Which park would you skip?


New Member
Just got back from the world last week. We completely skipped MGM - or should I call it Disney Studios. (Quick note- on the advertising on WDW tv they started calling it "Disney Studios" not MGM.) We stayed at the Beach Club and I can say honestly that we only went near the gates to MGM to go get our dog from the kennel. There's just not much to do there. I think people spend so much time there waiting in line for the RnRC and ToT.
We really enjoy AK and walking through the exhibit areas.


New Member
I am not saying I dislike MGM...its just that I like MK and Epcot more! I have never been to AK so I can't say if I would skip that or not. The last time I went to WDW we only had time to hit up MK and Epcot and I was happy with that.


Active Member
If I had a choice in the matter I'd skip Animal Kingdom. I've only been once (the year it opened) and it was hotter than everywhere else, more crowded than anywhere else, and it seemed that the bus stops were pretty far from the entrance.

Course, I'm not the travel coordinator for this excursion, so guess I'll be going to AK! Hopefully it's better this time around :)


New Member
MGM,there's not much in there that catches my interest,when I go to the world I spend about 3 hours one morning MGM and thats all i'll do for the park then head over to one of the others


Well-Known Member
Hmm. tough call.

Epcot is a must, so that's out.

It's amost a toss up on the other 3.

MK - OBviously, I love... well, loved, the MK, but it has suffered the most from the blatant kiddification/characterification, that is almost saddens me to go. Since I don't have kids, I feel like it's not for me. On the other hand, the things that are left put me in that kid mode again. So, it's a very schizophrenic park experience for me. :lol:

MGM - As a park, it is SORELY lack IMHO. I don't like Fantasmic, the atmosphere is blah and disjointed at best, and it is lacking on attractions. But, it has three of my absolute top WDW attractions (TOT, RnRC, Muppets).

DAK - This park is really starting to grow. It is more balanced than MGM, but it just doesn't have that much. KS, Dinosaur, EE, and ITTBAB are all great attractions, but they don't fill a day, and they do have somewhat limited re-ride. I really feel if they got a strong additional section like a Beastly Kingdomme or something like that with 2 or three signature, all day attractions, it would easily beat MGM if not MGM and MK.

So, all in all, MGM would drop off, but that's what park hoppers are for, right!


Active Member
I go often and if I only see one park it is the Magic Kingdom.

Followed by EPCOT .... Epcot.

MGM "I used to love this park when it was a working Studio" but the removed the animation and studio, It is left without a purpose or theme.


The Animal Kingdom got days I go to this park but other wise lose not sleep in missing it. It is a big Zoo .... Sorry commerical even the CMs on tours admit it and I find it real boring. It opens as early as 7:00am I am done at Lunch.


Well-Known Member
With two very young kids and a need for rest days, we pretty much *have* to skip one Disney park on every trip. We have skipped AK two trips in a row now -- in fact, we have never been!

I couldn't bear to not go to MK or Epcot on any trip. I think we have played out Disney-MGM, so we are most likely to skip that park to finally visit AK in 2008.

EDIT: Then again, Disney will likely jump on Indiana Jones fever with the release of Indy 4 next year, so perhaps that will bump AK in favor of MGM! It's interesting to note that Indiana Jones was *the* main draw for me to MGM when it first opened. I am psyched that that hype may be returning once again!!!


Well-Known Member
On our most recent trip (May '07)we skipped AK. We went last fall and the kids weren't very interested (too young). DH and I got to experience EE on the fall trip, so there wasn't anything new to see. Next spring we will likely return, but arrive early and leave by noon or 1.


That is a tough question. I don't think I could skip any of the parks. I could combine MGM & AK into one day. MK & EPCOT are the best but I don't think I could go to WDW & miss ToT & EE. It is fun to fantasize about combing the best of each park into one big park


New Member
I don't think I could ever skip any of the parks. I love them all for different reasons. It wouldn't feel like my Disney trip would be complete if we didn't visit all four theme parks.


Active Member
I would have to say MGM. The only attractions I still like seeing are Muppets and GMR. I am not a thrill ride person so TOT & RnRC could close tomorrow with no tears from me. I used to really like this park, but it has lost all its flavor to me. I am still trying to decide if it is worth my time to go over one evening to see Fantasmic since I have not seen it before? I have never been to DAK so we will be going there.


Well-Known Member
why skip a park?

the last time we visited WDW we did all 4 parks in THREE DAYS. We split AK and MGM into one day, with going to AK first. BUT we did all the parks in three days. and while I personally wanted more time in MGM, it worked out great.

But you have to be diligent and you have to follow the guides to get the most out of your day.


I can't tell you how many people tell me , well I hate WDW because of the lines..
and I asked them what TIME DID YOU ARRIVE? and I hear 10 am or 11am. well no wonder you get the lines. BE OUT OF YOUR CAR 1 hour before the park is scheduled to be open. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO THE WHOLE PARK.. and that means EPCOT AS WELL.


Well-Known Member
MGM hands down. It's too small, lacks a quantity of rides and attractions compared to the other parks and the layout is horrible and leads to crowded areas.


Well-Known Member
I try never to skip a park...you never know when something you really like is not going to be there anymore...

But if I was forced to choose, I think it would have to be the AK. Although I really enjoy it, it just isn't a full-day for me and the other three (despite MGM's lacklusterness over the past few years) still hold much more sentimental value if nothing else.:)

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