Trip Report Whose WDW Is It Anyway?

Welcome to Whose WDW Is It Anyway? Where the rules don't matter and the wait times are made up!

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WHO: The usual crew. Me (Bryan), my mom, and my friend A
WHEN: May 5th-8th
WHERE: Orbit One Vacation Villas on 192
WHY: I had two vacation days to burn before 5/20 and A couldn't wait until October to take another trip

I wasn't sure this trip was actually going to happen. We were stalking airfare waiting for something reasonable to come up and were having no luck finding airfare that didn't cost more than my AP. Finally, one morning a Spirit flight down early Thursday morning dropped significantly and we jumped on it. The flight home we booked on Frontier because they had the best time/price to maximize our park time.

I set my alarm for 3am (ugh) and summoned our Uber (my dad) and arrived at PHL a little after 4:30am for our 6:20am flight. Plenty of time, right?


Spirit bag drop was a $@#*-show to say the least. You had to cut through the ridiculously long to get to the kiosks to print out a luggage tag. Then, you had to get back through the line and find the end to wait to drop off your bag at the counter. There were at least three flights leaving around the same time and they only had two people working the counter. Two?!? If only there were some kind of system where they could know in advance when flights were scheduled and how many people bought tickets for those flights...

Fantasizing Pop Tv GIF by One Day At A Time

The flight to MCO was the next one to leave so they pulled everyone for Orlando over to the side to drop bags in front of the other flights. Naturally, this caused mass confusion and some people (not us, thankfully) ended up further back in line than they started. There was one woman, I assume her name was Karen (no offense to any actual Karens out there), who started to lose her mind. I was shocked that I didn't hear...

Linda Karen GIF

Eventually, we made it through the Spirit check in process and went over to join the TSA line. A has TSA Precheck and wasn't checking a bag so he had already gone to the gate. The line for security was absolutely crazy! It stretched all the way back near baggage claim and nearly to the airport hotel that was across the street. The line was surprisingly fast moving and we only waited about 15-20 minutes to get through. I was prepared to removed my electronics and my shoes but the TSA agent said everything can stay in your bag and your shoes could stay on. I feel like every time I fly the rules are different and different at every airport, which is just one aspect of this trip that inspired the title.

We did not have time to sit down and eat before boarding, so we just grabbed bagels at the little convenience stand and took them on the plane with us. At some point, they must have changed our gate because there was a woman who got on our plane and was surprised to find someone sitting in her seat. Turns out, she was supposed to be on a flight to ATL that was now at another gate. I don't know how she was able to get past the gate agent and on to the wrong flight...

hmmm GIF

Our flight itself was uneventful, I watched the last episode of Moon Knight and then took a little nap and were arrived in MCO ahead of schedule. We had to wait for our ground crew to arrive for a bit. We must have snuck up on them because it is impossible to track an airplane and know exactly when it will arrive...

Baggage claim was equally as nightmare-ish. We waited close to an hour for our bags to come out on a different carousel than what we were told and what the signs said. We are always the party that gets stopped right at the CM almost every time. So it was no surprise that when the bags got jammed up in the carousel, that our bag was literally the next bag to come out after the log jam delay. Finally, with bag in hand, we trekked down about 5 escalators and up about 6 to get over to the rental car where A was waiting.

NEXT: Arriving at HS


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a full day you've had so far! Glad you got on Ratatouille and Frozen before having to head to DS! All your food pics this day look fabulous. :)


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We arrived at MK in the early evening and not wanting to buck tradition, we headed to Tomorrowland first. Buzz had a 25 minute wait posted but it was practically a walk on further proving my point about wait times.

Being a Galactic Hero was not in the cards for me this time despite the fact that I am almost certain that I hit a 100,000 point target several times in the first room but only got credit for once. There's always next time...

Then, true to form, we jumped in line for the Peoplemover. I am getting excited to see the progress on Tron and look forward to maybe getting the chance to ride it in October.

After our tour of the land, naturally our next stop was Carousel of Progress. I tried really hard to stay awake the whole time but I failed miserably. I definitely missed the whole 50s scene and most of the "current day" scene. But it was a dangerous combo of a cushioned seat and A/C.

The wait for Space Mountain wasn't long but we decided to pass on it because we were getting hungry and our ADR wasn't until 10:10pm so we went on a mission for something to eat.

We ended up at Pinocchio's. My mom and I split a pepperoni flatbread which was better than I was expecting. We mobile ordered and had no issues. There was a decent sized line of people who I assume were waiting to order at a register but I just walked past them all right to my pick up window. I hope they weren't all waiting for mobile orders and I completely cut them all off.

We had a table at the windows above Small World and saw that there was little to no wait so we made that our next destination. I had to shake my head at the large family that couldn't understand that they couldn't all take their ice cream bars and popsicles on the ride with them. I was glad that the CM made them all wait off to the side until they were finished before allowing them to get on a boat.

