Who here remember this?!


We need time for things to happen.
I don't feel one way or the other about it, but I can TOTALLY understand the hatred around this. If I was taking my wife or kids for the first time I think I would be disappointed.
I didn't realize it but I just saw some pics from one year my wife and I went while were were dating and that bad boy was in the background..
I guess maybe it WAS a bad memory and I tried to forget it...????

EDIT - My wife just saw this...and she said..OH YEAH I REMEMBER THAT....It was my first year and I was disappointed...HA! I guess It was a bad memory that I was TRYING to forget...LOL...

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member

But seriously, I remember the cake castle too and could not believe my eyes. It was THAT bad! It's like going to WDW when one of your favorite rides are down and feeling a little cheated.


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing it - didn't have a negative reaction.... to me, it was something very creative that Disney managed to pull off for a special event. I don't know if they have the guts (or the money) to do something similar again.

I may be wrong, but when I had dinner at Cinderella's after that, one of the servers said that when they put the overlay on the castle it left holes that were not properly repaired and often the restaurant would leak. This may be similar to a 'bus driver' story...but I am gullible and believed it.


Well-Known Member
I was there that year and thought it was neat to see. I definitely like the real castle better, but it was a special thing being celebrated.
Pretty much our thoughts. The real castle is the best but they were at least creative in those days. Although we liked it, the real problem was that they left it up way too long.
Like others have said, my first trip was in '97 when the castle was like this. I was five at the time so thought it was amusing and didn't really know what it looked like normally. Not sure if I could handle all of that pink now but I think it was fine


Well-Known Member
So many people hated this thing. I thought it was awesome, then again I was only 2 ( Yes, I surprisingly remember.) I can see if you were a "once in a lifetimer" you'd hate it. But other than that I thought it was pretty cool.

That was back in 1996 (if I recall correctly). I remember walking down Main Street and looking up only to see this rediculous, overly-decorated Cinderella's Castle in front of me. It was so pink and just the "sweet overtones" was enough to give me a headache whenever I was near it. I hope to God that Disney NEVER EVER does that again.

As a side note, I didn't return to Disney until 1999 when Epcot was doing their Millenium Celebration. At least by then, the castle was restored back to normal.


Well-Known Member
I was in my teens so it didn't bother me at all. Now that I'm 30, I appreciate the architecture and beauty more of the castle and if they were to do it now, I probably wouldn't like it so much. But, as someone pointed out above, at least it was temporary!!


Well-Known Member
Oh $#$%^& clicked on this thread again. lalalala....stop reminding me of this atroscity please.... ok just kidding but I really didn't like it.


Well-Known Member
They should have given it a shiny silver overlay instead. 25th anniversary is silver.

And since the 50th is in only 8 years, I hope they bring back the golden gilded overlay. ;)


Well-Known Member
Better, pretty... but still; distracts from the beauty of Cinderella Castle.
Yes, it did. Not only that, but the little picture down front advertised the other Disney parks. Ads on Cinderella Castle.

And the bling, too, was there for a long time.

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I liked the cake for the 25th. I thought it was fairly clever design-wise, and a bold move on Disney*s end.

It sure was more appealing then what they did to the Castle a few years later...when SGE opened...
Stitch toliet papered it. Yep. Disney toliet papered Cinderella Castle.

Don*t believe me...?

Google is your friend....( though you have been fore warned !)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I liked the cake for the 25th. I thought it was fairly clever design-wise, and a bold move on Disney*s end.

It sure was more appealing then what they did to the Castle a few years later...when SGE opened...
Stitch toliet papered it. Yep. Disney toliet papered Cinderella Castle.

Don*t believe me...?

Google is your friend....( though you have been fore warned !)
Wow. I just looked it up. That was dumb.


Well-Known Member
I also saw the TP. I thought it was HILARIOUS.

First, we were awakened by the stitch phone call, which was unexpected and new that day. Then there were other little Stitch touches here and there. Stitch had escaped and was wreaking some havoc. But when I turned the corner and saw what he'd done to the castle, I literally laughed out loud.

Then the Elvises. And all the little kid Elvises (OmG! So cute!) It was a fun day in the MK.

The ride sucked, but the day was good. And they didn't leave the TP on the castle for an extended length of time.

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