Will Disneyland USA suffer? ALL Of Disney's Theme Parks Now Closed - Reopening Dates Unknown


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify, the NBA suspended its season for 2 weeks, due to the fact many players have been exposed and need to self- quarantine.

They are gathering in the next few days, management, owners, players union, TV/Media broadcasters and arena operators to decide how to go forward

But they might go to some type of playoff tournament, or other way to finish the season, even if it is in an empty arena(s).


Well-Known Member
Looks like we should know one way or the other within a few days. City of Anaheim official response in response to the Governor's statement.
-Released at 11:15pm-
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Cute. This isn't the flu. This is at least TEN TIMES deadlier than the flu. It's way more contagious because of long incubation period combined with lack of herd immunity combined with lack of vaccine for the vulnerable combined with a lack of infrastructure capable of handling a pandemic. Experts are predicting death totals that dwarf the seasonal flu.

You think you're smarter than everyone else. I get it. I hope you are right. I really do. Look around. Look what's shutting down. It's going to get bigger and bigger until everything shuts down. Either the entire world is overreacting or you are wrong.

It's not ten times deadlier than the flu. The flu virus, that's always morphing and changing, kills 250,000 to 500,000 people around the world every year. Year after year after year. If Coronavirus was ten times deadlier than the flu, that would be up to 5 Million people dead this year.

We can check back on this post six months from now, but I'd bet you two churros there won't be 5 million people dead. Or even 250,000 people dead from coronavirus.

And I'm smarter than a few folks, but dumber than many.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Looks like we should know one way or the other within a few days. City of Anaheim official response in response to the Governor's statement. View attachment 455713

Interesting! I love how they went out of their way to not mention "theme parks" in their list of things they are known for as a "major visitor city". I can only imagine the wordsmithing they did late tonight in Anaheim city hall! 🤣
Cute. This isn't the flu. This is at least TEN TIMES deadlier than the flu. It's way more contagious because of long incubation period combined with lack of herd immunity combined with lack of vaccine for the vulnerable combined with a lack of infrastructure capable of handling a pandemic. Experts are predicting death totals that dwarf the seasonal flu.

You think you're smarter than everyone else. I get it. I hope you are right. I really do. Look around. Look what's shutting down. It's going to get bigger and bigger until everything shuts down. Either the entire world is overreacting or you are wrong.
In the face of a toilet paper shortage pandemic, TP2000 gracefully reffered to it as a Bath Tissue shortage. That is the type of leadership we need in these end of days! Everything isn't shutting down, take a deep breath and or 20..


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I'll be surprised now if Anaheim doesn't shut the park down by the weekend.

The directive from Sacramento seems to be very clear. Disneyland must close. Also Universal Studios, Knott's Berry Farm, Sea World, Magic Mountain, etc., etc.

Heck, this would also seem to close most movie theaters. Also nightclubs and bars larger than 2,000 square feet. Even some large restaurants seem unapproved by this directive.


Well-Known Member
Thinking more about the NBA, why not find one location, where you can "self-quarantine" the entire set of teams and needed staff, with the Hotels to house the group. Test everyone going in, and seal it off. Play the rest of the season. TV ratings should be high, as everyone will be stuck at home. A workable solution.

But what about the Homeless on LA Skid Row and elsewhere, many of those places have over 250 people in the same locations....

Will the Governor activate the Emergency Powers needed to allow law enforcement to get these folks into some sort of emergency shelter, even if the Homeless don't want to go?


Well-Known Member
Everyone has been dancing around the topic at hand and complaning that someone should be "doing something" but somehow Disneyland and TDA have evaded almost all criticism as they remained open every day. That changed tonight.

This is far bigger than a "blame TDA" decision. Closing the parks has huge ramifications (including driving Anaheims economy off a cliff and threatening the livelyhoods of over 200k people who live and work around Anaheim. Its the kind of decison that, if not handled correctly at all levels, inluding local and state government, could cause panic.

Just imagine how packed the place would be if they announced thet were closing indefinately on Monday. But also imagine the chaos if they decide to just not open tomorrow. Do CMs show up for shifts? Do the hotels stay open? Are people effectively out of job?

I'm not sure its the right decison yet, and I guess time will only tell. It's certainly time to consider it.



Well-Known Member
Looks like we should know one way or the other within a few days. City of Anaheim official response in response to the Governor's statement. View attachment 455713

As I said, lots of talking, no decisions.

What "true" powers does the Governor's recommendation have?

What actions do the private companies opt to take? (Disney, sports teams, conventions, etc).

What about the school boards? The State Department of Education?

The decision was to meet in the morning, allowing folks to catch their breath and think things over.

As I said, the stuff hit the fan at 10 PM, not the normal time to find senior decision makers ready to make the tough calls.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is far bigger than a "blame TDA" decision. Closing the parks has huge ramifications (including driving Anaheims economy off a cliff and threatening the livelyhoods of over 200k people who live and work around Anaheim. Its the kind of decison that, if not handled correctly at all levels, inluding local and state government, could cause panic.

Just imagine how packed the place would be if they announced thet were closing indefinately on Monday. But also imagine the chaos if they decide to just not open tomorrow. Do CMs show up for shifts? Do the hotels stay open? Are people effectively out of job?

I'm not sure its the right decison yet, and I guess time will only tell. It's certainly time to consider it.

I agree with all of what you just said. It's going to be chaos for at least a few days.

But Governor Newsom just issued a statement a few hours ago saying gatherings of more than 250 people are now frowned upon in the state of California.

Using Governor Newsom's own statement, Disneyland should not open in the morning. No theme park in California should open in the morning. Most movie theaters should close, or at least not operate their larger auditoriums with 250+ seats, and don't let a line form at the snack bar. Bars and nightclubs and dance clubs should not operate this weekend. Most large restaurants should close, or at least cancel a portion of their reservations to eliminate 250 people from being seated in the dining room together.

The statement from the Governor was very clear. I will be interested to see if TDA tries to wiggle out of it, or if they go ahead and close Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
The statement from the Governor was very clear. I will be interested to see if TDA tries to wiggle out of it, or if they go ahead and close Disneyland.

It depends. The state left enough wiggle room in their statement to make a case for Disneyland to remain open. It just depends on how "essential" Disneyland is to the states economy. They made clear that shops and malls are not recommended to close, and that the type of venue (indoor versus outdoor) can play a part.

They even posted recommendations for venues that are NOT closing that seemingly could apply to Disneyland:

What can be done to a make a gathering safer if it is essential or small?

Stagger activities.
• Add frequency of an event to spread out attendance, e.g. hold more, smaller gatherings.
• Add distance between where individuals sit or stand around tables.
• Add additional hand washing stations and restrooms.
• Limit the number of people in lines.
• Avoid direct physical contact, such as hand-shaking, holding hands, and hugging.
• Extend hours to allow for staggering of attendance or participation.
• Use phones, videos or video conferencing to reduce the need for close interactions.
• Consider ways to encourage anyone with fever and respiratory symptoms to stay home
when sick, such as
• Offering refunds or support reselling of tickets for persons who become ill.
• Placing messages on websites, tickets, and venue entrances reminding people to
protect one another by staying home if sick.

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