Wii will start a Revolution


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
Yea, where as I'm in it for pure gaming reasons, so it's the opposite for me. To each his own.

Yep. The PS3 will fullfill ALL of my gaming needs and then some and provide a free online service. My Belkin router has sucked from day one (When I plug it in, it slows down my speed on my non-wireless computer BIG TIME), so I might have to invest in a new wireless router.


dxwwf3 said:
Yep. The PS3 will fullfill ALL of my gaming needs and then some and provide a free online service. My Belkin router has sucked from day one (When I plug it in, it slows down my speed on my non-wireless computer BIG TIME), so I might have to invest in a new wireless router.

I was afraid of going wireless when I got XBOX Live, so I went wired, and haven't had a problem.


Well-Known Member
hypercatmatt04 said:
I'm a Playstation1/2/3 fan, and I have no problems with XBOX.
But doesn't it seem like every XBOX fan has some sort of grudge against Playstation?

I tend to agree with that, but alot of people have felt burned by sony mysel included. I bought a ps1 back in the day just for resident evil, nothing good really came of it. Bought a ps2 just for GTA, great game but when it came out for PC i liked it much more. ps3 is gonna be a decision i will make a long time after it is out just to see if its worth it.


Well-Known Member
hypercatmatt04 said:
But doesn't it seem like every XBOX fan has some sort of grudge against Playstation?

I think I know the reason, but so I don't offend any X-Box fanboys, I'll keep my mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
I think I know the reason, but so I don't offend any X-Box fanboys, I'll keep my mouth shut.

LOL no matter which way you look at it the xbox was superior to the ps2, i dont see how anyone can argue that point. The only thing sony had was the FF games, kingdom hearts, GT and GTA. They relied on games like those to sell their system.

NGGaming Pal

New Member
Okay, first off, nintendo does not have as wide a variety of game genres as the Playstation.
Let's see...Racing? Check. Adventure? Check. Action? Check. Survival Horror? Shmup? Party? Platformer? Fighting? Puzzle? Music? First Person Shooter? Check. Hmm, looks like Nintendo has a "wide variety of game genres" to me.

While they try to make Nintendo more of a game system for everyone, Sony has been there, and is known for it. Nintendo has for many years been branded as a system for younger gamers, many in the range of 7-17. However the PS has a much wider fan base, not only from young gamers but from older veterans, this is where the numbers come in.With a wider variety of gamers you have more people buying your units.
Your point is somewhat valid, but this time around Nintendo is aiming for a much larger base, not just gamers. Take a look at games like Brain Age, Nintendogs, or Tetris. These types of games will get even the non-gamers to play. When you broaden your horizons like that, sales are bound to rise. This has proven true; just look at the DS. It's been selling millions more in Japan than the PSP and here in the US the DS is pretty neck-and-neck with the PSP.

True the Wiimote, however idiotic sounding it is, is a completely unique design, but that is it's major fault. With a new style controller many people are going to have to learn how to play all over again,
Many journalists and reviewers have said that the games shown at E3 weren't that hard to learn at all, save for Red Steel.

and unlike the sensory in the PS controller, which is easily controlled through the shifting of weight between hands, the wiimote is much more awkward to maneuver, and much too small a design for comfort.
Could I borrow your time machine? I wanna see how it works, too.

There is nothing the Wiimote has that the Playstation controller doesn't,
Actually, there is. The PS3's controller can only sense yaw, pitch, and roll. The Wiimote not only does this, but it also detects where it is in 3d space, so the PS3 can't simulate a baseball bat or sword jab as well as the Wiimote. Oh, and the PS3 doesn't have rumble because Sony got sued by another company because they used the exact same technology. The nunchuck attatchment does all the motion sensing the PS3 can do, and the attatchments aren't limited to the Nunchuck. There are many other possibilities for attatchments.

and a unique but clumsy design is only going to discourage many veteran gamers.
I consider myself to be somewhat of a veteran gamer, and I'm pumped about the Wii. Many other veterans (who aren't fanboys...) I know both on and offline are pumped as well.

It's another unnecissary modification Nintendo has made to their systems over the years to boost sales.

Next is the graphics, I play a video game and rate it on it's overall appeal, not on gameplay or graphics alone. If a Wii is lacking in graphics, I'm going to be disinclined to explore what it has to offer in gameplay, when compared to a 360 or a PS3.
...Yeah. That just screams "contradiction". If something is lacking in graphics, you're gonna move on and assume that the game sucks? That's some good judgement.

Over the years, sales of systems are as so:
1-Playstation 2 (with consistent sales rising)
2-Xbox (steady sales during holidays)
3-Gamecube ( sales linger, but not consistent)

This leads us to believe, following history, that Microsoft and sony will continue to head the industry, with Nintendo holding on thanks to a few popular game series.
Guy from 1995: Guys, there's no way Sony will beat Sega and Nintendo. They've led the industry, and they always will.

