Hey, Rodrigo!!!
I am soooo glad I finally found someone like me!!! You are absolutely right. You see, I always hear the same stuff "Walt Disney World? AGAIN? Aren't you tired of that place?" I feel terrible about that. You see, my father is like that too, and he really bores me because I am spending too much money on stupid things, that I shoul grow up, I am almost 27, I should care about having a house of my own, and not spending so much money on useless childish trips.
About those group tours, I know exactly what you mean, as I worked as a tour guide for some time, as the only way to afford a trip to WDW. It is terrible to have 40 teenagers who just don't care about disney, they just want thrills and tennis shoes!!! They go like that "another line? Oh, I am so tired, I don't wanna see anything else. No special effects? Just a theater? I prefer to sit down there and have another coke. Oh, no! Fireworks again!!! I see that every year in Copacabana. Why do you like Magic Kingdom fireworks? Why don't they change it and put some laser effects? Please, take us to that eletronics store again. I wanna buy a sound system." That used to depress me so much that I stopped being a tour guide. However, I think I will go back to business this year, as I miss WDW so much! I spent all the money i had last year (1 dollar=2.8 reais!!!) and I can't live without WDW!
Hey Rodrigo! You live in Rio too? Where do you live? How old are you? Does your girlfriend like disney, too?
Kisses for you all!!!