Which Resort

Mouse Man

New Member
I need some help trying to figure out which of the resorts that I will be staying at this September 2010. I have it down to POP century vs All Star Movies. Could you please indicate why your preferance over the other. Also how is the all star Music as well, neverbeen or seen it. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
try POP century they have a dedicated bus to and from the parks.
all the other all star (movie,sports and music) share a bus
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Well-Known Member
try POP century they have a dedicated bus to and from the parks.
all the other all star (movie,sports and music) share a bus

That's not always true. All Stars don't always share buses.

I like both equally...The All Stars Resorts feel more shaded, though. If you end up picking the All Stars Movies, request a room in one of the Mighty Ducks buildings...it's closer to the All Stars Music Buses than it is to Movies.
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Well-Known Member
try POP century they have a dedicated bus to and from the parks.
all the other all star (movie,sports and music) share a bus

As someone who has stayed at all the Values, this means nothing. In fact, if anything, it's an advantage. More buses to choose from.

I prefer ASMovies.
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Well-Known Member
I would go for POP - this is based a little on the bus situation but mostly because the resort theme appeals to me a little more.
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Well-Known Member
I've only stayed at POP (Jan '08) and All Star Music (June '01, June '05) so I can't comment on Movies or Sports but my vote goes for All Star Music, hands down.

Why? We like the theming better at ASMusic. We found POP to be somewhat run down and the room was a little dirtier than we would have liked.

ASMusic had outstanding cast members, our rooms there have been very clean, the up keep of the resort has been great, etc. When we stayed at ASMusic we had a dedicated bus. We found that these busses came more frequently than at POP. Additionally, ASMusic is a smaller resort, easier to get around, and more enjoyable to relax at.

In the end we had good experiences with both resorts.
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Active Member
My husband prefers ASMusic over POP. With the three resorts he likes the ability to walk the grounds. ASMusic has activities by the main pool starting around 3pm daily.
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Active Member
Pop Century. We have stayed at all the value resorts in the past but since Pop opened we've only stayed there. IMHO they have the best bus system, their food court is much bigger, and they also have 3 pools and if I'm not mistaken the other value resorts only have 2.........
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Well-Known Member
We have stayed at both Pop and ALMU so I'll compare those two.

Food Court=POP wins All star get extremely packed at peak times
Buses=Equal yes pop does have its own buses but we have waited longer times to get on a bus at pop then at ALMU.
Gift Shop= ALMU, I like how its not connected to the food court.
Rooms=equal pop seems a little more spread out(so rooms in the 50s and 90s are really quiet) ALMU closer together(less of a walk to bus and food court)
Pools=POP this could be argued but I like how pop have 3 pools with one being loud and fun for kids(hippidy dippidy) one for families(bowling pin) and a quiet one(computer)

For us POP won we liked the big things better there. ALMU wasn't bad but for our family, pop worked out for us. either way you'll have fun:)
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New Member
I think you are more likely to run into large school groups staying at the All Star resorts -- and there are always lots of school groups at Disney!! S I'd go with POP -- the pools are great!
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Active Member
I have stayed at All Star Movies and at Pop Century.

The fact that Pop has the dedicated buses is my fav reason to stay there. They always send more buses so even if you don't get on the first you will have up to 5 more coming to get you for Pop I think this is because it is so popular. Pop seams to be quicker to get to from most parks (except AK) because of location. Also agree that I like Pop's pools and quiet areas like 50's. Food court at Pop I feel is better though not sure if I like the retail store into food court "look".

For some parks I think they have dedicated buses for AllStars but there are some that are shared.

I would go with pop Century, but All Star Music I think has the family suites now so if you have a family that could be an advantage.
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Well-Known Member
I've only stayed at POP (Jan '08) and All Star Music (June '01, June '05) so I can't comment on Movies or Sports but my vote goes for All Star Music, hands down.

Why? We like the theming better at ASMusic. We found POP to be somewhat run down and the room was a little dirtier than we would have liked.

ASMusic had outstanding cast members, our rooms there have been very clean, the up keep of the resort has been great, etc. When we stayed at ASMusic we had a dedicated bus. We found that these busses came more frequently than at POP. Additionally, ASMusic is a smaller resort, easier to get around, and more enjoyable to relax at.

In the end we had good experiences with both resorts.

My thoughts exactly! I love AS Music! Bussing is NOT an issue. I've stayed there three times now (during peak and off season) and I've only shared a bus a handful of times (and those times where in the middle of the day). Bussing has been fine all three times we have stayed there!

I've also never found the food court to be that busy... but maybe I've never been at peak dining times!?!

I've never had a problem with school groups or any other groups for that matter. I've never had a problem with noise, etc. Again, maybe I've just traveled at the right times!?!

I like the "feel" of AS Music... it's kind of hard to describe but it has a relaxed and friendly feel to it! The pool is just plain fun in the afternoon - very high energy!