However after E3, there is much much more for Sony gamers to look forward to with God of War II, Final Fantasy XII, Fantasy versus XIII, Dirge of Cerberus, SIlent Hill 5, and many others.
Um, did you even SEE E3? People RAN to the Nintendo booth so they wouldn't have to wait in the four hour line that had to be shut down because it began to take up part of Sony's booth.

Nintendo won't die off, but don't expect it to outdo the true leaders of the industy: Sony and Microsoft.
Guy from 1995: Sony won't die off, but don't expect it to outdo the true leaders of the industry: Sega and Nintendo.


New Member
^5 Gaming Pal

Way to hand out the pwnage.

Silly tool Ansem....

PS3...offers a much more challenging experience as far as controllers go, with it's motion sensor abilities

So what about the revcon? The same could be said about our the superior wiimote.

True the Wiimote, however idiotic sounding it is, is a completely unique design, but that is it's major fault. With a new style controller many people are going to have to learn how to play all over again, and unlike the sensory in the PS controller, which is easily controlled through the shifting of weight between hands, the wiimote is much more awkward to maneuver

As said before, may I borrow your time machine so I don't have to wait until tomorrow to pick up my DS.lite?

There is nothing the Wiimote has that the Playstation controller doesn't

O RLY? You are mistaken. The PS3mote can do about as much as Kirby Tilt and Tumble for the GBC.

For people who don't want it all, the PS3 has a cheaper version which is the exact as an Xbox360. If you don't want to pay that price, move to a Wii and play kiddie games, or switch to PC.

Again, wrong. The cheaper PS3, which is a complete rip off byt the way, is 100 dollars more than the premium 360.

Secondly, the gaming industry in sales leaves Sony at top, Microsoft in second, and Nintendo in third. Their dwindling sales with the Gameboy Micro and anniversary editions were based off of mediocre sales in the gaming industry on the DS. True the DS has a wide range of games, but many gamers found it's design to be of poor quality when compared to a PSP, which has gotten a 9-10/10 rating from every company and magazine to review it. The PSP is not a kids toy, it is a convenient portable entertainment system, with many consumers in the age range of 5-50. (again more of an age range= more sales.)

Wrong again. The DS is dominating, espescially in Japan. UMD failed, the PSP's killer app(GTA) had pretty meh sales AND is being ported to consoles. Also, you seem to rely on the Nintendo is teh kiddAy idea that so many tools use....that's just pathetic. Don't forget, games are "kids things" anyways no matter who makes them. Remember E=EVERYONE not just children.

I've made my arguments, I haven't been biased,

Excuse me while I laugh, tool.


New Member
I'm going to try not to resort to ad hominem in here.

Ansem said:
UMD discs are selling VERY well, their variety of titles ranging from music videos to movies to full seasons of shows are proving to be worth while to Sony. They are currently working on a way to transfer your UMD & PSP viewing to a TV, so that no matter where you go you have a portable DVD system. This is ideal for A: People like myself who have to travel quite alot and B: People who prefer not to buy a DVD and a UMD.


What was that about UMD sales being strong? :)

Secondly, the gaming industry in sales leaves Sony at top, Microsoft in second, and Nintendo in third. Their dwindling sales with the Gameboy Micro and anniversary editions were based off of mediocre sales in the gaming industry on the DS. True the DS has a wide range of games, but many gamers found it's design to be of poor quality when compared to a PSP, which has gotten a 9-10/10 rating from every company and magazine to review it. The PSP is not a kids toy, it is a convenient portable entertainment system, with many consumers in the age range of 5-50. (again more of an age range= more sales.)

"Many gamers?"

You mean the 19 million to date that have bought a Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite?

Or do you perhaps mean some of the less than 12 million PSP owners that are forced to resort to homebrew emulators because there, quite simply, is not much in terms of new material on the system?

Just where in the seven Hells are you getting your demographics, anyway? The majority of PSP owners are of the "18-34, male" demographic - the majority of DS owners are in the "5-50, either gender" demographic, mostly due to the massive success of Nintendogs and the Touch Generations titles.

Just because a title looks boring or not in your genre of gameplay does NOT mean it won't sell. PS3 recieved a stunning amount of support from E3, and it's game titles are being praised for their FMV quality gameplay, and strong title series. This whole time I've listed facts and actualy data taken from E3, from my friends who have been there and from the industries that reviewed it. So far I've yet to see hardly any factual evidence that things will change, other than a few complaints over price (which is ridiculous, as I have over and over again explained how the PS3 is almost 2 times as expensive to make than what it is selling for, which is the same as a 360, but with free HDD internet service) and a few opinions on title preferences.

No comment, other than the simple fact that MGS4 and Final Fantasy XIII were the only PS3 titles that got any hype, if at all.

