Will there ever be another Walt Disney?


Active Member
Will there ever be another WED? No.

I was only aware of Uncle Walt for about 15 years before he went to the Big Theme Park in the Sky. There were 3 national TV stations--ABC, CBS, and NBC--in black and white. That's it, no cable, no satellite. Unless most of you are at least 40 years old you do not have any first-hand experience with Uncle Walt such as first run classic Disney movies, cartoons, original Disneyland TV show, original Mouseketters, Disney music, etc. My aunt and uncle lived in Whittier and knew several people who worked for Uncle Walt. He was a hard working taskmaster who did not offer many "thank yous"--ever. He expected perfection from his workers who hardly ever got the recognition or compensation they deserved. He was beloved and despised at times. Ub Iwerks was a genius also, who created the original Disney magic the majority of the time, along with the Nine Old Men. I only recently learned of UB and his genius. How many of you know of Ub? The question should also be, Will there ever be another Ub Iwerks? No.


New Member
jmaxwell007 said:
i feel the same about these listed. as you said, jobs is in a different league. i think that maybe he is revolutionized multiple time the techology field of computers. i think that this is the one of the new fields that we will se people excel and stand out in as role models for the rest of the world to follow........ just like walt did in his time.
Jobs just rode the train that was built by Steve Wozniak! Without Jobs, Apple most likely would have been a success. Jobs doesn't hold a candle to Walt. Like it or not, Eisner has done more for Disney than Walt ever did!

Popularity contests don't amount to much IMO.


New Member
I think HennieBogan's comments in post 38 with re to the corporate world today vis-a-vis of the majority of Walt's time on this planet should be paid attention to, as they're on point.

I think some of you are focused more on an inside-the-box mentality whereby for there to be another Walt Disney, they would have to be in the animation entertainment business and then diversify into theme parks, feature films etc.

I think what is at the core of the Walt Disney that everyone can now only read about in books/articles is a drive to succeed/refine in areas that had little success, as well as ones that had not been ventured into at all.

There was animation, theme parks, films etc before Walt, but how many of those prior businesses/products are still around? He was great at picking out the things which were successful in prior theme/amusement parks and then with his team of engineers, creating new attractions and ways to go about them that was revolutionary.

But as far as there ever being another Walt Disney, of course there will be and there arguably already are.

Take Richard Branson for example. Virgin Atlantic is an amazing airline. Obviously planes were around, well before he was born, but he has revolutionized comfort and customer service for airlines worldwide. I personally think Cathay Pacific is a notch above, however Branson's Virgin moves quite a few more people than Cathay ever has. He's currently trying to get into the US market at a time when United and most of the rest of the US market are looking at another federal bail out.

Then there's Virgin Megastore, certainly one of the better chainstores of its kind.

Then there's his cellular division.

The Branson's of the world are today's Walt Disneys, perfecting industries that already exist thru their own various brands.


Well-Known Member
ArielLover said:
Why do yo uworry so much about it. Does an opinion really matter if they are not willing to put their name to it?
Because I enjoy a good debate and if someone has a problem with anything I am saying, they need to say it to my face. :lol:


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
I would settle with just a comment of why they leave them. It makes no sense to me if you don't tell the person why, right?
Exactly! At least tell me why you disagree if you aren't going to leave your name. A blank space in the comment field is a wasted effort of your opinion.


New Member
phlydude said:
People who leave negative feedbacks without their names are punks!

God forbid I should voice an opinion without getting bad feedback points!

They are probably just bitter cowboys fans that don't like your Avatar :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Woody13 said:
Jobs just rode the train that was built by Steve Wozniak! Without Jobs, Apple most likely would have been a success. Jobs doesn't hold a candle to Walt.

please do me a favor and know what you are talking about before typing. that would help things out greatly.

a. if im not mistaken, Wozniak was involved in a plane crash in '81 and never returned. lets do the math, that is 23 years ago. i think that "riding the train" that he invented would have had to be reinvented by now numerous times.

b. in the early and mid 90's when jobs wasnt there, apple went bankrupt 2 times i think and was given a third chance to get out of the red. they bring jobs back in the late 90's, one word for you, revolutionized the company (imac, g series, ipod, powerbooks, etc, etc.

c. i never compared jobs to walt. i simply said that there are people today in a totally different market that stand out as inventors and creators (like walt did in his own time)

now that we have that cleared up, i feel much better.


Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
People who leave negative feedbacks without their names are punks!

God forbid I should voice an opinion without getting bad feedback points!

phlydude, I'm with you on this one. I just looked in my User CP and saw that I had a negative rep point from this too. Of course no name or comment was left. Wasn't it us last time too in a different thread that got negative rep points without a name and comment. I think it was the strollers one or something. Is someone out of us or are we really posting something THAT bad that we don't know about?!?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
phlydude said:
Either that or Giants fans!!