I'm planning my 4th stay at AS Music... I'll be there the first week of March!
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Well-Known Member
Stayed at Pop in the summer of 06 and loved it. It was fun, clean, exciting and I loved that it had it own buses. We never really waited to go to a park or to get back from the parks.

Stayed at AMu in the summer of 08 and although the staff there were amazing, we encountered many problems with the resort itself, found ourselves waiting waaaay too long for buses on a few occasions (where many people actually went inside to complain after waiting 45 minutes to go to a park). Again, the staff were really great and tried to accommodate us as much as possible but the problems were too many. After that we vowed never to stay in a value again.

So, my vote for you is to go to Pop. We really did enjoy it. If we decide to go back to a value, this would be the only one.
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Well-Known Member
Making sure you are deciding between Pop and AS MOVIES, not Music as so many others are comparing.....

I would go with Pop. Not because the rooms are so much better or the staff is better, etc. It's all the same. But POP does have 3 pools, one being absolutely huge with another one very close by and not at the other end of the resort if you want a change of scenery. Also POP has a gift shop concept like none-other that blows the AS resorts away that's connected directly to the food court which is yet another reason Pop comes out on top. Being an AS veteran guest, I was amazed at the difference in this. Not only is it huge with MANY more selections, you don't ever have to worry about finding a seat for the family which was a common problem at the AS.

But I will admit, the theming at Pop is bright. Colors everywhere and did I mention bright?!?! A style for some but not all. My family loved it but you may not. If you want to be immersed in Disney characters non-stop, the AS Movies is great. Kids absolutely love it and honestly, what grown-up doesn't want a picture next to the giant characters too? It comes down to what you want to spend your time looking at and what you'll do at the resort. Pop also has the lake which is beautiful and you can see Illuminations at night at Epcot.

As far as busses, I think it's a wash. As AS Movies is the last in the line of 3 AS resorts, they usually send more busses to it to pick up. When we stayed at AS Sports, we would stop at AS Music but could only take a few and rarely made it to AS Movies. If a nearly full bus came to AS Movies, it was quickly followed by an empty one and we didn't stop at any other AS resort for a pick up. As for Pop, it's a huge resort and busses are coming all the time. At either resort, we never waited more than 10 minutes for a bus. I wouldn't let this be a factor at all.

Either choice you make, you will have a wonderful trip. If you do choose Pop, the tie-dye cheesecake is truly to "dye" for!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
I've stayed at every value resort multiple times. My favorite is Sports. It has, in my opinion, a better layout than the others. Also, I've only shared buses a couple of times during my stay at the ASR. Lastly,

Now, Pop clearly wins when it comes to Everything Pop. The food court is superior. Beyond that, it really is a wash in my opinion. The bus service really equals out because Pop has more rooms than any of the ASR. However, Sports and Music have had the rooms redone and as a result feel a little fresher than Movies and Pop to me. The rooms are pretty much the same when it comes to amenities.

I will say, I find Everything Pop to be a lot more crowded when compared to ASR. Also, Music has the worse layout in my opinion of the other values.

All that said, you asked about my opinion of Movies Vs. Pop. Since the Movies room are older and I do not like the resort as much as Pop. I would stay at Pop. Either way, you'll have a good time.
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Well-Known Member
OOps---saw others do Music so I just caught on.

I have never stayed at Movies. It is the only value I haven't stayed at but being my last attempt wasn't so hot, we will opt out in future trips. Plus we have 2 kids and a third on the way so they would be too cramped for us anyway. We did have a family suite at Music and it was quite a nice room, though.
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Well-Known Member
I have stayed at Pop and ASMu, yes I know you were looking at Movies but you also mentioned Music to here's my $ .02:

I like Pop - buses used to come fairly reguarly but as of late "08 they seem to have slowed down - noticed this same tendency being discussed on the boards and a new transportation system also mentioned at the same time. In the two trips that we have stayed at ASMu I will say that we only had to share buses one time each trip and that was in the middle of the day.

Yes, the food court is wonderful at Pop and has a wide selection. You can get the same foods at ASMu, but some of the food selection is actually in the store and not the dining area. You can find bread loafs, sandwich meats, cearls, cheeses, beer, milk, OJ all in large containers in the store of ASMu.
Over-all resort feel: I find that ASMu has a more 'resort type" feel for me and I think it has to do with the maturity level of the foilage. Pop doesn't have nearly as many mature trees up close and personal with the buildings so I don't get that "resort" type feel as much. I have stayed at Pop 4 times and in two weeks will be at ASMu for the third trip. I will have to say that I have never had a bad encounter with any of the CMs at either resort. The level of service is top notch! If you have a family and are looking for a bit more room I would suggest that you check into the ASMu All Family Suites they are wonderful!

As far as school groups, we were at ASMu with a band/dance competition last year in the first week of March and the kids were just fine. Yes, it was loud by the pool but that is just kids being kids. There was no craziness in the "hallways" that we have heard horror stories of. I have seen just as many kids at Pop and some of them with their families behaving much worse the the "school group" kids. I think you will be happy no matter where you stay - you're at Disney!
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