The games were overshadowed by the price, simple as that.

I've made my arguments, I haven't been biased, I have been true to fact. I'm a stubborn girl, but I'm done listing these things so people won't take them into account. If someone else were to make an argument that honestly and factually seemed feasable that Nintendo would sell enough to revive itself and jump back up to Microsoft and Sony's level I'd glady accept that. But I'm a member of the Gamer Advisory Panel, I own every game system that has been out since before I was even born, I play PC games up to 100% completion and end-game content, and I have friends who support and work in the industry of each gaming system. Bottom line, Sony will make it's sales, Microsoft will maintain a steady position, and Nintendo will hang on to it's position as third in the industry. History is known to repeat itself, and it will. make all arguments you want from here on out, I'll wait unil November 17th when the worldwide launch is soldout in a matter of hours to make my point clear.

I'll wait until November 17th when it's evident that Sony's 'sales position' would be in great peril, since by that time they either would have:

delayed it again
shipped nowhere near their targets due to manufacturing problems, thus putting the PS3 in a rather unlikely position to retake the lead from the Xbox 360

Since it's Sony, and since the technology is supposedly cutting-edge, the latter is much more likely than any scenario put forth in this thread, period.


New Member
.... o
...... ______.._(CJayC)_
..(Fap Fap|.|___|.|_LEGO_|.|___________|.|chickens|


New Member
Aww.. everythings been discussed already.

"I've made my arguments, I haven't been biased, I have been true to fact. I'm a stubborn girl, but I'm done listing these things so people won't take them into account. If someone else were to make an argument that honestly and factually seemed feasable that Nintendo would sell enough to revive itself and jump back up to Microsoft and Sony's level I'd glady accept that. But I'm a member of the Gamer Advisory Panel, I own every game system that has been out since before I was even born, I play PC games up to 100% completion and end-game content, and I have friends who support and work in the industry of each gaming system. Bottom line, Sony will make it's sales, Microsoft will maintain a steady position, and Nintendo will hang on to it's position as third in the industry. History is known to repeat itself, and it will. make all arguments you want from here on out, I'll wait unil November 17th when the worldwide launch is soldout in a matter of hours to make my point clear. "

Ya'know both nintendo and atari failed on their third console. guess which sony console is coming up next gen? thats right, the Third.
History might JUST repeat itself


New Member
So, let's look at who the PS3 is marketed to.

Younger gamers (7-11) don't have that kind of money.

Young adults (12-15) have enough birthday money and allowance for it to be a realistic purchase.

Adults (16+) have jobs, and can afford a high-end gaming PC, which absolutely slaughters any and all consoles when it comes to graphics, gameplay, and sheer number of games released.

Younger members of the third category may get a PS3. However, their jobs often don't pay much, and instead a very cheap console would be a wiser choice. Enter the Wii. Older gamers often have bills to pay and would rather stick to PC.

Younger gamers may afford the Wii.

Young adults will have plenty of money left over for other purchases if they go \/\/ii.

The PS3 is marketed to no-one.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Its hard to say what will happen with the PS3 but my guess is they will sell because most new systems that come out at X-mas do. I was thinking about getting one but at 600$, no chance. I dont see how they will continue strong sales with that price. I like MGS but not that much. If the 360 gets a price drop you could get that and a wii for about the same price as a PS3.


Well-Known Member
erasure fan1 said:
Its hard to say what will happen with the PS3 but my guess is they will sell because most new systems that come out at X-mas do. I was thinking about getting one but at 600$, no chance. I dont see how they will continue strong sales with that price.

Well if you are interested in getting a Blu-Ray player, the STANDALONE players are going for $999 right now. The PS3 with do much more than that.

And two, there will be a $500 version for people who don't really care much about the high tech features of the PS3.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I don’t think blue ray will sustain sales though. And the 500$ unit has no HDMI and from what I have read about blue ray, movies will not play in the 1080 format without the HDMI because of a coding Sony & the movie studios want to put on the disk. They have not yet said yes or no to this officially though, I think. Do you see people choosing blue ray or HD DVD, I have no idea but I think if Sony wants to sell blue ray they better get a player for A LOT less than 1000$ or the 600$ PS3. I think HD DVD will win just for the simple fact that people know the name DVD and the general public HATES change. Look how long it took people to get into DVD from VHS.


Well-Known Member
erasure fan1 said:
I don’t think blue ray will sustain sales though. And the 500$ unit has no HDMI and from what I have read about blue ray, movies will not play in the 1080 format without the HDMI because of a coding Sony & the movie studios want to put on the disk. They have not yet said yes or no to this officially though, I think.

To anyone that only cares about the games, I HIGHLY doubt that HDMI/full 1080p is going to matter one bit at all. That's why the $500 option was created. You can hook up your S-Video or component and go to town.

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