Where Sould The Indiana Jones Ride Be?

Where sould The Indiana Jones Adventure be?

  • Adventureland

    Votes: 17 25.4%
  • Asia in AK

    Votes: 18 26.9%
  • Disney/MGM Studios

    Votes: 31 46.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To tell you the truth I think it should pobably go in MGM because it has to do with movies. But I don't know....... It might go good in Adventureland.


I vote for MGM, I think it would fit in AK, but since its a animal themed park I dont think it would go over well.

MGM does need a few new attractions, and I think it would be good to put it near the Indy show. First watch the show and then experience the ride :)

But wherever it ends up I'll ride it anyhow lol.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
Wow, that explains everything!:lol:

As I understand it....

Smoke is condensed in a circular shape... At one end is the open end.. The other is either a plate or a " gun". The smoke fills the hollow shape.. Then the " gun" or plate is triggered and either the plate moves forward at a fast rate or compressed air is set out and sends the ring into flight.

How the ring is formed:

The air is trapped on the outer rim so it goes back into the shape making a vaccum type of deal causing a circling round ring.


Well-Known Member
I say for MGM. they should place the attraction in that park, near the parking lot. Where it was to go, till dinosour came for AK.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by toystoryma
I vote for MGM, I think it would fit in AK, but since its a animal themed park I dont think it would go over well.

MGM does need a few new attractions, and I think it would be good to put it near the Indy show. First watch the show and then experience the ride :)

But wherever it ends up I'll ride it anyhow lol.

Those are actually some pretty good points.


Definately not AK becuase a) they already have Dinosaur and b) (the most obvious) Indiana Jones has very little to do with ANIMALS!:hammer:

I voted for MGM, because it could use one more big attraction to make it great. And also, is there really room in Adventureland (it doesn't really look like it, but I don't know. :confused: )


New Member
lol how ironic this post got started, i was just thinking this exact question earlier today while looking at an old MGM map.

but anyway, this is a VERY good question..... it could really go anywhere, and there would be tons of positive/negative points to view depending on which angle you look at it.

you see, i first said mgm; like stated before: "a movie based ride in a movie based theme park" and though it would work, you have to remember Indy already is over at mgm (hes got his own stuntshow already) so i mean, two popular attractions based on the same character, i cant see it working unless you created a new section of the park "INDY LAND" -and incase you didnt catch that, tha was some extreme sarcasim lol! -also i feel that would seriously put mgm in the far lead fro the title of "the thrill park" of disney world. -maybe we should spread the thrills around a bit??

as for Mk, i dont really see why not... i just never realized they had the room for another major attaction in the AL area of the park.

AMK- i could see it work, infact i could see it work well in asia, but and ofcourse, theres a but, well for 1.) it was said that indiana jones wouldnt fit in with the theme of the park, and that is a good point. and 2.) you have to keep in mind that you already have the attraction "dinosaur" here. and even though I would love the attraction regardless of where it is, if you were to put it in AMK, (i can hear it now) you would have all those pessimists (sp) who would say "didnt i just go on this ride, except last time there were dinosaurs" -but i suppose i could kind of relate; being that it is the same ride system, and for god-sakes i think the cars are even practically identical! -damn pessimists!

so, honestly you've go me stumped... :confused:
great question though!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To tell you the truth, I'm kinda stumped also. Maybe they'll replace the stunt show with somthing else so they can have an IJA. I can see the stunt show now, "The Lord of the Rings Stunt Spectacular". That would be neat.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
You don't know about the Indiana Jones Adventure ride in Disneyland??????

Yeah, I know of the one in DL, but you folks are making it sound as if one is being built in WDW...


Originally posted by WDWKing
Yeah, I know of the one in DL, but you folks are making it sound as if one is being built in WDW...

Were just sorta speculating. As far as I know there are no actual plans for the ride to come to WDW, but seeing as how it is such a popular ride at DL, its a very definate possibility it could.


