Which ride would you chose to get stuck on?

Which of the following rides would you prefer to be stuck on?

  • Space Mountain

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • Splash Mountain

    Votes: 12 12.0%
  • Thunder Mountain

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • Spaceship Earth

    Votes: 23 23.0%
  • It's A Small World

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • Test Track

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • Tower Of Terror

    Votes: 13 13.0%
  • El Rio De Tiempo

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • Rock n' Roller Coaster

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • Pirates Of The Caribbean

    Votes: 20 20.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
For some reason my wife gets very upset when SE stops. She seems to think that the loop will some how reverse itself and that it will race backward. Couldn't tell you how she came up with that, it obviously can't happen. I got stuck on TT once in the "cold" chamber. Even being from Buffalo I found it to be a little too cold after a few minutes.

Boardwalk Girl

New Member
My sister and I got stuck on Test Track in the
heat chamber back in March for about
6 minutes. The heat lamps were on but then
they went off. There was steam coming out
from some pipes that were behind the lamps.
It was warm in there.

Then we got stuck during the barrier test.
It started off alittle shaky. We thought
we were going to have a real barrier test.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by flyersmv
I have gotten stuck on SM on the hill going up right underneath that hawk or whatever it is and trust me u dont want to get stuck there.....we could hear the songs all the way in the back and that stupid bid guy sayin alllllll those stupid lines.........I was stuck for about 35-45 minutes and trust me it was hell......seeing the top of the hill only being 20 ft away and hearing alllll the lines :brick:


I have been stuck on Splash Mountain before and i must say it annoying. I, too, was stuck at the bottem of the chain lift right before the drop!!:brick: They did shut the sound system off, though:D


Well-Known Member
I say PotC, because I could look at the detail closely and like someone else said, its really cool and relaxing in there :)
I'd probably take a nap :p


Haven't been stuck on Tower before, but I'd like to see it with all the lights on, so that's my vote. I'd like to get stuck in Splash as well. :)


Well-Known Member
I would like to get stuck on SE. Its a great ride to just relax on, and when it does stop for like a minute, I don't mind it one bit.


New Member
If I had to get stuck, it would be on Spaceship Earth. No restraints, air conditioned, dark, and tons of scenery to look at!

I've been stuck on this ride plenty of times -- when I was there last November, the thing broke down no less than SIX times in one ride. Granted, they were short stops, but still enough to ruin the tape I was trying to film! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Space Mtn.

And then they turn the lights on, and we get evacuated and get to traverse catwalks, and work our way down.

Any ride really, is acceptable for me, as long as there is a lot of walking in order to get off the ride and see a lot of backstage stuff!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by twirl2378
Also the Backlot tour, even thou it's not a ride. They never really give you enought time to look at costume shop.

Wow! Thats exactly what I was going to say!
I've always wanted to go inside that costume area and sit down at a machine. I'd sew the day away....ahhhh.

BTW, your "name" is twirl. What do you twirl? Baton?
Just wondering b/c I twirl baton (flag rifle sabre, etc) too.


Well-Known Member
I should probably NOT be putting this is writing, but I love to get stuck on Spaceship Earth as you are traveling backwards through the fiberoptic star fields. Hey, I like lights - what can I say.

You know, it would be really cool if they had a special event night, where all the rides operated with the lights on. I know that some people are against that kind of thing, so if it was a special event you would know you are going to see it. I think it would be cool - I don't think there is anything top secret there to hide.


I've been stuck on SE and Splash, and let me tell you, both are hell. I got stuck where the vultures are in Splash and I had to listen to them for so long. In SE I was stuck in the Rome part with that nasty smell for like five minutes. It was really bad.


New Member
Originally posted by epcot2004
For some reason my wife gets very upset when SE stops. She seems to think that the loop will some how reverse itself and that it will race backward. Couldn't tell you how she came up with that, it obviously can't happen. I got stuck on TT once in the "cold" chamber. Even being from Buffalo I found it to be a little too cold after a few minutes.

I'm surprised there is not some mechanism in the spotting of the ride that will turn the heat/cold rooms off.

When I was on Splash Mt during my last visit, my log stopped by the small waterfall the is right before the short lift area that takes you to the final scene (with the boat). Well, the waterfall does get people wet... and we were right under it. We screamed, turn it off.... almost immediately, the flow of water stopped completely.


Naturally Grumpy
Been there, done that...

I've been stuck on all but Tiempo and RnRC...and I'm very thankful for that last one, it's what I'd least like to be stuck on...strapped and inverted

My favorite however is Haunted Mansion...really get to enjoy details of scenes you only get to glimpse otherwise...plus AC.


New Member
They stopped ToT once while I was riding. It was very interesting being lowered slowing down the drop shaft and seeing some of the effects like the ghosts and such while the lights are on.

Splash Mountain can be sort of wierd when they stop the sound track and all of the animatronics mouths are still moving.

We weren't stuck, but waiting in line at the Safari while they cleared away one of the trucks with a flat tire. We just happened to be in the que under one of the tv's that kept repeating the poacher spiel. UGH! We must have heard it at least 25 times.


Well-Known Member
I have to say "ditto" with the other posters who wanted to get stuck on Spaceship Earth with the star fields. I had that happen to me where the ride came to a hald for five minutes and then an announcement came on saying not to get off the ride and that there was momentary delay. I thought maybe it was due to loading or unloading of a disabled person, but it could have been technical difficulties as well.


New Member
I have witnessed many people being "stuck" on SSE. Ninety-five percent of the time the ride stops is to load and unload guests with disabilities. But at times guests do climb out of the vehicles which causes the ride to abruptly stop. I got so sick of guests saying that the ride is crap because it breaks down all of the time!! If the ride is stopped for over ten minutes then the operators have the authority to evacuate the attraction which is no fun!!


New Member
The best place to get stuck would be at the top of spaceship earth....Then you could just lie back and look at the stars.

Either that or TTA. I could ride that all day.

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