Who hates to leave?


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I was wondering....

Does anyone else get sad and depressed when it comes time to leave WDW after having so much fun there? I know i'll be feeling that at the end of my upcoming weeklong trip....



Trophy Husband
I do get kind of bummed out on the last day . . . but I think the sad feeling is less than the happy feeling just before the trip.:)


Well-Known Member
I start getting depressed mid-way through the trip! :lol:

Seriously, leaving is always hard!
Just come right back here. . .we'll all understand exactly how you feel!


New Member
I live in England, I hate getting on that plane back. Everything is so colorless when you land. I probably go through about a week of wish I was back there :cry:

Then as soon as that is over I start to plan my next trip .... :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I am sad on my last day at the world, but after 10 days it is kind of nice to get back home and into routine. And of course, as soon as we get home, we get to get excited about our next trip already!:sohappy:


New Member
About Wed of the trip I start thinking only 3 more days of Magic left! :(It goes by so fast. Only 10 days to go until I leave right now I'm toying with going over to MK the night we get there. Plane does not get in till 5:30 but MK is open till 11:OO another 3-hours of magic might help!

In the mean time 10 days to go!!!!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
I think that's why we're all here (on WDWMagic, that is). After our last trip we we're on our way home from the airport, stopped at a red light. My wife and I turned to each other, and at about the same time said: "This is so un-magical." :lol: I often wish that "real life" were as colorful as WDW.


Active Member
On my last day (one week ago actually) i was looking forward to coming home believe it or not. Not that i didn't have a great time with my friends, but i missed my wife, and i missed our kitties (Simba and Belle) and was feeling really relaxed and good, and ready to come home.

Of course, the next day at work, i was ready to go back by 9am. :)
I don't liek to leave, but sometimes after a week of Disney its nice to be back home without all the hustle and bustle of all the crowds. Yes being jostled thru lines , bumped into, crowded liek cattle into small spaces after a while gets old to me.

I couldn't believe on my last trip, riding Dinosaur in AK. There was no one in the line, we went into preshow and they did the normal wait and crush as many people as humanly possible into the preshow. Could definitely have just started the preshow without jamming us and let the next few people catch the next one.


New Member
On the last day, I take off all my clothes and climb up into TTA and run to the Space Mountain section and hide there till my parents come for thier next trip.


New Member
On our last day, when the car is being loaded up, I turn into my inner seven yr old, I stomp my feet, hold my breath and throw a regular 7 yr old temper tantrum all the while yelling "I don't want to leave, you can't make me get in that car", :cry:

I have friends who were there at Christmas and they are having serious withdrawal symptoms. They are going to sign up (again) for counseling at the Hollywood Hotel:lol: I have another 232 days until I can get counseling.

So who likes to leave???? no one:(

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