Where would you be right now?


Well-Known Member
Friday at 11:54...

grabbing (another) fastpass for space mountain and riding TTA and Buzz until it's time to ride again!


Well-Known Member
Friday at 12noon...I'd be sitting on the curb in front of Casey's, eating a hot dog with my two sons and daughter (oh, and my wife as well :)) taking a-load-off and people watching while we gear-up for another spin on PoTC, HM, and SM.


Original Poster
Right Now...

Well...it's 1:25 PM or so on Friday afternoon here, so I'd be napping by the pool at SSR, then in about an hour, I'd mosey back to the villa to change around. Then I think we'll hop on the boat for a ride over to DTD where my DW and I will find a cold beer,:slurp: and then do a little shopping before dinner at whatever place we've chosen for the day.:D

I luv WDW

My wife and I would be at EPCOT, probably riding Test Track and thinking about chowing down on a couple of Mickey ice cream bars afterwards.
298 days until our next trip. Nov. 2009, Port Orleans French Quarter.


Original Poster
Right Now???

Sunday morning here in my villa(in my mind)...so I'm headed over to the store for a newspaper to read while eating breakfast on our patio. After breakfast, I think we'll explore off property today, then we'll return to WDW late this afternoon and hit the MK tonight. Can't wait to see WISHES!!!:sohappy:


Original Poster
Right Now...

I would be waiting for the bus at SSR because I would be headed to the Crystal Palace in the MK for our breakfast reservations with the characters...:slurp::sohappy: Only 286 more days until this fantasy becomes reality!:brick:


It would be early morning and I'd be sitting outside, at the white metal tables around the corner from Main Street Bakery, eating a cinnamon roll and planning our first day in the world. It would - of course - be a beautiful sunny, hot day. :sohappy:


New Member
I'd be in Animal Kingdom, or at least in the parking lot, thinking to myself how it absolutely has to be the best park ever.

I loved it; I wish we'd gone there more when were down last month.


Original Poster
Right Now...

Having just gotten off the bus at AK from our resort SSR after a nice quiet lunch on the patio of our villa…I would be walking hand in hand with my DW towards the main entrance to the park.:sohappy:

As the anticipation grows with every step, my pace would increase speed, and my DW would be telling me to “slow down”. I would once again remind her that I’m just a big kid when we’re at WDW to which she would reply…”I KNOW It, SLOW DOWN ANYWAY”! As the turnstiles come into full view, thoughts of National Lampoon’s Vacation would come to mind where Chevy Chase breaks into a full out sprint towards the entrance to “Wally World” with “Chariots of Fire” playing in the background. When my wife notices the gleam in my eye, after being married to me this coming May for 28 years, she would automatically say “Don’t you dare…” then from out of nowhere she would say “Oh go ahead.” I’d take off, passing my 19-year-old DS in the process as he shakes his head in disbelief all while hoping none of his friends bear witness to his father who once again, lost his mind because of the mouse.:hammer:

Get the idea here? I’d be having a blast, and I wouldn’t care who’s watching or what they’re thinking…:king:


New Member
If I was there right now I would be on the WEDway people mover. Although in 14 days from now I will be walking around DHS looking forward to my sons 8th birthday dinner at Prime Time Cafe!!!!

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