When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
It sounds crazy, but it’s not ….
We were planning to go home tomorrow to cut the grass and do 2 or 3 loads of laundry. Our neighbour was staying out of his wife’s way today (while she was doing her manic leaving-for-Greece-in-24-hours packing) so he cut both the front and back.
So, we could drive 40 minutes home and spend 4-5 hours of wash/dry time, or we can drive to a laundromat <15 mins away and get all the laundry washed, dried, and folded in less than an hour. Yeah, it will cost $15-$20; but on the other hand gas for the car, and water and hydro for the machines at home aren’t free either.
Mike thinks I’m nuts. I think I’m brilliant.
We were planning to go home tomorrow to cut the grass and do 2 or 3 loads of laundry. Our neighbour was staying out of his wife’s way today (while she was doing her manic leaving-for-Greece-in-24-hours packing) so he cut both the front and back.
So, we could drive 40 minutes home and spend 4-5 hours of wash/dry time, or we can drive to a laundromat <15 mins away and get all the laundry washed, dried, and folded in less than an hour. Yeah, it will cost $15-$20; but on the other hand gas for the car, and water and hydro for the machines at home aren’t free either.
Mike thinks I’m nuts. I think I’m brilliant.