Yeah....i am in the thick of Post-Property Depression right now! Just returned home last night after a fantastic week long visit by myself. was GREAT...
I know what it's like though...the withdrawrel is always tough. It all starts with the arrival of the dreaded "envelope". You know...the Magical Express reminder envelope that is hung on your rooms' doorknob the day morning before you leave! Argh! This is when the visit takes a downturn for some, me included! Someone actually posted a thread about this very topic ( that "envelope" and what it means to many) here last week or a search for more info as it was a good thread that covered the post-Disney depression well.
Anyway....yeah, the "envelope" can set off a chain of events:
That last long look at the Castle right before you leave the MK for the last time.....
.the last viewing of "Illuminations" and hearing the "Promise" music as you exit the park......( very sad on the last night..)
packing your bags ( always sad)....
your last free refill at your resort! ( Yeah, i'm one of those "Mug" people..:lol:, but at least i don't pool hop yet!)
Waiting at the Magical Express pickup stop....( this is when it usually hits me the worst...)
And finally, seeing the backside of the signage on the Property line..and then of course crossing that line ....( man, that is sad too!!)
Sitting at the airport ....sniff....
Take off from MCO...the moment the planes wheels lift off the ground...( sad..sad...SAD!!)
Okay....this is getting me depressed!!!
Time to think happy thoughts now....
Like how i hope to finally visit DisneyLAND for the first time come May 2007!
"Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!"