After the normal traffic jam of boats in the final room, we disembarked from our cruise and headed towards HM. We were greeted by the best sight ever when we rounded the corner...13 minute wait time!!! In case you aren't aware, this means that the ride is a walk on. I am happy to report that this was pretty much true. We got stopped just outside the doors to allow the group ahead of us to clear out of the stretching room and then we were on our way.

Next up, A and I took the wildest ride in the wilderness, while my mom grabbed a seat in one of her favorite places, the rocking chairs along the water. It was another short wait and we got lucky and got a ride in the last car in the dark. I think many people would agree that this is the best way to ride BTMRR.

There was a family on the train in front of us that decided that it was a good idea to leave their backpack on the other side of the loading platform to pick up when they got back. Except you don't return to the same side that you left from. A girl next to us also knew this and pointed it out to the CM who was confused at first but then realized what she was trying to tell her. When we were getting off the ride, we walked past the panicked family in search of their bag.!

I had a request from a coworker for a Maleficent pin so we went to the pin store in Frontierland. I was expecting there to be multiple options to send pictures of to her for approval but there was only one to choose from so it made things easy.

We backtracked a little bit and went to Philharmagic next. We just missed the show and we waited in the almost completely empty waiting area for the next show. For the longest time, it was our group of three and two other people. When the doors opened we struggled to find an open seat (haha!). The CM even joked about it with the recording of Goofy telling everyone to move down to the end of the row. When the show ended the CM let us know that Enchantment was underway and that it was going to be noisy outside and if anyone did not like the noise they were more than welcome to stick around for the next show.

I honestly don't remember what we did after that. I know we had a little bit of time before our ADR but can't for the life of me remember what we did.


The castle is so pretty at night and it also happened to be our dining destination for the night.

When they extended park hours, we were able to snag an ADR for Cinderella's Royal Table during those extended hours. We checked in and were escorted inside the castle in no time at all. My mom took a photo with Cindy herself while A and I decided to pass on that option.


I was surprised at just how small it was inside the restaurant.

When we were seated, we were given our Wishing Stars and we were addressed at Lord and Lady. The meal at CRT is prix fixe so we got an appetizer, entree, and dessert.


I started with the charcuterie. I am not sure what the stuff is in the top right but it tasted good. I am pretty sure if I knew what it was that I wouldn't have eaten it but ignorance is bliss. I only wish that they gave you more toast with this and maybe some cheese too.


For my entree, I went with the filet. It was cooked perfectly and was very tender. The mashed potatoes were perfectly smooth and creamy and the sauce complimented everything very well.


For dessert, I got The Clock Strikes Midnight. It was a chocolate mousse with a caramel-ly filling accompanied by a hazelnut gelato with crunchy hazelnut bits on top. The gelato helped break up the richness of the dessert. It was a great end to a great meal.

Overall, we all agreed that we preferred this meal to Be Our Guest and would eat here again.

After we left the castle, we were given autographed Cinderella pictures and our choice of a sword or magic wand.

We enjoyed a relatively uncrowded departure from MK. There was a ferry approaching just at we got to the front of the line so we didn't need to wait long or cram into a sweaty monorail car to get back to the car.

NEXT: Mother's Day brunch and enjoying our last day...


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DAY 4 -- MAY 8TH

It was already our last day...

We packed up our stuff, loaded up the car, and made our way to the Contemporary for our Mother's Day Brunch at Steakhouse 71.

The plan for the day was to park the car at the Contemporary for our brunch and then leaving it there while we went to MK. A was a little bit leery about leaving the car there while we went to the park. We assured A that it wouldn't be a problem leaving the car there since they don't check any kind of vehicle information when going through the gate. Also, we all have APs so it wasn't like we were trying to skip out on paying for parking.

We checked in for brunch and were seated shortly after. The menu for the brunch wasn't posted online in advance but I had already made up my mind about what I was getting provided it was on the menu.


Thankfully, my beloved burger was indeed on the brunch menu! I cannot say enough good things about this burger! I didn't even care that it was before 10am. I was sooooo happy!

They gave all of the mothers a carnation at the end of the meal which was a nice touch. Unfortunately, that carnation would end up sitting in a hot car all day but the gesture was very appreciated.

We decided to walk off some of the calories we just devoured and took the path over to MK. As we were going through the security checkpoint, the guard started yelling at a woman and her child that were walking through the grassy area at the end of the bus stops and trying to cross the bus lanes to get to the path to the Contemporary. The woman proceeded to try to argue with the guard who stood his ground and told the woman that she had to walk all the way around. I wasn't quite sure what her plan was when she got to the path which is surrounded by rails. People like that just make me shake my head...

We were greeted by some friends on the trolley when we arrived at MK.


