Will Disneyland USA suffer? ALL Of Disney's Theme Parks Now Closed - Reopening Dates Unknown


Well-Known Member
It's not that it's not important to me, but I'm not alarmed or panicked about it.

To get me to be alarmed or panicky about Coronavirus, I'm going to need to see a death rate that is at least half that of the average flu season in this country. So about 15,000 Americans dying of this virus within a six month period, or about 2,500 Americans per month.

I could be extremely frank and say I'd like to see at least the same amount of people dying as the average flu season, but I'll just go with half that to do my part in Virtue Signaling.

How about 720 deaths in one week in Italy? 1 month of that would be ~3,128 deaths.


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Original Poster

Okay. So that would seem to prevent Disneyland from opening in the morning.

Disneyland has restaurants that seat more than 250 people. They have multiple theaters and auditoriums that seat more than 250 people. They routinely pack more than 250 people into rooms full of switchback queues. And on and on and on.

This statement from Governor Newsom seems to strongly suggest that Disneyland may no longer open to the public. Or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
You’re obviously intelligent and I enjoy your thoughtful posts even when I don’t agree with them, but one basketball player testing positive and feeling good enough to play basketball with the virus doesn’t exhibit, to me, proof that we need to cancel public events.
The fact that almost zero Americans (5 per million) are being tested and prominent Americans are testing positive for the virus should set off the loudest possible warning bells. This thing is everywhere already. Do you really think the NBA would cancel the rest of their season if it wasn't extremely serious? I'm not sure what sources you're listening to but they're wrong. Dead wrong.


Well-Known Member
Okay. So that would seem to prevent Disneyland from opening in the morning.

Disneyland has restaurants that seat more than 250 people. They have multiple theaters and auditoriums that seat more than 250 people. They routinely pack more than 250 people into rooms full of switchback queues. And on and on and on.

This statement from Governor Newsom seems to strongly suggest that Disneyland may no longer open to the public. Or am I missing something?

It's just a recommendation which itself won't prevent anything from opening. It may influence them to not open, but there's no teeth to it that enforces it...yet.


Well-Known Member
Okay. So that would seem to prevent Disneyland from opening in the morning.

Disneyland has restaurants that seat more than 250 people. They have multiple theaters and auditoriums that seat more than 250 people. They routinely pack more than 250 people into rooms full of switchback queues. And on and on and on.

This statement from Governor Newsom seems to strongly suggest that Disneyland may no longer open to the public. Or am I missing something?
Disneyland should absolutely close. Immediately. By being open they are acting as a vector that spreads the virus to countless people.

I say that as someone who depends on Disneyland to stay open to earn a living. That's how serious this is.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How about 720 deaths in one week in Italy? 1 month of that would be ~3,128 deaths.

The death toll in Italy as of March 11th was 800. And the Italian deaths are following the same demographics as South Korea; the elderly and infirm are most susceptible, while those under 40 suffer nothing more than common flu and cold symptoms.

In a country of 60 million it is concerning, yes. But then Italy refused to close off travel from Communist China until they had to close the entire country. And they only recently began restricting people's accessibility to the elderly and infirm in nursing homes.

I think that's where we need to focus our efforts; on preventing open access to those confined to nursing homes due to old age and infirmity. The very elderly and sickly can't fend off this virus nearly as well as people only 15 years younger than them, or healthier than them at the same age.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's just a recommendation which itself won't prevent anything from opening. It may influence them to not open, but there's no teeth to it that enforces it...yet.

Wait, so you are fine with Disneyland opening in the morning after Governor Newsom issues a recommendation to cancel all events of more than 250 people?
The fact that almost zero Americans (5 per million) are being tested and prominent Americans are testing positive for the virus should set off the loudest possible warning bells. This thing is everywhere already. Do you really think the NBA would cancel the rest of their season if it wasn't extremely serious? I'm not sure what sources you're listening to but they're wrong. Dead wrong.
How long is your list of prominent Americans that have tested positive? Does Tom Hanks and his wife make the list? They are Americans but they are in Australia..


Well-Known Member
It seems as though this panic will not stop until absolutely no one dies from coronavirus and no one tests positive for coronavirus.

Meanwhile, 22 Americans died last week in a freak midnight tornado in Tennessee, 1,000 Americans die each week because of the flu, 700 Americans die each week in car crashes on American roads, 800 Americans die each week due to Opioid overdose, 150 Americans drown each week in backyard pools, etc., etc.
These posts of yours on this topic are going to look myopic at best and recklessly ignorant and dangerous at worst when all is said and done.


