The weather is another thing to consider about the rationale behind griping. Being uncomfortable can bring out the jerkwad in just about anyone, from being too hot or too cold or too wet in a rainstorm, not to mention too sleepy, too hungry, too thirsty, too overstimulated, too sore, too injured, whatever. You're out of your comfort zone, everything that annoys you is added to that giant pile of suck. Things you could shrug off in certain circumstances (I'm at work, I'm hungry, but I know I can take a break once this project is done) become unbearable in others (I'm at work, I'm hungry, this project has no end in sight, I'm getting phone calls about a prior project that now needs revisions, my wife is calling about a bill she forgot to pay, I know I'll be working late and have to take a 90+minute local train home, someone slammed a door on my hand by accident THAT hurt, I just realized I forgot to put on anti-perspirant so now I'm self-conscious but I can't take the time to run across to the CVS let alone stop for 20 minutes to eat a sandwich, *** CAN I EAT MY LUNCH BEFORE IT'S F***ING DINNER TIME?)
None of this has anything to do with the poor CM who winds up bearing the brunt of your crankiness because they're the ones with the water or the snack or the souvenir you or someone in your party want. And a lot of people feel completely justified in being cranky at the time, only to look back later and go "yeesh, I was a major yutz." But it happens. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the conditioning/training CMs go through is a Good Will Hunting-esque "it's not your fault" seminar, where they learn how to accept hostility they had no responsibility creating.