Like I said, our hockey team is a club sport, so it's not affiliated with our schools. There are some surrounding towns who come for it, too. I'm surprised we're able to keep it up. I only work in a town with a population of a little over 5,000. And we're the biggest city within 30 miles.When I started teaching here the girls basketball team was great, lots of appearances and some wins at state tournaments. Our biggest sport is wrestling. Lot of state champions individually and team championships. I can't stand watching it though. I just don't understand the appeal but I am proud of our boys and the few girls that have competed for our school. Our school isn't very good at football either. I wish we were big enough for a hockey team but in the years I've taught here we only had 4 students play hockey, and they were allowed to play for other districts, it was 2 boys and two girls that played.
One of the districts I student taught in was big on wrestling. I was really put off by it after I saw the culture behind it. There were 4th graders who wouldn't eat lunch on certain days because they were afraid they wouldn't meet their weight class when they weighed in that night. There were teachers who let them come to their classrooms during lunch, so the kids wouldn't have to be around food. It felt really gross to me.