Why is it a MILLION times better staying @ a WDW Resort?


New Member

I've stayed at Value, Moderate and Deluxe WDW resorts...and each time it was magical. In December, we stayed at the Shades of Green and although it was nice... it was just not the same. Although it was close to the MK and the Poly, the transportation was medicore, thus this may be part of the reason. But Im telling you, there was no PIXIE Dust in the place.... No Magical feel at the end of the day. The same can be said for some real nice hotels not run by Disney. To me, a Value resort has much more magic then some 5 star hotel near Downtown Disney.

Do you know what Im talking about?


Well-Known Member
You bring up a very interesting point...

I think it comes down to...ta da...detail. Disney resorts are impeccably themed, and it's the little details that make all the difference.

SoG (from what I know about it) doesn't have a strong/coherent theme... it's just a nice, quaint (I suppose) hotel. There are lots of those.

But without the details that combine to create a theme, that's all they'll ever be. Not a bad thing. It's just that little langniappe—the little something extra, like a baker's dozen...
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New Member
I stayed at the Wyndahm Palace when I stayed from Dec-Jan '04. I just didn't feel like I was in Disney when I stayed there, I felt like I was somewhere else. I almost broke my arm there, but that's aside the point. Plus, the busses took over an hour at one point to arrive. Very aggravating.

Any disney hotel > Any non disney orlando hotel. Period.
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Most people stay off site for one reason, to save money. But I consider time a valuable commodity and after staying at a disney resort, you realize how much the experrience in enhanced staying onsite. I've stayed at the Marriott, the Holiday Inn Themed suites, and Downtown Disney, but they pale incomparison to even the value resorts. There's an intagible that gives you the Disney feeling 24/7, as opposed to having to go back to the real world.
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New Member
I -love- staying at the resorts. But I also enjoy staying off property, so I can see non Disney things and people. Yes, I know that's blasphemy. It's just a little weird sometimes staying in a total Disney "bubble" for a week. That being said, I'm staying at CBR for the first time in June and I am REALLY looking forward to it!
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Active Member
i have stayed at the Poly, Contempory, CBR, YAtch club, And i am going to stay at Pop Century starting Sunday. I have also stayed off-site at the HOward Johnson and the Radisson. Years ago the Disney buses use to service the off-site hotels (They did back in 91 when i stayed at the Howard Johson.) THis was a good feature to staying off-site. WHen i stayed at the Raddison in 99 the bus the hotel used was horrible. it only went in to the parks three times and if you missed those times you had to pay for a taxi to take youy in (20 buck they charged). This to me is one of the biggest reason to stay in the park. The convience and the ambiance is well worth the few add dollars.
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Well-Known Member
I know exactly the feel you are talking about. I don't ever have that feel any other place. I have tried to explain it to my MIL & SIL, but they will have to experience it next spring break when they go with us. They will know exactly what it is once they are there. :D
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New Member
I think there is nothing else like staying at a Disney resort. We stayed off resort last October and that was the first time we did and we said we would never do it again. Even though we were in a really nice house which was only like a 10 minute drive to the parks, it just wasn't the same feeling. Driving and parking was a hassel I thought. It just feels like one big vacation when you leave the parks and you go back to your hotel you still have that Disney experience and feeling with you the whole trip.:animwink:
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New Member
mayoki said:
Most people stay off site for one reason, to save money. But I consider time a valuable commodity and after staying at a disney resort, you realize how much the experrience in enhanced staying onsite.
I'm an off-site person. I get late deals from the UK and can stay two weeks off site for the price of one or two nights on-site. Simple maths.
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New Member
For me the best part is not having to think about anything non-disney after I arrive at the resort. We park our car and then a week later go back to it and have to go home. Any other place even though I'm not at the grindstone there are reminders of home. Something about leaving it all completely behind.
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Active Member
Barnum, You shoulkd at least try a value resort for a couple days, just for comparison. Since these can usually be had for $100 or less, I dont believe you're staying antwhere near WDW for less than $30 per night. Well at least no hotel I'd want to stay in.
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New Member
jim1051 said:
Barnum, You shoulkd at least try a value resort for a couple days, just for comparison. Since these can usually be had for $100 or less, I dont believe you're staying antwhere near WDW for less than $30 per night. Well at least no hotel I'd want to stay in.
My best price has been flight and hotel for two weeks £350.

Last time I came over - Sept 2005 I think I paid the equivalent including tax of about $25 a night for Quality Inn Polynesian - about a ten minute drive from the theme parks.
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New Member
Everyone else has pretty much said it, and I'm with you guys. I couldn't think about going to Disney and staying offsite. Onsite is so awesome!
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New Member
Please, we wasted so much money trying to save money by going to the local Days Inn. It's just not the same. I also stayed at the Hilton in Buena Vista hoping for the upscale quality, to no avail. I definitely should have paid $10 less and stayed at one of the Value Resports. We'll never compromise quality for price ever again, even if we never have enough cash to go to WDW. We'd rather stay home then go to Disney and stay somewhere other than a Disney resort.

And like my kids say when they see the WDW arc in the entrance, DISNEY! DISNEY! DISNEY!
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New Member
I've stayed off property once......we will never do it again. On property is just so convenient. I love never having to drive unless I want to, the short trips to the parks, and the 'round the clock Disney! But, the magic is the main reason. Just can't get enough of it. I can hardly wait til July 21!!!!! POR, HERE WE COME!
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