I love how Eeyore was just sitting in the back being as Eeyore as he could possibly be!


Not a bad thing to see to start your day!

We went against our normal plan and went left at the hub since we had accomplished a good amount the night before but didn't get to do much at all on that side of the park.

The wait for Jungle Cruise has been consistently high over the past few trips so we opted to suck it up with a posted wait of 50 minutes. We made friends with two solo travelers in front of us in line. One was a young woman from the UK and the other was an older woman from TX. We swapped tales and experiences and bonded over our dislike of Genie+ and LL. However, even making new friends did not distract from the most egregious difference in posted wait time vs. actual wait. It ended up being close to 90 minutes before we made it on to a boat. I don't know what the issue was but it was not a pleasant time. I did notice that we had to wait at least twice for a handicap accessible boat to be put into the rotation and loaded but I can't imagine that that was the whole problem.

This delay really limited how much we could accomplish for the rest of the day. After JC, we took in a show in the Tiki Room to cool off.

Then, we got in line for Pirates. Thankfully, this wait was much less than the posted time. Not enough to make up for the Jungle Cruise debacle but a welcome change anyway.

The wait times for Splash and BTMRR were both too long to wait for so we opted for a @Loco_driver fave, Country Bear Jamboree.

The crowd was really into during this show so it made it even more entertaining.

Next up, we went under the sea and under the really refreshing A/C in the queue on Little Mermaid. I noticed that a couple of the AAs were not working 100%. And, yes @Tuvalu I made sure to wave for Woody.

Our time at MK was coming to an end and the food booths at Epcot were calling our names so we hit up one last attraction on the way out. We were in the mood to laugh and went over to Monster's Inc. I always have an irrational fear of being the "guy who wants to dance" every time we see this show. I have had the pleasure of being "that guy" as my profile pick shows and that is not nearly as bad as being the dance guy would be. Crisis adverted, however, and we walked back over to the Contemporary to get the car.

NEXT: A whirlwind tour of food and drink to end our trip


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DAY 4 -- MAY 8TH

Our flight home was not until 10:30pm so we had plenty of time to head back to Epcot one last time to get our fix of food booths before going to the airport.

Before we hit up World Showcase, A and I decided to jump in the single rider line at TT since it has been a while since either of us had ridden it. We pretty much walked on and ended up being in the same car. I find that this happens a lot on TT with single rider because of the 3 and 3 configuration of the cars. If you get two pairs of standby riders back to back, they end up getting paired with two single riders.

Our first stop in WS was the Mexico pavilion. We hadn't been inside yet on this trip so we climbed the stairs and entered the pyramid. We took advantage of there being no wait for Three Caballeros. We lucked out that we were not on the same boat with the obnoxious party in front of us that tried to ignore what row the CM told them to get into and tried to spread out to take up an entire boat while being loud about it.

After our cruise, we were shocked to see that La Cava had no line at all. We couldn't pass that up.


I went with the Maelstrom (RIP) Margarita and it was as delicious as ever! We hung out inside and finished our drinks before heading back out into the heat.

We were all getting hungry at this point so food was our next goal.

The China booth was nearby and has one of my all time favorite festival dishes.


Crab and Cream Cheese Wontons! I am happy to say that these lived up to my memory of them. Highly recommended!

At this point my mom was over the heat and wasn't feeling up to journeying around the world with us. She sought out some A/C and a seat while A and I continued on.

We both wanted to get the beer flight in Germany so that was our next stop.


M.I.A. Brewing Hugo Lager -- This was an average beer, nothing special. I am confused as to why there was a beer from Florida in a German beer flight. I am pretty sure Germany makes more than one beer...

Bitburger Premium Pilsner -- This, again, was nothing special. It was a basic pilsner. I feel like they could have chosen a better beer to represent Germany.

Stiegl Brewery Raspberry Radler -- This was the best beer of the bunch. Radlers are very low ABV but usually have good refreshing flavor and this one did not disappoint. I will even allow an Austrian beer in this flight. It makes more sense than a beer from Miami.

I also had to get the Toasted Pretzel Bread topped with black forest ham and melted Gruyère cheese. I have had this in the past but this one had something off about it. The ham was gray and almost looked and tasted like turkey instead of Black Forest ham. I love turkey but when you are expecting ham and get something that is maybe turkey it is off putting.

We pressed on after this through Italy. A checked to see if the pizza window was open (it wasn't) and I snapped a topiary pic.


The only other thing I wanted to try for sure was an arepa from the Encanto booth so we made our way over there next.

On the way there, I think I had a possible @Darstarr sighting in Morocco but I was too nervous to shout out DARSTARR!!! so I just kept going. I regret my decision now but I am sure our paths will cross again at some point.

I did not however regret my arepa.


