Which Tour?


Premium Member
So I am have recently become a Disney Fanatic, I have been twice the past year, and plan to go again April 09. I am really concidering doing one of the tours but can not decide which one to go with! I would be willing to go to one in either the MK or Epcot, so any one who has been on a tour please offer me your advice and let me know what was so great about the one/ones uve been on. It will be myself and my Boyfriend both 23 years old, and both pretty much in love with Disney, me a little more so. Thank you all for any help you can give me!


Well-Known Member
I did the keys tour about two years ago and it was interesting. It was a little weird to go through a door on Main Street and all of a sudden you are backstage in a lot with garbage dumpsters, etc.
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Well-Known Member
My husband and I just did the Keys to the Kingdom tour on our honeymoon this summer. We're 26 & 27, and we both love Disney as well. I highly recommend the tour. You'll learn a lot of new things about the Magic Kingdom, and get to see backstage areas & underground in the utilidors. It's about 4.5 hours long, but it flies by. I haven't done any other tours yet, but am considering doing the Epcot Segway tour in March! I've heard that's great too :)
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New Member
Hello, my husband and I have done the Keys Tour twice, The Milestones of Mickey, Behind the Seeds Tour, The Undiscovered Futureworld Tour as well as the big 7 hour Backstage Magic Tour that featured 3 of the four parks. By far hands down we like the Keys to The Kingdom Tour the Best. The second time we took it we were not sure if we would find ourselves bored since we had taken it once already. Not the case at all. We had Mattew as our guide. He had us laughing through the entire tour. We had so much fun we want to take it a third time. It was truely the highlight of our trip that year. If you have any questions about the tours that we took I would be happy to answer them as best as i can.:wave:
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New Member
The Segway Around the World tour at Epcot is a lot of fun. We are doing it again in 15 days!! :sohappy: Its real neat to see World Showcase being set up in the morning and then other guests stopping to take pictures of you as you come back through Future World.
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Well-Known Member
I second the Segway tour - we did the Epcot one a couple of years ago, and we're looking into doing the FW one in February. Great fun!
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
We have done:

The Keys Tour, thought it was excellent, well paced a great mix of trivia and entertainment.
The Undiscovered Futureworld : or a tour of Epcots toilet facilities. a good idea spoiled by the CM guide. The best parts were when he handed over to someone else in the Greenhouse and the International CM who talked about that side of Disney. A good idea spoiled.

Secrets of World Showcase, now no longer available but this was a fantastic tour. Loads of trivia and information about the details of the buildings.

Backstage Safari: despite some mixed reviews this was a good tour, sufficient animal contact to make it something different.
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Well-Known Member
I've done the Family Magic Tour in MK (a blast if you have kids), but my favourites are all in Epcot.

Around the World on a Segway: Loved it! Get as early a tour time as you can, as World Showcase will be empty and all the more lovely. Once your Segway training is done, you go out and tour WS. The guides will take your pictures, you learn alot of facts about the different countries, and you receive a pin at the end of the tour.

Epcot Aqua Seas: This is alot like Snuba (assisted air snorkelling), but in the Seas. It was absolutely amazing. Kids wave at you, you can see into Coral Reef, and it is just breathtaking to see all the ocean life up close (and watch for the hidden mickey). You also get your picture taken, as well as refreshments and a Aqua Seas T-shirt.

Undiscovered Future World: I really like this one just for the fact of going behind some of the scences. It is a walking tour, and you wear headphones to hear the tour guide. I won't give anything away, but you do get a "perk" at the end as well as pin.

Out of the three, it would be a toss up between the the Around the World on a Segway and The Seas Aqua Tour.
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We took the Keys to the Kingdom in 2005 and loved it! Fred was our tour guide who was amazing. I think he said he had been with the company around 20-something years. So knowlegeable and a great storyteller. We still see him everytime we go.

If you're able to do two I think the Segway around WS sounds so fun. I hope we get to try this next year.
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We did Keys to the Kingdom as our first tour. Loved getting all trivia info about MK , going down to the utilidor, seeing backstage and hearig about some of the details in the rides. It also gave everyone an opportunity to ask questions about different things we wondered about. Lunch was included so that was nice also. Our tour guide was great and pointed out things we never would of thought of.
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