Where were you when you heard about the 9-11 attacks?


Well-Known Member
Tramp said:
Two things that stand out in my mind. (1)Around noon, two warplanes buzzed the treetops in my very small, suburban town and I knew we were at war with an enemy willing to take unlimited casualties. (2) The skies were dead quiet that night except for the occasional pulsating blades of a distant helicopter transporting burn victims to Yale. Very, very eerie...and reminiscent of a time in my life long ago.

I remember how quiet that night was. I'm 45 miles north of NYC, near West Point. There is a major Air National Guard base close by. Every once in awhile you could hear the choppers head down the Hudson....very eerie.



Well-Known Member
I was in passing period, as soon as i got into second period english... i found out... It was hard to figure out what happened, when we only had the TV on for 2 min and students still comming in... for the rest of the day, we watched the news.....


Well-Known Member
When all the planes could not fly that was just so errie. I live about 20 minutes away from an airport and not hearing them was creepy. Then the air base near us kept sending out jets to circle the houston area.


Well-Known Member
My sister was in the parking lot of her school... Which is right next to TIA. (Tampa's Airport) She saw the plans landing, and not leving. And what ever jets that could be dispatched to Mcdill and Tampa flying in circles.... (that was scarry for her)

Boo's Mom

New Member
I didn't hear about it until I was waiting for the bus at school around 3:45 and someone said something about it and I finally got a clear understanding when I got home and that was all that was on the tv. I saw one of the buildings (not the twin towers but one of the other ones around it) collapse live on tv. It was horrible. My nanny had just stood in that lobby and my great aunt and some friends had just toured the towers at the end of June 2001


New Member
I was a junior in Highschool at the time. I was in second period english class when our principal informed the school that "Due to the attacks in New York and DC we have secured the building."

He didn't elaborate any further. It wasn't until 3rd period that a TV was turned on in every classroom. Being so close to DC, many students had parents who have jobs in the district. It was scary...

I go to GW now in the heart of DC. I can't imagine what it would have been like if I went there three years ago.:(


New Member
I was getting ready to go to work while listenning to the morning news on the radio where they announced that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. I ran to my parent´s bedroom where they had the tv on and we saw the second plane crashing to the second tower live! That´s when it hit us that it was definitely on purpose.
A friend of mine was in Chicago on a business trip and the first thing that came to my mind was to call him and warn him not to go near the Sears Tower there. I couldn´t find him on the cell phone, but got a quick email from him later that day so I knew he was fine, but stuck in Chicago with some coworkers. They had to rent a van to go back to Michigan a couple of days later.

The rest of the day, I watched the tv at work and at home. I couldn´t get any work done that morning, we were all in shock.


New Member
It just so happened that I was sick on that day and could not go to work, but I turned on the tv and could not beleive what was happening, at first I thought I was watching a movie or something, when it sunk in that it really did happen I went on the forums. :(


New Member
I was asleep. I remember my mom coming in my room just hysterical. She was talking a mile a minute and I didn't really understand what was going on until I saw footage on tv. I think the second plane hit right after she woke me up so it was around 9 that morning.

My mom's best friend had called to tell her and she just couldn't handle it so she got me up. We sat in front of the tv all morning in complete shock. I remember feeling numb like I was dreaming. I was thinking how my brother and father had just been there a few months before.


Well-Known Member
I was at work. There was a shop near us and people were looking at the television in disbelief. Sometimes I wonder how could people do such horrible things to each other? I know though in this world of uncertainty, courage and love can erase an evil. Seeing that in those people who endured such horrors can only be an example of the greatness we can achieve. My heart goes out to them.


Active Member
General Grizz said:
I was in the teacher's lounge, and I heard of the first plane crash in the World Trade Center on the radio. Most students thought it was an "accident" - not an attack - until we had the televisions up.

Students were allowed to go to certain rooms to watch coverage.

Needless to say, it was difficult to maintain a calm atmosphere in the classroom that day.

What are your stories?

