Some pics from Thanksgiving at Mom and Pops yesterday…!!!
DWifeys (Carolyn) apple pie, in the morning, before we headed over…!!!!!
Snacks on the kitchen island, including spinach dip with sourdough bread, chips with roasted red chili pepper salsa, crackers with Brie, etc….!!!!!
Green bean casserole and dressing (I call it stuffing only when it’s been cooked inside the bird

These were mini tart cups with Brie and a spicy fig jam…vey good…!!!!!
My plate…
White meat and dark meat turkey, clove and honey flavored baked ham, broccoli salad, mashed potatoes, pasta salad, kale salad, green bean casserole, dressing and sausage…!!!!!
My brew…!!!!!
Time for some dessert…
Our oldest granddaughter (Emory - “Emmy”) with the vegan, made from scratch, frosted pumpkin spice cookies they brought, Mom putting out pies and one of my pecan pie slices…yes, I had 4 of those vegan cookies and 2 slices of pecan pie…!!!!!

And, finally, Pop gettin’ the rest of the turkey meat off the bones to be used for sandwiches, etc….!!!!!
It was a great time, and a very happy Thanksgiving…!!!