Living in VA and you're an Eagles fan not a 'Skins fan???

well, to be honest, i think any Skins fan may have looked else where for the remainder of the season last year after the spurrier fiasco.

wow, im a huge Southeastern Conference fan, seen spurrier play Alabama plenty of time and never seen a flop like that. i bet he rules college again some day.


New Member
As a new guy h<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e this seemed like a good place to jump in:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Asking if th<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e will ev<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> be anoth<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> Walt is like asking if th<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e will ev<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> be anoth<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> Mozart. The answ<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> is no, and yes: No because Mozart and Walt w<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e unique geniuses whose achievements w<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e so innovative that they can nev<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> be duplicated by anyone else. Yes, because it is possible that oth<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> geniuses will arise whose talents will revolutionize their fields and take us in new directions. For example, as a child Beethoven was h<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>alded as the “new Mozart”, but he wan c<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>tainly not Mozart. He was unique, and had his own set of achievements. You can’t say they w<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e bett<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> or worse than Mozart’s, just diff<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>ent and unique.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

IMHO, once or twice in a gen<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>ation the right combination of talent, drive, and circumstances come togeth<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> to allow a genius like Walt to profoundly influence the world. For ev<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>y Walt th<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e are most likely many oth<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> gifted individuals who nev<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> reached their potential.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Historically, it seems that a major change in a society creates more opportunities for these geniuses. By a major change I mean a significant shift in how a society functions, not a temporary disturbance like a war. The renaissance had many great talents. The late 19<SUP>th</SUP> and early 20<SUP>th</SUP> centuries had a large group as well. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Louis Armstrong, Walt Disney and Alb<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>t Einstein w<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e all great talents of that time p<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>iod who directly shaped the world we live in today.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Today I think w<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>e on the v<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>ge of anoth<st1:personName>er</st1:personName> great shift in our society. We’ve only begun to exp<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>ience the changes that will come from the digital age and the symbiotic relationship between humans and comput<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>s. Bill Gates is like Thomas Edison, he turned on the lights and showed us the way. Now new talents will come, and I’m c<st1:personName>er</st1:personName>tain that one of them will be Walt-Like.


Well-Known Member
waltdisny, that was excellent! You hit the point right on the dot. Everyone is unique in their own ways and shape society the way we see it today. I think it is very easy for there to be another one to come along, just in what way or form we don't know how they will affect us.

By the way, let me be the first to welcome you to the boards!


New Member
jmaxwell007 said:
now that we have that cleared up, i feel much better.
Well, let me put it this way. Had Wozniak gotten rid of Jobs in the early days, Apple computer would most likely control 98% of the home, educational and business computer market in the world. Instead, Apple has a small 2% market share (although using faulty statistics, Jobs likes to say he has a 5% market share) while IBM PC compatibles control 98% of the world market. Yet, to this very day, Apple computers are still proprietary. Jobs maintains that he can "innovate" more if he has total control of the technology. Virgin Mega is suing Apple for being anti-competitive because Apple will not license their iPod software!

The Pixar fiasco is another brilliant stroke by Jobs. He breaks off talks for contract renewal with Disney and publicly states that he's going to shop for another studio to distribute Pixar movies. Only problem is, he finds out quickly that ALL the other studios won't even consider his outlandish movie distribution proposals. Now, he has to come crawling back to Disney.

Steve Jobs takes advantage of talented people such as Steve Wozniak and John Lassiter. Fortunately, Lassiter knows the score and has insulated himself from Jobs. In short, if being a bad CEO was illegal, Jobs would be in jail for life plus 200 years!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Good points. i got a little defensive and i apologize (bad day friday), your points are valid and understandable once you give me the "indepth" argument. my apologizes sir.

i just wish everyone could get along and make millions. lol :wave:


New Member
jmaxwell007 said:
Good points. i got a little defensive and i apologize (bad day friday), your points are valid and understandable once you give me the "indepth" argument. my apologizes sir.

i just wish everyone could get along and make millions. lol :wave:
I'll be the first to say that Apples are great computers! No need for you to apologize. :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
I'll be the first to say that Apples are great computers! No need for you to apologize. :kiss:

Everyone I know that has one loves them. The only thing stopping me from getting one is having to purchase all new software. From Photoshop to Illustrator to Office, etc. I just can't swing it...

Woody, did you get my PM? :)


New Member
mrtoad said:
Everyone I know that has one loves them.
Which make is soooo much fun to take the ______ out of them. If you criticise someone's PC you get nothing from them, but dare to say a word against someone's Apple, you have lit the blue touch paper and can now stand back and watch the sparks fly :D :drevil: :lol:

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