Arepa topped with shrimp, crushed avocado ají, and tomato sauce -- I know this one is not winning any beauty contests but it was very tasty. There was just the right amount of spice that was balanced by the creamy avocado and the three decent sized shrimp. The arepa was a little dry on its own but was a good vehicle to get all those components into your mouth.

We made our way on around WS. A likes to check out the shops in UK so that is where we headed next. Neither of us made any purchases though so we pressed on.

A stopped for something else to eat at the Cider House booth but I can't remember what. I was getting thirsty so I got myself a drink.


Snakebite: Triple Jam Hard Cider and Pure Brewed Organic Lager

This was nice and refreshing. It was a little tart but not overpowering. Great for a hot day.

Next on our trip around we stopped at the Citrus Blossom booth. I am pretty sure A got the cake and I opted for more booze.


Islamadora Key Lime Hibiscus Ale -- This had a very light citrus flavor but nothing that was very pronounced. This was okay but a one and done.

Wicked Weed Brewing Orange Peel Ale -- This one was also pretty basic and did not really stand out at all.

81 Bay Brewing Co. Citrus Honey Cream Ale -- This was by far the best of the flight. I am not usually a huge fan of cream ales but this had a great citrus flavor backed by a slight sweetness from the honey.

With our stomachs and bladders (and livers) full, we opted to head back over to The Land for one last ride on Soarin and LWTL. Both of which were walk ons. We also grabbed a drink (non alcoholic) at Sunshine Seasons to recharge for a bit.

I checked in on my mom and asked if she wanted to join us on one last lap around WS. She was not up for that but she was getting ready to head over to ride Nemo and go to The Land pavilion so we set off on our farewell tour.

We decided to backtrack and went back towards Canada.

There were too many yummy things on the menu at the France booth so we had to stop for one last bite.


Croissant au Fromage de Chèvre, Herbes et Ail Rôtie: Croissant with goat cheese, herbs, and roasted garlic

Pardon the bite taken out of it, I forgot to snap a pic before I dug in. This thing was delicious! I love goat cheese and this was filled with a ton of it. If goat cheese isn't your thing I don't recommend it but if you are a fan like me this is something you need in your life.

We made it around to America and decided to stop for a little bit to listen to The Commodores. We jammed out to a few songs before we had to make our way to the front of the park and head out to the airport.

We met up with my mom and took the saddest drive in Florida...the road back to the airport. We got checked in and through security with no issues. Virtually everything in the airport was closed so it was a struggle just to find something to drink for the flight home. My mom hadn't eaten anything so she was starving and there wasn't really any food to come by so she ended up getting overpriced cheese and crackers on the plane. Our flight was slightly delayed for an unknown reason but once we boarded we made it home with no problems.

This ends another fun WDW trip. Each trip feels more and more like "normal" and I already can't wait for my next trip. We are going again in October, dates TBD, for F&W Festival. I am hoping that they will bring back the special event and seminars this year.

Thank you all for reading and I look forward to living vicariously through your reports until October!


Well-Known Member
Really enjoyed this report. Thank you for taking the time to write it! I like reading about your experience at CRT - I haven't eaten there in several years and it's good to know the food is still delicious. One of my favorite views in the entire world is at a table by the windows in CRT looking out over the Carousel! ❤️
I'm not into goat cheese but my daughter LOVES it (and all things bread based) so I'm going to have to look for that croissant the next time we are in WDW.
So sorry your mom had such a hard time finding something to eat before your flight. It's still so difficult even for me to gauge airports these days - it's just nothing like it was pre-pandemic. I would never have thought MCO would have everything closed before 9/ 10 pm, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised!
Looking forward to reading about your next adventure.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Did you say goat cheese? I'm going to try and find that croissant next month.

I'm not into goat cheese but my daughter LOVES it (and all things bread based) so I'm going to have to look for that croissant the next time we are in WDW.
It's at the Flower and Garden booth in France so it will only be around until 7/4 unless they offer it at the Les Halles.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
On the way there, I think I had a possible @Darstarr sighting in Morocco but I was too nervous to shout out DARSTARR!!! so I just kept going. I regret my decision now but I am sure our paths will cross again at some point.
I wish you had yelled my name. My son would have been mortified and that would have made my day! He still has flashbacks from when @Billy6 recognized me a couple years ago.
Thanks for sharing your trip and never hesitate to meet up with a fellow magician!
Words to live by….

Thanks for a great TR @BwlrBry212

P.S. I really wanted that goat cheese croissant but I was too full by the time I got to France. Seems we both have regrets…


Well-Known Member
I wish you had yelled my name. My son would have been mortified and that would have made my day! He still has flashbacks from when @Billy6 recognized me a couple years ago.

Words to live by….

Thanks for a great TR @BwlrBry212

P.S. I really wanted that goat cheese croissant but I was too full by the time I got to France. Seems we both have regrets…
Yes, I do too.... I kid, I kid...

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