I, too, was in the teacher's lounge when a teacher came in a said the tower was hit. we thought it was a joke because that's the kind of guy this was. As Matt Lauer was interviewing the witness, I saw the second explosion and remember thinking how wierd it was that terrorists were using plane bombs instead of car bombs.

Unfortunately we're in the middle of a major building project, so the classrooms didn't have tv, so we had to listen to the radio.


Well-Known Member
I was at school, a girl told me that someone had blown up the White House, just an example of how many scattered rumors had spread even though the attacks had happened only a few hours before. Then I came home and my mom told me what had really happened.


Well-Known Member
I was working as a contractor at an engineering firm when someone told me of a plane hitting the World Trade Center. Thought it was a stunt and didn't really think more of it until somebody said a second plane hit. We ran to turn on the television in the breakroom and my mouth dropped. Then my heart sunk when the first tower collapsed.


Premium Member
I was in English class. Our teacher informed us that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, but she didn't know what type of plane it was. I had thought it may have just been a small Cessna or possibly a Learjet. A lot of people left school early as well. I didn't though. All we did in the rest of the classes for the day was discuss what had happened and what was going to happen in the future.

I remember it as if it had happened yesterday.....


New Member
I was in 2nd hour World Religions class in the computer lab doing research on our religions for a group project. My teacher had a tendency to wander around the school and had wandered into the Main Office. When he came back, he turned on the TV and told us all that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. Immediately everyone in the class tried to get onto one of the news websites but of course, no one could because they were too busy. The first tower fell during the passing time going to 3rd hour. At the start of 3rd hour, the principal got on the PA system and talked to us about it for a few minutes. We watched TV in most of my classes that day (except band because our director figured we’d seen enough of it by 6th hour and there wasn’t really anything new to report). When I was in my 5th hour English class, we watched Bush speak and my teacher, an 85-year-old man, was sitting in the back of the room with tears running down his checks. When you see someone that old crying you know it is important. I called my mom during lunch and found out that my dad had been in the RenCen (GM headquarters and the tallest building) in Detroit at the time and had been evacuated and was stuck somewhere on I-75 heading north towards home.

The next day my marching band was going on a field trip to play at the Older Person Center’s fall picnic. We got a standing ovation when we played the Star Spangled Banner and other patriotic music. Then we went to an elementary school to perform for then. When we played God Bless the USA, a Kindergartener brought an American flag to our Drum Major to hold while the band played. The Drum Major happens to be one of my closest friends and he said that it was hard for him not to cry when this little 5 year old did that. We have that performance on our band tape from that year and every time I watch it, it makes me cry a little bit.
I woke up that morning getting ready to go to school as a physical therapy student. It was the second week of school and my teachers, classmates, and myself were just starting to get to know each other. I turned on the TV minutes before the second airplane hit the tower. I was living in an apt in downtown Chicago, so I walked to school and told some of the teachers and students who didn't know. We were supposed to have class and I think my teacher tried to teach but she was feeling nauseous. We ended up taking the TV on our floor and watching the footage. I felt so terrible for the suffering going on in New York, but I also was very scared at that time that something was going to happen in Chicago. My mother even called me frantic telling me that if something happened, I needed to get home one way or another even if it meant walking 40 miles to get there.

The Mom

Premium Member
I was here. I had neither seen TV nor heard radio , as I had listened to a CD while driving my children to school.

I checked new posts, saw the thread title, and opened it, assuming it was a "vent" thread.

I wish it had been.

Wckd Queen

New Member
I was getting dressed for work and had the Today Show on, as usual. I can still remember what I wore...olive greek capris and a coordinating silk shirt. To this day I have not worn that outfit again. Funny the things you remember, isn't it? At the time they first reported it, we didn't know it was an airliner. We had just assumed it to be a small plane, a sad and unfortunate accident. I remember that my eyes watered up, because I realized there had been people on that level of the building, and the plane had probably killed a few of them...little did I know.


New Member
Wckd Queen said:
I can still remember what I wore...olive greek capris
'Olive greeK'??? What color is that?? I am afraid I don´t know it...
Association of ideas or what, Lisa? ;) :lol:

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