Well-Known Member
The way I see it, theme should not be the deciding facor here. I think that if there were a certain park that would need a new E ticket like Indy, they could rewrite the ride to fit the surrounding theme.

For instance:
Adventureland: Here, the ride would be best if done like that at Disneyland (with changes, of course, to distinguish it from its brothers in the other parks). It focuses mainly on Adventure, of course, and in doing so adds new storyline and things (like the temple and the Forbidden Eye, etc) so it would be original.

MGM: Here, the ride would work best, in my opinion, modeled around the Indy movie series (and possibly the new one comming out soon). This is the movie park, so, like Star Tours, it would be fitting to have it travel into its own movie series instead of making up an original story for the ride.

AK: Here, well, it would be themed around animals/ and animal in some way. Mabey have it be a temple of a lost creature (mabey part of Beastly Kingdom), or just a temple with a lot of dangerous, ferocious animals comming after you, like lions and tigers and....snakes. Its a stretch, but It could help the theme.

Out of those ideas, I guess I would choose the one in AK, because the park needs it and it sounds to be the most original. But, you know, if they were to spend that much money on a project like this, trying to tie Indiana Jones together with animals in some way, it would probally be easier to think of a whole new original idea for an E-Ticket. Like, well, for all the Beastly Kingdom rumors or something. So, i dunno.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineersrock
2.) you have to keep in mind that you already have the attraction "dinosaur" here. and even though I would love the attraction regardless of where it is, if you were to put it in AMK, (i can hear it now) you would have all those pessimists (sp) who would say "didnt i just go on this ride, except last time there were dinosaurs" -but i suppose i could kind of relate; being that it is the same ride system, and for god-sakes i think the cars are even practically identical! -damn pessimists!

you DO have a point, DL's Indy is nearly identical to AK's Dino...BUT you also have to remember that MK has 3 attractions that are nearly identical and that hasn't seemed to hinder the attractions' popularity. besides, doesn't DL's let you choose which path to take? if WDW made theirs like that, then it would help to differ it from Dino :)


New Member
Adventureland: I think it would work here the best. I think it fits adventureland very well.

Asia in AK: It would be nice if Animal Kingdom got a new ride, but
I don't think it would work here because of Dinosaur.

Disney/MGM Studios: It would work ok here but MGM already has all the good thrill rides, RnRC and ToT.

Other: Maybe they could put an Indiana Jones ride in EPCOT and have him find out how parents have children, what foods you should eat, and how to grow plants. :hammer:


New Member
I would like to see Journey to the Center of the Earth in Magic Kingdom and Indiana Jones in MGM. I just cannot seen Indiana Jones in Magic Kingdom. Just do not thin it would fit as well as it would in MGM.


New Member
Originally posted by Brooke
Other: Maybe they could put an Indiana Jones ride in EPCOT and have him find out how parents have children, what foods you should eat, and how to grow plants. :hammer:
lol- brooke your a genius!:lol:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
There are 3 possible places in WDW for an Indiana Jones Adventure. Which places should it be?
Disney/MGM Studios, The Asia themed area in AK, or Adventureland? Maybe it could possibly be somwhere else in WDW? I know it should be a few years before WDW gets one, but where do you think it sould be if they make one?

There's only one place...Animal Kingdom

Indiana Jones And The Secret of The Forbidden Mountain

There you go!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
I thing that an Indiana Jones Ride would only fit at MGM studios. But something different like boat ride similar to splash Mnt. and special effects like Dinosaur. I could be placed near the stunt show. A new story line could be created for the ride and then the stunt show could be changed to follow the same story line. This would make both attractions more interesting and exciting. Besides, with a new movie in the works, it could be good timing for some good publicity.


New Member
Re: Re: Where Sould The Indiana Jones Ride Be?

Originally posted by Corrus
There's only one place...Animal Kingdom

Indiana Jones And The Secret of The Forbidden Mountain

There you go!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

-good one corrus, i can see it now...!

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