Is there a way I can apply for honorary old person status? My generation embarrasses me.
To be fair, it really isn't just a generational thing.
It's more that your generation had it easier than mine, which had it easier than our parents.
My first job was at 12 years old, and I still went to school. That was a bit young for my peers (late Gen-X) but it was not unheard of for someone to get a job at 15 (even at a major chain) and work that through high school.
I applied for DIsney as soon as I could (age 15)...I wasn't hired, but I went through the entire hiring process only to be declined because I didn't live in FL and wasn't really a good hire at the time (understandable, I only stayed there for summers).
Somewhere in the past decade or so society has decided that work is worth less than education (when both are important), and as a result, we have a generation of kids who, due to being overly educated in pretty much useless degrees, have no idea how to conduct themselves professionally who are now turning into adults, and feel completely lost.
That said, I doubt OP has a college degree...I think he's of the sort that is eternally "working on one"...
Tack onto that the explosive nature of media distractions which allow them to indulge their childish nature, and you end up with man-childs which would make the classic "live in the basement pimpled troll" meme seem ridiculous.
My sister is one of them. I know, quite well. You give them advice, and they spit on it, and tell you "You don't UNDERSTAND!"...even though you help pay their bills (well, with respect to my sister, I personally don't, but the family does) and as if you have no life experience yourself.
Screw em, I say.
BTW...we had a term for them when I was in management for a Fortune 500, and we were not alone with this term.
"Generation Y" = "Generation WHY"...meaning, "Why should I do this?"
Sometimes you just should do things because you are told to.