Well-Known Member
*Shrug*. Like I've said, I hold no animosity towards Disney for offering DVC nor towards DVC members for purchasing it. I just personally believe it's a bad product with inordinate inherent risk. I also plan on going every year with my daughter (now seven months and already with one trip under her belt), but I'll be a cash guest the whole way.
If that is true that you will go every year for the next 18 years, and if you stay at moderates or above, you will be wasting money by not buying DVC. Of course, those are two big "ifs" and those "ifs" are the reason its hard to know if DVC will we a savings in the long run. Let's say you, hypothetcially, will go to Disney World ever year for the next 18 years for 1 week. I chose a random week in August and got nightly rates for the lowest cost room (with the discounts that are typically available) of $162 for Port Orleans, $247 for Wilderness Lodge, and $332 for the Contemporary. So some math:
PO: $162/ night x 7 nights = $1134 / week x 18 years = $20,412
WL: $247 / night x 7 nights = $1918 / week x 18 years = $34,524
CR: $332 / night x 7 nights = $2324 / week x 18 years = $41,832
Now, let's compare against DVC. I'd say the going resale rate for SSR (which roughly compares with the features of Port Orleans) is $75 / point, WL is probably $80 / point, and BLT is $105 / point. Maintenance fees are $5.17 / point for SSR, $6.02 / point for WL, and $5.05 / point for BLT. For a week at each resort in August (the same week I priced out above), you will need 120 points for SSR, 127 points for WL, and 139 for BLT . So some math:
SSR: ($75 / pt x 120 pts = $9,000) + ($5.17 / pt x 120 pts x 18 years = $11,167) = $20,167
WL: ($80 / pt x 127 pts = $10,160) + ($6.02 / pt x 127 pts x 18 years = $13,761) = $23,921
BLT: ($105 / pt x 139 pts = $15,595) + ($5.05 / pt x 139 pts x 18 years = $12,631) = $28,230