That's how they afford to stay at BLT. I think your statement goes back to what the DVC critics site often. The Deluxe DVCs are filled with folks who may not be able to afford to stay at Disney every year if they weren't paying it off via a 10 year mortgage.
And some people really do like to have home cooked meals even on vacation.
And I would be one of them (home cooked meal, not 10 year mortgage as I paid cash). Unless the resort had a TS restaurant open for breakfast (or we did character dining), I always bring a small tub with us that has the items necessary for breakfast, plates, utensils, mugs, water pitcher, electric tea kettle, cereal, tea, etc., since I dislike eating breakfast in a high school cafeteria atmosphere (and we like to sleep in). It's silly to me to stay in a resort room and not take advantage of the kitchen provided. But I've never brought a slow cooker. Nor would I drag a turkey fryer through the lobby of a deluxe resort