was 22 years old, he had moved from a safely established practice in Kansas City drawing cartoon art for advertisements to Hollywood to start his own business in cartoon shorts.

He was never content to settle for what was successful, but always pushed himself to the next level. At age 27, He created Mickey Mouse whose cartoons took the country by storm. In doing so, he was the first to put his cartoons to a fully synchronized sound track (Steamboat Willie) When he could have made a small fortune simply cranking out Mickey Mouse cartoons, he staked his all on an unheard of venture of making a full length animated film -Snow White. All the while, people around him tried to talk him out of it, to take the safe route.

With the success of Snow White, he expanded his film business. Before age 40, he'd built the Disney Studios in Burbank, employing 1,000 people. From there, Disneyland. From there, the thousands of acres in Florida. Right up until the time of his death, he pushed himself.

Walt Disney was a very extraordinary man.

Here is a link to his bio. Walt Disney
I'm not trying to make these accomplishments sound insignificant, however I feel that I must point out that in the year Walt was born, life expectancy was 46 years for men in the US. In 2000, that went to 78.

While his accomplishments came at early age, it was all relative to the time.


Active Member
In my opinion, there will be many who try and deliver movies, parks, and characters similar to Walt, but there will never be another Walt Disney.

He set the standard that many are still trying to catch up to!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
I'm not trying to make these accomplishments sound insignificant, however I feel that I must point out that in the year Walt was born, life expectancy was 46 years for men in the US. In 2000, that went to 78.

While his accomplishments came at early age, it was all relative to the time.

The point I was going for was that he started with nothing and at an early age had a big hit in Mickey Mouse, and instead of resting on his laurels (Bill Gates?) invested everything he had into the next thing and the next after that, never letting up before his death in 1966.

Further, that his dreams evolved but his dogged pursuit of them never let up.

Military Veteran
Ad man
Cartoon Maker
Feature film Producer
Studio Tycoon
Network Television producer
Theme Park Baron
Land developer
Music industry executive
Publishing mogul
Devoted husband to one wife and father
What did I leave out?

All of these accomplishments were made without budging from an insistence that quality come before all else, and his definition of quality meant family friendly with no exceptions.

In my eyes, he was much more than just a man with a dream and he was certainly extraordinary, regardless of the time period in which he was born.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I was merely pointing out that in his day, it wasn't like he was the young guy that was up and coming. Definitely not like today where you see a 28 yr old VP and say "I guess his dad or uncle owns the company!" :D


Well-Known Member
raven said:
If such a person still exists in this world that has the same dreams as Walt, they need to be President of the US. Things would be so much better. :)

It's okay Raven!

Hope/Help is on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
mkt said:
Grizz will. And I'll be Roy.

And together, we're WILD STALLYNS!

I love the way you even spelled it the way Bill and Ted spelled it. That is too funny. Thanks for the laugh and the plug for one of my favorite movies. :lol:

...loves me some Keanu! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
I've been told by many that I am the next Walt Disney. At least they say I have his visions, dreams and future all in my favor that he had. I can't help but smile when I hear my name and Walt's in the same sentance!


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
I've been told by many that I am the next Walt Disney. At least they say I have his visions, dreams and future all in my favor that he had. I can't help but smile when I hear my name and Walt's in the same sentance!
WDWScottieBoy and Walt
WDWScottieBoy and Walt
WDWScottieBoy and Walt
So what do I get :p. Just Kidding.


Well-Known Member
yensidtlaw1969 said:
WDWScottieBoy and Walt
WDWScottieBoy and Walt
WDWScottieBoy and Walt
So what do I get :p. Just Kidding.

Well if it was just "Walt Disney and Scott Campbell." it would be better, but that's alright, it still has my name in it somehow! I can't wait to be working there and spreading the magic. I just did it this past weekend to 4 guests I took with me! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Walt Disney and Scott Campbell
Walt Disney and Scott Campbell
Walt Disney and Scott Campbell
What do I get
What do I get
What do I get!
Just kidding again :lol:


Well-Known Member
yensidtlaw1969 said:
Walt Disney and Scott Campbell
Walt Disney and Scott Campbell
Walt Disney and Scott Campbell
What do I get
What do I get
What do I get!
Just kidding again :lol:

What do you get, a lot of sand!!!!
I've got a hot crustacean band! :lol: :lol:

Does that work for you? I'm sorry it's really late and the first thing that came to my mind was the lyrics to Under the Sea! Alright I'm going to bed I'm so tired! :snore:


Well-Known Member
People who leave negative feedbacks without their names are punks!

God forbid I should voice an opinion without getting bad feedback points!


Active Member
phlydude said:
People who leave negative feedbacks without their names are punks!

God forbid I should voice an opinion without getting bad feedback points!

Why do yo uworry so much about it. Does an opinion really matter if they are not willing to put their name to it?


Account Suspended
There hasn't been or won't be another Walt Disney

First of all, if I might say, that Jim Henson was NO Walt Disney. Their visions were entirely different, and Jim Henson didn't have nearly the depth of vision that Walt Disney did. And although I'm sure some will argue, the numbers I believe would say otherwise, that the scope of The Disney Company far outreaches that of Jim Hensons' co.

Now, as far as someone coming along that could rival Walt Disney, I don't see that either. In todays corporate world, it's all about maximizing profit margins without putting anymore into the product than you can get away with. This is where the rubber meets the road. Walt would spend the money when he saw the true value of a project. Meanwhile, todays climate says, cut, cut, cut!!! Make it cheap, make it quick, and start turning the turnstiles. Everyone, even some of us on these boards comment on wanting attractions done quicker, less downtime on rehabs, etc. etc. Yet, I for one, want things done right. Spend the money, and do it right. Pry open the vault of a wallet and spend some money. IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY!!!

And for anyone to say that there was nothing extrordinary about Walt is to do him a great disservice. Just take a look around at what he has built, and tell me that he wasn't an extrordinary human being.

Long live the spirit and vision of Walt Disney.


Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
But the time has evolved where watching a DVD of a cartoon created in the 40s,50s or the 90s is not entertainment enough for some kids. They have never seen a "real" Mickey cartoon (House of the Mouse doesn't count!) and are entertained in more hands on forms like video games and on the computer.

I have to say I am so happy that one of my 3 year old's favorite tapes is "The Spirit of Mickey" which is comprised of a bunch of old Mickey cartoons. She watches it all the time and today she was in the back of the car watching it and the first cartoon is "The Band Concert" and she was laughing at Donald and said "Donald is funny" and kept on laughing.

I do think there are other children's videos today that are very good (3 2 1 Penguins is one that comes to mind) for her to watch and enjoy, but there is something special about the really old Disney cartoons.

I hope her kids enjoy them too.


Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
People who leave negative feedbacks without their names are punks!

God forbid I should voice an opinion without getting bad feedback points!

I would settle with just a comment of why they leave them. It makes no sense to me if you don't tell the person why, right?

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