Well-Known Member
Wait, so you are fine with Disneyland opening in the morning after Governor Newsom issues a recommendation to cancel all events of more than 250 people?

Did I say that? No.

You asked

This statement from Governor Newsom seems to strongly suggest that Disneyland may no longer open to the public. Or am I missing something?

I simply responded that it's a recommendation and not a rule of the land yet.


Well-Known Member
Interesting evening.

Had a 6:30 PM meeting. Chris Zapata, the city manager was a main speaker.

Yes, we discussed 39 Commons, the sister project and the Beach Boulevard Specific Plan. (We want the state to let us take over the Anaheim portion from Caltrans, which saves them money. They are dragging their feet. Buena Park has already gotten its segment, and has done wonders).

But yes, COVID-19 was another subject. We had the pretty looking city flyers that tell you to was your hands, etc. Lots of questions, not many answers besides that we are taking things day by day.

So grabbed a bite to eat with Lisa before getting a text saying a 10 PM Conference Call was taking place. And guess what we talked about.

No real decisions, just scheduling an early morning meeting to see where to go with the State's new direction. Seems like the Attorney's have the big late night homework.

And then, is it worth it to fight with the state?
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Disneyland should absolutely close. Immediately. By being open they are acting as a vector that spreads the virus to countless people.

I say that as someone who depends on Disneyland to stay open to earn a living. That's how serious this is.

Okay, thank you. I believe you are the first person in the Very Serious camp who has finally said they think Disneyland needs to close. Until now it seems everyone thinks "the government" should be doing more, but seemed fine with Disneyland open and operating every day for 75,000 people.


Well-Known Member
It's not that it's not important to me, but I'm not alarmed or panicked about it.

To get me to be alarmed or panicky about Coronavirus, I'm going to need to see a death rate that is at least half that of the average flu season in this country. So about 15,000 Americans dying of this virus within a six month period, or about 2,500 Americans per month.

I could be extremely frank and say I'd like to see at least the same amount of people dying as the average flu season, but I'll just go with half that to do my part in Virtue Signaling.
Cool. Check back in two weeks when the virus is up to your standards.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Did I say that? No.
You asked
I simply responded that it's a recommendation and not a rule of the land yet.

Okay, so I will ask directly. Do you feel Disneyland should open on Thursday morning?

TDA has about 8 hours to respond to Governor Newsom's strongly worded "recommendation".


Well-Known Member
Okay, thank you. I believe you are the first person in the Very Serious camp who has finally said they think Disneyland needs to close. Until now it seems everyone thinks "the government" should be doing more, but seemed fine with Disneyland open and operating every day for 75,000 people.

Wow, do you even read this thread?

Maybe it's not OK? Maybe the longer Anaheim and Disney keep the place open, they are making fools of themselves?

I personally think and expected Disneyland to close earlier this week. The fact it's still open is shocking, but I think it will be forced to close soon, either by government order (state, county or city) or just for PR appearances.

As for...

Okay, so I will ask directly. Do you feel Disneyland should open on Thursday morning?

TDA has about 8 hours to respond to Governor Newsom's strongly worded "recommendation".

See above...

I absolutely think they should close. It's the only responsible thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, do you even read this thread?

I started this thread on purpose seven weeks ago. I read it regularly but am not tallying every comment on a spreadsheet and then memorizing who said what. I have been doing some spring gardening lately instead.

Everyone has been dancing around the topic at hand and complaning that someone should be "doing something" but somehow Disneyland and TDA have evaded almost all criticism as they remained open every day. That changed tonight.

I will be surprised if Disneyland is open this Saturday. And if it closes it will be closed for weeks, if not months. I don't know how you can open and operate Disneyland when the Governor is telling you that you shouldn't.


Well-Known Member
Not to pick on you, but do you wear a black arm band every year from November to March to mourn Flu Season and the 35,000 Americans who died? I don't.
Cute. This isn't the flu. This is at least TEN TIMES deadlier than the flu. It's way more contagious because of long incubation period combined with lack of herd immunity combined with lack of vaccine for the vulnerable combined with a lack of infrastructure capable of handling a pandemic. Experts are predicting death totals that dwarf the seasonal flu.

You think you're smarter than everyone else. I get it. I hope you are right. I really do. Look around. Look what's shutting down. It's going to get bigger and bigger until everything shuts down. Either the entire world is overreacting or you are wrong.

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